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  1. Hi everyone! This is my first vocal/choral work to post here so far (If I don´t count a jazz song with my vocals which I´ve posted in the jazz section before). I wrote this one for strings, piano and soprano, for a talented Croatian singer Hana Huljić who also happens to be a great composer aswell. However, this is still a demo and the singer on this demo did not have any experiences with singing opera before and she is not a soprano, so it was a bit high for her, but I still love her performance very much. She´s a friend of mine and was very willing to sing the demo for Hana, I´m very thankful to her. I always loved Ave Maria songs, especially the Schubert one, and I always wanted to write one myself one day, and the day has come. Since there are so many Ave Maria already, I decided to write it for "Zdravas Mária" which is the Slovak equvivalent of the prayer. Please let me know how you like it!
  2. Hi all 🙂 Here's a new piece (adagio) to test EWQL Symphonic Orchestra's 4 violins and 3 cellos sections. Just let me know 🙂
  3. Here's a link to my piece: https://soundcloud.com/user-659082399-303084762/largo-ostinato I appreciate feedback. Technically what's happening: The piece is in 5/4, which gives space to the melodic lines, key of E flat, playing with G natural and flat. It starts with piano ostinato, adds a cello ostinato, successively adds 2 melodies and then combines the 2 melodies over the ostinatos. I created it using mixcraft pro studio 8 virtual instruments. Feedback on another website was to the effect that real strings on long notes have more dynamics. Do you agree or do you think the more flat, even strings works better?
  4. A short ditty inspired by Penderecki I wrote a few months ago. Recorded myself playing this on violin and bass, and edited the sound to emulate other instruments. I know it is not very well executed, but garageband is hard to work with sometimes. I don't have a score this time, sorry! Love it or hate it, please leave a comment on how I can improve. Thanks! thecreepycollective (online-audio-converter.com).mp3
  5. I decided to post this as incomplete, because this only the first movement of hopefully three that will make up my second symphony. If this is incorrect, please feel free to move this to the proper location. The instruments are the same as my first symphony: Vibraphone, Marimba, Crash Cymbals, Cabasa, Piano, Celesta, String Synthesizer, Jazz Guitar, and Acoustic Bass. I placed emphasis on establishing a melody and then having it reappear later. The movement lasts about 5 minutes, and was written in Musescore 2 using the Compifont soundfont. Like my first one, in the mp3, there are popping sounds that I believe are caused by an issue with Musescore and the guitars. The movement starts off slow, and then becomes more upbeat as it goes on.
  6. These are my "Two Sententiae for String Orchestra, Op. 309". It is rarely that I compose for orchestra. The last composition, a "Concertino for Classical Guitar and String Orchestra", was composed back in late 2015. I had shared it here almost two years ago. Here is its link: https://www.youngcomposers.com/t33864/concertino-for-classical-guitar-and-string-orchestra/
  7. I am a beginner and have zero knowledge in music, i tried composing something using garageband software. Let me know what do you think of this piece of musical?
  8. Hi producers and composers alike! "A Hero's Return" marks the tail end of Prisoner 8's journey. But is it truly the end as he hopes it will be?
  9. True to the title, this is the first time I have really attempted to make a symphony. I'm not sure if it really is a symphony; if it is, it's a highly unusual one, but it does have about three movements including a scherzo. The instruments are, in no particular order (I didn't think to put them in concert order): Marimba, Acoustic Bass, Piano, Jazz Guitar, Vibraphone, Celesta, Strings, Cabasa, and Crash Cymbals. The piece lasts about 9 minutes and 40 seconds, and was written in Musescore 2 using the Compifont soundfont. I worked on it on and off for the past 2 weeks. The entire piece is of original composition, unless I somehow copied existing melodies without realizing it. In the mp3, there are popping sounds that I believe are caused by an issue with Musescore and the guitars. The first movement is on the slow side, and transitions into the second movement which is the scherzo. The scherzo ends without transitioning into the third movement. The third movement is more or less the first movement, but in reverse. I didn't know how I wanted the third movement to go, but I did know I wanted to see how everything sounded in reverse. I went to a website that reverses midi files. The website kind of messed up some of the lengths of the notes, but that sounded interesting to me. I took what sounded the best, added some more things, and made the third movement. I also drew a little logo on my phone to go along with it, since I also posted the piece on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cCfkm8Jsf0
  10. Hello there! I'm a composer that's new to the Orchestral Setting and have some possibly general questions. I understand very little about String Instruments (Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass) and would like to know some techniques that I could use in my music, or even ways to divide up each section (I've seen things like 2 desks in Violin parts and understand that, but I don't know much else). Would string players please explain some extended techniques to me? Thank you in advance!
