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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2021 in Posts

  1. I wrote this some time ago but only recently bothered to create a graphical score and put it on YouTube. So I'll also share it here while I'm at it.
    2 points
  2. I actually thought it was fine and well formed. Interesting harmonic progressions and harmony. Seems you're fairly practiced in CPP. It has a late 18th century feel to it, at times reminding me of Cimarosa. (His Oboe Concerto is roughly the same length.) I don't know if it's a live performance - it could be but there are giveaways that it isn't, like the long phrases for the bassoon without a breathing space (in the opening bars). The dynamic range is pretty good anyway. My only crit is that the Bassoon could be just a tiny bit more to the front. It sounds as if the piano is nearest the mike (whether live or not). I make the point about live performance because a short while ago a composer posted his piece here and I was sure it was musescore or some such with untreated samples. Turns out it was live, recorded on his phone as that was all he had for recording!! Well done anyway, Cheers Q
    2 points
  3. Henry Purcel- lament, It has a nice orchestral transcription: tchaikovsky- elegy for strings; a dramatic introduction, lyrical main theme and a tragic middle part (3:00) vivaldi rv 447-2 introduction part
    1 point
  4. Thank you very much!! But it's only my third attempt at writing a Sonata and I'm not sure what you are referring to with "CPP"? This is a great compliment, thanks a lot! It's Noteperformer. I have written for bassoon because a friend's girlfriend plays the instrument, so I'm hoping at some point when the stars align we'll be able to play it (hence the fingering in the piano part of the first movement). Thanks for the observation about the breathing. May I ask if you noticed more instances of phrases that are too long to play for the bassoon?
    1 point
  5. You're welcome, I mean I do agree with other some of the earlier comments. Like in the first movement, I was thinking the same thing as @Pierre dbss with the lack of structure and movement. I wanted to focus on the positive and let you know my compliments instead of criticisms. Overall, this piece in it's entirety is very nice, I could see this being played at a concert hall or something, especially the last two movements. We're all here here to encourage you, just keep composing.
    1 point
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