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  1. One of my favorite bands, is Sigur Ros. And this is why I learned to play guitar using a bow ... I know violin bow is not that good for being used on guitar, but it was the cheapest and easiest choice I had. So, today I felt so Scandinavian (LOL), and decided to make something like Sigur Ros (you know, when someone feels Scandinavian, he/she may make some trve kvlt music \m/ ), then I picked my bow and tuned my guitar to DADGAD, and this is the result :
  2. Imagine an old church, in middle of a jungle. It rains. Church is abandoned for more than one hundred years, but when you arrive, the bells start to toll, a woman starts whispering and it makes you scared, and ... let's hear it!
  3. Hey guys. I've made this peice and seem to be making a lot like this these day. Does anyone know other dudes who sound like me? Or have any feedback for me? I'm kinda in the dark hear. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks
  4. I just composed this piece, when I was too tired at work. So, I decided to complete it before leaving the office. I really like it, because it has a sense of depression and sadness, hidden in different layers of sounds (Jungle ambient, industrial drone, piano & drums, flutes...)
  5. Greetings. I'm currently work on soundtracks for a survival horror video game (probably the first Iranian game in this genre!), and in the game, there's a corridor, and I composed this piece for the corridor scene. Please let me know your opinion. Thanks.
  6. Just randomly found this Lp and it's artist https://immnnt.bandcamp.com/album/evaporate-lp Very easy to listen, very soft, very relaxing solid play.
  7. This is one of my "Projekt Noire" works, which is a drone/ambient project. I started it in 2016, and you can listen to my work using this link : https://projektnoire.bandcamp.com/track/drowning-in-mind
  8. I just got Guitar Rig 5 and i wanted to do something with my guitar :) So this is a short peace iv created in an ambient mood, it was almost on my first try. I combined guitar (with ambient effects) and than on that, i played bass. I put them together, add some piano and this was the product. Waiting for comments :)
  9. Not really daily sketches anymore, sadly. I'm hoping to at least on a schedule with them. Anyway, here's one I did today. It's pretty different than what I normally write and the vast majority of them are based on constant structure M7 chords, but with some dominants thrown in there. It's also kind of generic and common sounding but I hope it's nice to listen to!
  10. Here's a piece I just recently finished.. The main motif, is only 4 bars long, which got boring pretty quickly.. I split the riff up between different instruments.. also created variations of it. Then a counterpoint riff also give it further diversity..
  11. I am a true free spirit. Being charming, independent, energetic and compassionate. Knowing how to relax, and being perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist in the workplace to that imaginative and enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor, often drives my music with a suddenness that can surprise even their closest friends. Being in the mix also gives me a chance to connect emotionally with others through music, giving them cherished insight into what motivates myself, friends and colleagues. Everyone should take the time to recognize and express their feelings, and their empathy and sociability make that a natural conversation topic.I spend a lot of time exploring feelings and ideas before they find something that rings true becomes a musical melody. I hope to establish a place in this world, through my imagination, empathy and courage are likely to produce incredible sounds and music that resonates with others.I figured I would start sharing on musical forum first to expose my creations to others with like minds I hope. Well my channel is below and feel free to comment or let me know your thoughts.Thanks in advance.Mhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtu...BD_CiElj41bd5w
  12. I created a track for foggy scenes. Listen to it here
  13. So instead of posting multiple threads, I just compiled them in a series.... More will be uploaded later...
  14. (Above is just a visualization image, not my game) This is an accompanying tense music for a scene on my game where the player is investigating a mysterious town in the outlands where there have been reports of cult activities. This is track meant to be faded in and out at certain intervals only. It is a space filler.
  15. Ok this is the last of my projects. This is a background track for the scene in my game where characters swim under the river to avoid enemy patrol boats :D This is created solely with synths. Suggestions always appreciated.
  16. Nocturnal creatures on hunt. A music I made for a scene on my game where the player walks through a forest in the night.
  17. I've been working on this album for 2 days now. It was a mixed album (ambient, metal and Gothic horror) This album was inspired by Akira Yamaoka, a composer for the Silent Hills series. https://hanszimmerman.bandcamp.com/album/ghost-town Can you point out it's flaws and provide helpful criticism?
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