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Downtown Funk - Clowning with Monsters

Zimr Music

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My first rock music! Dunno if it is rock for you but it is rock for me.

Bob fighting crazy clowns at the middle of an abandoned city. Downtown Funk will be series of experimental musical tracks....

These musical series are influenced by these composers:


I probably invest on audio mastering equipment...


Edited by Hans Zimr
mistakes..i am prone to making them these days.
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That picture looks like Pyramid Head with a guitar, haha.

Anyway, I kind of expected this to have a little more contrast in terms of splitting the measure and dynamic range, but it wasn't as potent as I would have hoped. Similarly, the beginning seemed to lack impact for me (I think it was the sound of the soprano).

But other than that, it had a nice atmosphere, and great sounds in the bass as Luis said, I just was expecting a little more spectacle, perhaps.


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New track for the Downtown Funk series

The series is intended to sound weird and strange to fit the survival horror game Silent Hills.

This one has a little bit tinge of metal into it. I will make it more metal sounding in the next revision.

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