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I realize I've never been active in the community or anything, but I play clarinet. I really can't play anything too complicated, but I think I'm good enough to be of some assistance.

I am also a bass singer, from about B or C to D or E (depends on the condition of my voice, I guess). I'm best at German lieder.

Oh, and I also play ocarina, if anyone needs one of those.

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Thanks to those that have been using the Wiki page, it seems to be working fine. Instrumentalists don't forget to add

before your name (unless you're the first one to claim your instrument). If you possibly could, try to put yourself where you might think you'd rank in overall proficiency. For instance, I'm probably better at clarinet than Mathieu, but he could probably run circles around me on bassoon. If you have a specialisation or limitation (such as "really good at high register" or "no low B's on bass trombone") feel free to add that in parenthesis. I haven't seen anybody add a composition request themselves yet - we'll see how that goes. ;)

I've added myself to the "mixing masters" section. I don't pretend to be a mixing "master", but if you need me to put two separate tracks together, I could do that for you. I've included samples of what I've done just recording myself multi-track. You can use mine as a template to add yourself to the list.

Here's a bonus Mozart clarinet duet I ran across on 8notes.com and decided... "eh, what the hell" *hits record*


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Awesome, this sounds cool.

I'm in. I play a bit of piano, and extremely limited harpsichord and organ. I can record the Organ and harpsichord only with my video cam though (I don't have a recording stuff, and the studio only has a piano).

Hmm, and I'm wondering if anyone would wanna play my short viola piece?

easy as pie

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Enigmus. How do I find the performance Network page from the home page? I'm assuming it's under wiki, but I can't seem to find it manually, without coming to the performance thread and clicking your link. Just like to know, for future reference.

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I would really like to hear my Brass 'Thing' (Prelude, Fuga, Passacaglia) played by real instruments.

Brass Thing in Cm

I play classical guitar and cello (still in first year)

I don't have recording microphones btw.

You can put your request in the wiki yourself, Henk. Go to the wiki (linked on the thread) and read the tekst under the tab 'Edit'. You'll manage and if not PM me or Enigmus.

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Enigmus. How do I find the performance Network page from the home page? I'm assuming it's under wiki, but I can't seem to find it manually, without coming to the performance thread and clicking your link. Just like to know, for future reference.

I amended this. Check the home page. Hopefully the admins will consider it significant enough to keep. :sweat:

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Okayokay, I figured that'd have to be taken care of...

:excl: If you are working on recording a piece on the list, add yourself to the Briefing section in italics. That way we know what's being done, and what's still unattended. I'll put myself in as an example. :excl:

Also, I took out Omar's entry concerning a collaborative work. This is for composers looking for specific musicians to play their pieces, not composers looking for ... other composers. There are plenty of those around.

Mathieu, are you working on Berlioz' bassoon scherzo? If not, I could try it. It's just within my capabilities, with a little practice I could probably churn it out a little better than your sightreading. Just don't know if I have a reed at the moment that agrees with those high C-sharps... :veryunsure: Maybe you could record it too and we could battle it out? Give him the records anon. and let him pick, see who's who. :shifty:

Berlioz, three things. A.) extract the bassoon part. B.) please beam all those staccato eighth notes appropriately - it's actually more annoying than it's good for. C.) Cautionary accidentals. They're needed everywhere. For instance, Measure 66 leading into 67. D-flat followed by D-natural. No, that barline isn't enough. Either use C-sharp instead, or put a natural on the D. Measrue 66, why did you slur and dot at the same time? Don't put the slur over that dot. Make sure you didn't do this a few times. Mathieu, do you find the tenor clef from 36 to 42 to be unnecessary? I'm fine reading bass clef notes fluently on bassoon up to A, but I'm not a bassoonist, so that's why I'm asking. Pretty much, yes Berlioz, some pieces are being practiced as you type... at least, speaking for myself - I'll probably record Henk Vogel's little brass suite tomorrow. That Bolt piece of blackballoons is proving nearly impossible, though...

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I was thinking about placing the performance network on my other website, so that we can get our members some compensation for their work. Compensation for performances will greatly increase the response rate for requests. I have to know who on the performance network is able to accept compensation, and would be willing to be on stand by for performance/midi recording requests?

For those of you who may have missed my thread about making money with this concept, please visit here. Suggestions are welcome.

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While I'm always sceptical of paid services like that here (because of all the complications, legal and otherwise, it may bring), I think chopin is right there. Personally, I'd actually much rather ask someone to record a piece for me if I know they are getting something in return and aren't just doing it "to do me a favour". A collaboration that is entirely based on one party unilaterally helping another means that you can't never expect anything from the party that helps you, but have to be thankful for every tiny bit.

If, however, it is a clearly defined "contract" where the performer gets a reasonable compensation, the composer can also expect the performer to devote some time to practicing the piece and approach the recording "professionally", giving her or his best to "earn the pay". I'd much rather ask such a person to record a piece for me than if I have to be thankful even if they just quickly sightread it into their laptop mics…

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Yeah but how many kids are gonna have the money on hand for paying?

That's true. But the problem is: If it doesn't work now when it is free, what is going to make it work?

Really, I wouldn't mind recording some pieces for other people for free (if I had the equipment to do so). But in practice, we all have more or less busy lifes with certain priorities and spending many hours to practice and record pieces by "random" people on the internet will probably not take the top priority, especially after the first couple of times. So you can either do a lousy job (i.e. as I said "sight read into your laptop microphone"), or you may soon get tired of it - unless there's some sort of recompensation.

I don't think the recompensation has to be money though. Recording pieces in exchange would work just as well, for example.

But maybe I'm also overly pessimistic. People teach here for free, so why not do stuff like recording pieces for free as well? Maybe there are some other ways to get this going.

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