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Composing Short Pieces Using A Theme By Luderart


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Bwahahahaha! The final dilemma.


But all jokes aside, I think we should vote on the method. I'm gonna throw my lot in with the side voting to have the previous theme provider pick the next. That would mean you, Luderart, would get to pick this next one. It would make more sense than him picking the method of deciding the method of picking the theme provider. That's too many syntactic acrobatics for me.

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Anyone can post their Luderart piece at any time, but why doesn't Luderart just choose from the suggested works by those members who have already uploaded a Luderart piece?

Wouldn't that lessen the incentive of the composers who have committed to this challenge and not submitted their pieces so far to ever do so?


Perhaps this is a good time to ask those composers - ccolson39 and MuseScience (and danishali903 who has said he might try it) - if they will submit their piece soon, before proceeding to choose one of the themes so far submitted. If so, we can wait an agreed amount of time for them to do so, as well as submit their themes.


Otherwise, I have looked at the four themes already submitted and I already have decided in my mind which of the four I will choose if called upon to do so.


One last conundrum: since all four of you are so eager for the next challenge, have you considered that if I choose your theme, then you would have to sit out the next challenge? So which would be more rewarding for you: having your theme chosen for the challenge, or having a go at the chosen theme of the challenge?

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Wouldn't that lessen the incentive of the composers who have committed to this challenge and not submitted their pieces so far to ever do so?



They could still make a song based off of your theme. i've done a few of the challenges here that were from two years ago. if they don't, then maybe they will join in the next challenge.


 which would be more rewarding for you: having your theme chosen for the challenge, or having a go at the chosen theme of the challenge?

that's a tough question, as much as i would like to make a song based off of someone else's theme, i also would like to have my theme used in a better way then i could provide.


so really, i don't care if i'm chosen or not. i win either way.  :P

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They could still make a song based off of your theme. i've done a few of the challenges here that were from two years ago. if they don't, then maybe they will join in the next challenge.


So be it then. The theme I have chosen is DanJTitchener's Piano Miniature No. 5. Here's the link: http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/listen/4849/


I will shortly pose the challenge.


Edit: I will post the challenge soon.

Edited by luderart
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So be it then. The theme I have chosen is DanJTitchener's Piano Miniature No. 5. Here's the link: http://www.youngcomposers.com/music/listen/4849/



Great!!! That's the work I was expecting to be chosen! (so, this answers your previous question: at this moment, I'd rather compose something to the next challenge than sit and wait for people to compose something on my theme)

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