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  1. Just completed this after spending two months trying to come up with something in F. Decided to experiment a bit here with weird rhythms etc. and don't know if it is a successful use of these things or not. Any advice/feedback is greatly appreciated, cheers. Also thanks @Tortualex, @maestrowick, @Jean Szulc and @J.Santos for your feedback on my previous Eb min. nocturne. I'll work on the suggested improvements but it will most likely take a while as it take me ages to come up with anything now.
  2. Gradually trying to work up the keys. This nocturne is again an update like the Eb major one was. Its taking ages. Not sure about the time signatures or ending. No slurs as the software treats the slurs as a pedal sometimes. This piece might be a bit of a mess but don't know. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks very much.
  3. This is the first time that I have arranged a Chopin piece. Not only that, but it is the first Chopin piece I ever played, so I am very familiar with this piece. I know, I need a countermelody or something along those lines for the first violin. But there is a bit of a problem stopping me from doing this. That is just how close the second violin gets in pitch to the flute. Typically, there is less than an octave of space between the second violin and the flute in any given beat. That doesn't allow for many countermelody notes if I want to keep things relatively consonant. And of course I want to keep things relatively consonant because of the beautiful melody in the flute. I also don't want to have the countermelody have so many short notes that it becomes the main melody. The flute is playing the main melody and I don't want to underwhelm that(I already get close to that with some of the forte dynamics). There are no slurs in what I have written, mainly because the phrasing of the bass line is super clear just from the notation and, I have no idea where a flutist would take a breath. I can only barely get the first and second octaves to sound right, still doing that C major octave scale exercise and the staccato exercise on my flute. And this is after more than a month of flute practice, so while I technically can play melodies on the flute at this point, I am limited to legato melodies with short phrasing that aren't super elaborate. What do you think of my arrangement of Chopin's Nocturne in Eb?
  4. Tried to improve on the old nocturne in Eb major. It was a real pain this one. Please let me know what you think and any feedback is good.
  5. Didn't like the old c major nocturne so tried to make a new one. Please do leave feedback.
  6. I know I'm pushing it a bit calling this a nocturne. First time I have tried to compose this sort of piece. Please do let me know where to improve. Thanks.
  7. Fifth nocturne. Maybe too repetitive but not completely sure. Please do give feedback if you have any. Thanks very much.
  8. Attempted a section in an odd time signature. Trying to combine the middle section with the rest of the piece took ages. Please do give feedback. Thanks.
  9. I feel like this has ripped off something else but I'm not sure. Please do let me know what you think. Thanks.
  10. Just finished this piece recently. Any feedback is very much appreciated.
  11. Greetings. I listened to lots of waltzes and nocturnes, specially those which are composed by my most favorite composer, Chopin, and I couldn't find any "Form" or formula to make a nocturne or waltz. I have searched about Waltz, and I found it's a piece with 3/4 time signature, and one chord per measure. But, I really couldn't write anything sound like a waltz I heard before. And also, I couldn't find any guides or tutorials on writing a nocturne (I know that's "Music of the night", but anything about form or anything similar?) Thanks
  12. This piece was the inspiration for nocturne 2. It is meant to convey a depressing atmosphere. I'm sure there are several improvements. Feedback is appreciated.
  13. My fifth nocturne. Not too sure about some sections, like from measure 44. Of course let me know what you think and areas for improvements. Thanks.
  14. A fourth nocturne. This is the first time that I have tried to compose a dark piece. Not sure if it is decent or not. Feedback is of course appreciated thanks.
  15. Sorry if I am uploading too many pieces at a time. Let me know if I should stop. I was thinking of a misty view when writing this. Hopefully that suits the piece. The main theme doesn't really change that much so that may be a problem that needs sorted, but I'm not sure.
  16. I don't think this is really a nocturne, but I composed it with the night in mind. It doesn't really flow that well in my opinion, but not really sure how to fix that. Please do let me know where to improve, as I do think this piece does need to be changed.
  17. I have composed a few nocturnes. This is my first one. It is very simple. Any advice for how to improve is of course appreciated.
  18. I was just practicing music theory, and then, I decided to write something classic, and I tried to follow every rule I learned. Also, I could solve the problem "feeling incomplete" by using Cadence. I hope you enjoy!
  19. Maybe I should stop with the food joke. Idk, it's just that I've been composing music for over three years, and I count my music level as more than starving. I'm not over-fed though. There's my four hands nocturne. I composed it as a game ost (cause I really thought I could make a game). Please give it a listen and tell me what you think. *Yes, I know the bass line is repetitive. I composed it in a game-like style for a situation that nothing really happens. Try to listen with that in mind.
  20. Greetings. I composed this 40 seconds : It actually is what I understood from scores I have read. I know there are some problems in signs and slurs I used, so I shared it to know your opinion. Thanks!
  21. A little one Nocturno en Gm Partitura completa.pdf Nocturno en Gm - Nocturno en Gm.mp3
  22. Hello guys, This is my new piano composition. I hope you'll share your opinion with me. :)
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