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"Story Structure" Composition

Young Maestro

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When I compose, I tend to be rhapsodic. In other words, I tend to compose without a specific layout in mind, writing new parts as they come to me. I doubt that this is the best method, though, because it is not very organized. An idea for a composition structure recently came to me which resembles the stucture used by authors for writing stories or novels. It would, therefore, consist of an introduction, inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action, final moment of suspence, and a conculsion. This seems like an effective form to follow, but I would like to hear advice from others on it.

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When a piece begins, that would be the introduction. Then the piece would change in some small way, perhaps by growing slightly faster or by changing tone, which would be the inciting moment. After that, it would continue to change in different ways or better develop its previous changes, which would be the rising action. When the climax occurs, the piece will have fully developed its changes. Then, in the falling action, the piece will begin to undergo more changes in accord with how it had developed, perhaps undoing its previous changes. By the conclusion, the piece will have reached its final development. Perhaps it will be completely different from when it started, perhaps only slightly altered, or maybe even exactly the same. This is similar to how things develop in a story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That seems a most practical idea. Yes music and art and literature and often parallel, and what better idea than to write a piece of music based on the novel....

so intro....A-transition(inciting moment *cymbal crash and bassoon solo here* :D )B rising action-another transition (*thunderous brass choir reaching the cataclysmic limits of sound*) then climax *add percussion going nuts!* then falling action *woodwind choir-o joy :happy: * then conclusion.

I call it a short novella in 1 movement. A good Idea I like it! so it is another variant on through-composing or rhapsodic writing as you put it. ABC. That is good. If you leave little As in there you can almost make a little Rondo form too!


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