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  1. Dear friend, It is a pleasure to send you the following information on the new competition: 17th PIANO COMPOSITION COMPETITION FIDELIO 2025 VIA THE INTERNET (Two new categories added this year!!) No matter the distance, you participate at home! Entering this competition is very simple, all you have to do is to record your own piano solo composition and upload the audio file from our website or send it via email to concursofidelio@gmail.com You don't need to submit the score, just the audio file. In this competition you are both competitor and judge, choosing the winner by voting at home for the best work. All the voting results are sent to you via email so that you can check both, the votes given and received by everyone.. During the voting process you also receive comments on your work or works written by the rest of the contestants. Very important: The composition submitted cannot last more than five minutes. Only the entrants vote to choose the winners. Money Prizes: Cash up to 2000 euros plus diploma certificate and cd's Entry fee: 25 euros per one composition submitted. (maximum allowed per category: 5 compositions) 15 euros each submission for two or more compositions THIS YEAR: The organization has decided this year the following change in the voting system: The results of the first, second, third, fourth, and semifinal round will be decided by the participants, on the other hand the results of the final round will be decided by the participants and also by an external jury of composers. You can participate with your name or pseudonym. You must be the author of the composition submitted. NEW THIS YEAR!! The competition is divided into four styles or categories so that you compete against works of similar style: 1. Tonal (any style is accepted) 2. Atonal (Contemporary style) 3. Piano four hands (New category added this year) 4. Variations for solo piano on the theme "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" (New category added this year) No matter the distance. This Competition is celebrated via the Internet. Pianists from more than 40 countries join this competition every year. You participate from your house along with composer pianists from EE.UU, China, Canada, Germany, England, France, Spain, Russia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Japan, Iran, Chile, Holland, Israel, Sweden, Norway, India, Belgium, Portugal, Argentina, Venezuela, Italy and many more.... More than 1200 pianists have already entered this competition during the fourteen years that it has been held. REGISTRATION TO PARTICIPATE IS OPEN. ENTRIES DEADLINE BEFORE STARTING TO VOTE: January the 31st 2025 Click on the following link to register in case you are interested. You can also listen to the past year's winning works and read some testimonials: https://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/# https://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/ganadores-ediciones-anteriores/ We would be very grateful if you spread the word among pianists and composers. With best wishes Antonio Ruiz Asumendi (organizer) Taller de Músicos y Artes Plásticas, Editorial Centro Integral de Música y Artes S.L de Madrid
  2. 15th PIANO COMPOSITION COMPETITION FIDELIO 2022 VIA THE INTERNET 15th PIANO COMPOSITION COMPETITION FIDELIO 2023 VIA THE INTERNET (Divided into musical styles) Entering this competition is very simple, all you have to do is to record your own piano solo composition and send the audio file to one of the following email addresses: concursofidelio@gmail.com You don't need to submit the score, just the audio file. In this competition you are both a competitor and judge, choosing the winner by voting at home for the best work. All the voting results are sent to you via email so that you can check both, the votes given and received by everyone.. During the voting process the contestants also receive comments on their works. The organization has decided this year for the first time the following change in the voting system: The results of the first, second and third round and semifinal round will be decided by the participants, on the other hand the results of the final round will be decided by the participants and also by an external jury of composers. Very important: The composition submitted cannot last more than four minutes and forty seconds. Only the entrants vote to choose the winners. Prizes: 2000 euros and more divided into two categories. Entry fee: 25 euros per one composition submitted. (maximum allowed per category: 5 compositions) 15 euros each submission for two or more compositions You can participate with your name or pseudonym. You must be the author of the composition submitted. The competition is divided into four styles or categories so that you compete against works of similar style: 1. Tonal, Classical, Romantic,Jazz, Impressionist, Ragtime.Minimalist, Experimental, New Age...any style is accepted 2. Atonal, Contemporary (Some Tonal parts are allowed) No matter how far you are. This Competition is via the Internet. Pianists from more than 30 countries join this competition every year. You participate from your house. ENTRIES DEADLINE BEFORE STARTING TO VOTE: September the 29th 2023 Click on the following link to register in case you are interested. You can also listen to the past year's winning works: https://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com With best wishes Antonio Ruiz Asumendi (organizer) Organized by Taller de Músicos y Artes Plásticas, Centro Integral de Música y Artes S.L de Madrid www.tallerdemusicos.com Fidelio edit. Deadline: 29 Sep 2023 Entry Fee: 25.00 Currency: Euro (EUR) Web site: https://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/
  3. 13th PIANO COMPOSITION COMPETITION FIDELIO 2022 VIA THE INTERNET (Divided into musical styles) NEW THIS YEAR: The organization has decided this year for the first time the following change in the voting system: The results of the first, second and third round will be decided by the participants, on the other hand the results of the semifinal and final rounds will be decided by the participants and also by an external jury of renowned composers. Entering this competition is very simple, all you have to do is to record your own piano solo composition and send the audio file to one of the following email addresses: concursofidelio@gmail.com You don't need to submit the score, just the audio file. In this competition you are both a competitor and judge, choosing the winner by voting at home for the best work. All the voting results are sent to you via email so that you can check both, the votes given and received by everyone.. During the voting process the contestants also receive comments on their works. Very important: The composition submitted cannot last more than four minutes. Only the entrants vote to choose the winners. Prizes: 3600 euros and more divided into four categories. Entry fee: 20 euros per one composition submitted. (maximum allowed per category: 5 compositions) 15 euros each submission for two or more compositions If you have participated previously, this year you can take advantage of the following: Paying one work you can submit two works Paying two works you can submit three works Paying three works you can submit four or five works. You can participate with your name or pseudonym. You must be the author of the composition submitted. The competition is divided into four styles or categories so that you compete against works of similar style: Tonal, Classical, Romantic Jazz, Impressionist, Ragtime Minimalist, Experimental, New Age Atonal, Contemporary (Some Tonal parts are allowed) No matter how far you are. This Competition is via the Internet. Pianists from more than 30 countries join this competition every year. You participate from your house. ENTRIES DEADLINE BEFORE STARTING TO VOTE: June the 25th 2022 Click on the following link to register in case you are interested. You can also listen to the past year's winning works: https://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/# With best wishes Antonio Ruiz Asumendi (organizer) Taller de Músicos y Artes Plásticas, Centro Integral de Música y Artes S.L de Madrid Fidelio edit.
  4. Professional Musicians performing your favourite Videogame Music in awesome music videos! Melody Geeks Is all about Music, the Best Videogames, Anime, Movies and our Original work as composers. We post a new videogame cover every Week, and Originals/Orchestration Tutorials also. Did you like our Work? Help us Spreading the word by sharing the videos with your friends! We wanna move to the next level making daily videos.
  5. Dear friends, Would you like to participate in the Sixth Piano Composition Competition Fidelio at home via internet? http://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/bases-del-concurso/ Inscription 9 euros or equivalent in dollars. 5 prizes, three in cash. In this competition the winners are chosen by the entrants through a voting system published in the web, it means that you and the other participants will have to vote for the works via email. It's very simple, you just have to inscribe and send your audio file. Joining the voting rounds is quite exciting! You can participate with name or nickname. Deadline to submit your piano composition October the 30th. There is something new compared to last competition: 1) audio files can last up to 4 minutes. 2) People will be encouraged to leave comments on the works when voting, this comments will be sent privately to each one of the participants along with the results. All the best. Antonio Ruiz
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