  11. I made my quintet piece a bit longer, yet I don't know what to think about it. Making a piece longer doesn't always make it better. The man in charge of the chamber group sent me their latest performance, without a single word attached to it. I assume that by doing that he asked me to make something closer to that. I really don't know what to do or what to think about the piece. Here's the link for their performed piece, please watch and see if you think that the level, style, and length of my piece fit to this group. Maybe it's a bit too much to ask for, but I set and listened to pieces that are much longer than that on this forum, I guess some of you would be kind enough to give me from their time. Audio might not be exactly the same as the notes. If you have the time for that, please look over the notes. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  12. I made my quintet piece a bit longer, yet I don't know what to think about it. Making a piece longer doesn't always make it better. The man in charge of the chamber group sent me their latest performance, without a single word attached to it. I assume that by doing that he asked me to make something closer to that. I really don't know what to do or what to think about the piece. Here's the link for their performed piece, please watch and see if you think that the level, style, and length of my piece fit to this group. Maybe it's a bit too much to ask for, but I set and listened to pieces that are much longer than that on this forum, I guess some of you would be kind enough to give me from their time. Audio might not be exactly the same as the notes. If you have the time for that, please look over the notes. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  13. The only real Ensemble piece I think I've ever written https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=61s&v=KRLE0oLd4IU
  14. Audio might not be exactly the same as the notes. If you have the time for that, please look over the notes. I'm about to hand this piece to the quintet's administrator and wanted to hear another musician's opinions before I do so. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  15. I uncovered this piece from a while back. I'd started it with the intention of it being music for an advert but it grew (by accident, I got carried away) into something bigger. I'm still under the impression it's only really background music. Let me know what you think. This was the last version i put to MP3 so I'm going back through it now to 'clean it up'
  16. Hello, all. This is a piece I've been working on for a while for string quintet -- two violins, viola, cello, and double bass (the resources I have) -- and I hope for this to be a multi-movement piece in the future once I have more time to write. This is a quick jig that introduces material that I hope to carry over into other movements. Let me know what you guys think!
  17. This is my latest cinematic orchestral piece "Gone". I would appreciate your feedback and suggestions. Click the YouTube link below: "Gone" by Karisa L. Clark
  18. Hey there, Here is another sketch. The first part is to capture the playful nature of penguins; the march is to portray a line of penguins marching along (it is still playful and simple, but in a more rigid, marching style). I honestly didn't go for a lot of part writing rules and stuff in this piece, but if you think that there are spots that could use some of that stuff, then please feel free to point them out. As always, any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Thanks!
  19. would like your feedback on this I want to publish this as a track it is an orchestra of strings
  20. Here's my first serious string quartet, recorded with electronic instruments so the dynamics are displayed very poorly. Separated in 5 small movements, with a backstory in the video description for whoever is interested.
  21. Greetings! This is my newest composition, and for the first time, I composed for a full string orchestra. The track and score are attached to the topic.
  22. Let me know what you see this piece fitting to, a movie scene, trailer, game, whatever it may be. On a side note, if you see yourself as a gifted mastering/mixer, please get in touch with me. I would love to pick your brain for some tips and pointers. Thank you in advance.
  23. Hello, This is a piece I have been composing for the past couple of days. Any criticism is welcome, although I may not go back to work on the piece further, so I just thought I would leave it here. Cheers -R
  24. Another piece written for nothing in particular, the mixing is not up to scratch as usual, however, feedback welcome as always.
  25. Hi all, my first upload on here. So, my friend came to me one day, having known that I liked to write and asked me to put something to some old footage she had of her grandparents. It took me a while to be happy with the outcome but eventually I got there. My background is classical from a young age although the last few years my knowledge seems to be failing me, as I don’t concentrate too much on what is right and what is wrong when it comes to the theory of writing. I play around until I hit on something I like. Let me know what you think 😬
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