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So the site is basically broken for me. The homepage has loads of code at the top when I go on it, and my profile apparently doesn't exist when I try to go on it.

This has all been happening (i think) since the change to the new uploading system. The first 2 images attached are the home page, and the 3rd is what it says when I try go on my profile.





I can log in (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write this) but if I click on most links I get about two screens' worth of code and an error message under the forum header. Can look at the competition forums with no problem but cannot access my music or my home page.


Errr, right now as I type this, I literally cannot AT ALL access the music submissions.

The farthest I can go is the actual thread on which it says, at the bottom with underlined words, "Click here to download this file."

But when I do so, it takes me back to the home page, with an "Error, could not find the page you were looking for" message.


  • Like 3

This is ridiculous. I'm getting the same problems.

How typical of this place that a "new system" goes haywire within a short time of it being implemented. Why can't we just stick to one thing that works?!

  • Like 1

I use IE. I believe Serge uses Chrome. And I think Tokke uses something else?

Still getting the problem, just checked. It LOOKS different, but it still doesn't work.


Another weird little thing that's happened to me (I don't know if this has happened to anyone else), is that I just uploaded a new piano piece, "Mirror", and it has been accepted as a submission... but it doesn't show up on the main thread. Only on the "side thread".

Not here:


But here:


Why is this? :dunno:


I think because when you first submitted your piece, you somehow chose the parent category (not sure how really). And I did not set up the parent category to display submissions in the submission forum. Feel free to start a thread here advertising your piece.

  • 2 weeks later...

Errr, I tried it again, and now it's not showing up on EITHER forum. I uploaded a piece called "The Solemn Bunny Parade", and now the only place I can access it is directly on my profile, under my "Files" tab.

Could you please move these submissions, both "Mirror" and "Solemn Bunny Parade", onto the forum itself? Surely your administrative position can achieve this somehow . . . ? :dunno:

What is causing this problem in the first place, anyway? I don't see how I'm doing this, choosing a "parent category", whatever that is...


Just a few issues I have now with the player, etc... etc.... They probably WONT be listened to. But, I'll state them anyways:

1. There should not be three players for 1 work just because that work has multiple movements. Certainly, you can set it up to where if a person uploads multiple movements of a work, it will create a playlist in 1 player. It's very annoying having to constantly stopping all the players from playing.

2. (and this is in relation to the first) The idea of having the comments and the players on 1 page is very appealing BUT... certainly, you can have ALL the work on one page. Many works on this forum are in multiple movements, it's ridiculous that this is even an issue.

3. Organizationally... the new uploads thing is a mess. Where are the clear cut categories? Why can't we just have the works upload into their respective folders and then those who wish to access that particular folder can do it? A person asked me to look for his piece (a piano work) It took me so long finding it in the list that I just gave up. We had a GOOD, organized system before... now all we have is a hot mess.

4. The forum page looks horrible now that things are gone - and by this I mean, we now have a 3 inch gap between the end of the forums and the 'Our Board Statistics'. I like that you wanted to clean up dead forums... but... can't you resize the page afterwards so it doesn't look so.... bad?

That's enough of my gripe for now. I hope this is listened to. This place is really starting to fall apart from what I see. Kind of sad. :(

  • Like 2

So yeah... I forgot one important complaint.....

I uploaded the third movement of my suite. Sooo... when you click my work and go to the page... you get the first movement in the audio and the score for the third movement in the score viewer :headwall:


These problems have been addressed.

The only problem that may persist is the ordering of the movements in some cases. I am working with IPB to come up with a fix. Please let me know if there are other annoyances and I will be glad to fix any issues at an ongoing basis.

  • 3 weeks later...

There is a Facebook Chat box that pops up every time I load a new page, and it's annoying me. Can this be set to not automatically come up please, because it's only using up bandwith and screen space. Also, when did we become Facebook anyway?

I don't like the new blue design at all: it looks more cluttered and less well ordered than the previous layout (not enough colour contrast and insufficient segregation of different elements). Also it takes away much of the individuality of the forums, so it's hard to tell that we're a music forum at all now.


Ok, I have a few suggestions on the way I like things. I am just going to list what I would like to see different or added:

I liked when you could do a status update in the thread of status updates on the forum page.

I don't like it when the shout box follows you to every page you go to. I only like it on the front of the forum page.

I would like a different color scheme and theme entirely, but I do understand the difficulty with that so I can be patient.

I still don't think that the home page of the site is different enough from the other pages that it sticks out as a home page. Think about a report that you write and you get bound or put in a report folder. You make a nice title page with the name of the report center and large. You write a brief description and it is formatted completely different then the other pages. You don't have the same headers or footers. I think that is what it ought to be like. You should take the same YC header off. You should use that description, but you should make a nice a large YC logo and center it in the screen with the description under it. You should include the music you want (maybe a nice compilation of what is considered some of our better works), but do not show the music player. Play the music in the background. Maybe add some of our forum statistics so people can know the size and statistics of the kind of forum we are. Then call it a day. Make it really nice. Add a pic or two, but keep all of the actual posts off the front page. Maybe include the different sections of the forum in a nice way that would link people to those parts. I am thinking of it the way a flash site would be done, but it doesn't have to be flash. Just be more minimalistic for the home page.

The shout box archive is difficult to navigate. It would be amazing if you could just click it and then click back buttons to see the very most recent posts that did not fit on the shout box page. Not easy at all.

It would be nice if there was some way you could make it possible to listen to a composition on the player as you searched around the site. If you could continue to listen as you changed pages.

It is kind of confusing too that you can have a piece in the music submissions section and you can make a comment on it, but also have that same piece in the forum and that comment does not travel along with it. I like the music submissions part and the way it is organized for the music. So, I don't think it is necessary to essentially double post the piece. One or the other of the two is going to get neglected. If someone pays attention to the piece in the music submissions and comments then they are not going to be looking for it in the forum thread. Plus, you have two different discussions going on about the same piece but the two sides are unaware of each other.

Ok I think that is all for now. I don't want anyone to take this as me complaining. It is just suggestions to help finalize the look and organization of the site.

Guest John Pax

New profiles are awesome but holy crap, how did I get -382 reputation :horrified: :mellow:

Front page looks cool too - just needs a little tidying up imo. e.g. Remove comments to the latest piece (not enough room and removes the point of people actually going to the thread.) Auto play (very annoying). Put modules in a nice, neat order.

The site's looking pretty good. The skin is nice a clean and things work!!

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