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Found 10 results

  1. Hello Guys, I participated in a composer contest. The task was to create an original piece of music about an artwork. Maybe this is not the final version, but I think it's close to it. Do you have any suggestions to enhance the quality? I can't come up with anything new... Here's the artwork: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8vXmE
  2. Hello Again, It's just a brand new typical "aah" vocal piece of music. I think the video is pretty cool, and fit the piece. I used medieval instruments again.
  3. Hello, I composed it for a composer competition. The task was, that the participants had to compose a piece of music about this image in the video. Feel free to share your opinion with me! 🙂
  4. Hey, how is everyone doing? Long time since I posted something here. (Also damn, this is my 200th post on this forum!) This time I bring you the result of a pretty interesting art trade I did where I had to compose a piece in a medieval style. Here you have the link: You have a commentary of the piece in the description of the video, and if you have any doubts just leave a comment here. I would appreciate any feedback, I hope you will like it or find it interesting. 🙂 Shares are appreciated too! If you want the final score here you have the link to my upload to Musescore: https://musescore.com/user/31566834/scores/6866952
  5. Guest

    Sword in My Hand

    Sword in My Hand (Opus 16) was inspired by Celtic and Medieval folk music. It was a part of my music production class assignment asking for complete percussion tracks. It was challenging, since I'm completely not a rhythm oriented person, and I think that the rhythm section is the worst part of the composition. Among several other instruments, the piece is played by celtic harp, hammered dulcimer, tin whistle, recorder, lute, irish bouzouki, accordion and string section (violins, cellos and basses). It is written in E flat major with a short bridge in E flat minor. The composition is all midi; I'm not capable of finding a musician playing a harp to be able to record my music, and I only possess low piano skills. I'm also not pretty sure about the panning and reverb accuracy. There is no score for this composition. I personally think, that this is one of my worst works I've ever completed. Thank you for listening and any helpful hints or comments are very welcomed!
  6. Guest

    Opus 13

    Opus 13 written for celtic harp, sopranino recorder, violoncello, viola da gamba, harpsichord, medieval lute and contrabass. For full album cover and more music click : https://www.reverbnation.com/mademoisellelilaclucrezia Opus 13.mp3
  7. Opus 9, Madrigal no 1, written for SSATB(lyrics : Bright Star by John Keats). Full album cover and more music available here : https://www.reverbnation.com/mademoisellelilaclucrezia Opus 9.mp3
  8. Guys, please, I've never found it would be so difficult... I'm looking for some choral pieces written in strict mixolydian mode, but I don't want a modern one. I want those old medieval pieces, or maybe from renaissance. It just has to be mixolydian and choral. (preferrably for not too many voices...) Thanks in advance^^
  9. I apologize in advance for not knowing the technical slander in english. In medieval music, did they use modulation and "sensitive notes"? (These are the ones a semitone under the note that defines the key... don't know the word for this either)
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