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    • Hello @StripedGazelle! I am still amazed by this piece every time I listen to it.  I feel like you write in a style akin to how Mozart would write if he were alive today and had experienced all the innovations in harmony that history has introduced.  There's some counterpoint that is very cleverly woven into the harmonic fabric in a way that is both playable and readily audible to the average listener.  Despite how advanced harmonically and melodically this piece is, it still qualifies as "easy listening" which I think is a huge compliment.  The many random pauses in the music only add to its expectancy and are pregnant with musical meaning.  Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece and I hope to hear more!
    • So I could see this point being made asking a 'player' maybe, but not a violinist or orchestral string player to use no vibrato, because I agree, the inexperienced player will definitely use vibrato due to 'monkey mind' and habit, rather than reading what is on the page to be expressed to create the music and the feel.   If it states N.V. -- which, I'm a violinist. Truly. I would hope you spell that out as violin is not 1924 instrument but rather one of the oldest... in the world. So most of us are taught, music language and not modern (American) language for violin vernacular. This is not really an opinion.  And for a great laugh. I googled N.V. and it gave me 'the great State of Nevada' (2024 google) The other day. I knew what N.V. meant in a Worship Orchestra Rehearsal... me being a violinist did NOT play vibrato, because, the composer is going for a certain musical feeling, which can be defined in the overall piece when you listen to ALL of it, it's universal so everyone can somewhat agree that music will usually lean a typical common way of feeling and expression. Not by single words. This is music we are talking about and not dictionary concise definitions. Defining anything with such long windedness (which I am doing now, but I love violin more than food so here is my two cents) cannot be done, truly, because music, by definition goes beyond definition and is expressed from the human heart, mind, spirit, body, etc.  When the music (which I did not write) calls for N.V. -- there is a very good reason it is there whether I agree with it or not. That makes sense to me that I first understand that and truly try to understand the idea behind the notation and what the composer is asking for to create the overall effect with the entire orchestra. It matters. With the violin. Every tiny stance, breath, thought matters. That's why we get a paradox from the greatest players being 'free' of all thought by studying many hours a day. Love the discussion. I could talk violin for years... Nevermind, already have. millenia. 
    • I wrote a symphonic piece of a string quartet I orchestrated. I've never written for full orchestra, and I have a reading for this piece soon. I'd love to get some feedback. The big problem I'm at is key changes for contrast and expanding current contrasting sections.
    • I think the orchestration is pretty good - I kind of agree with Peter that while the first group of themes are very capably written and do have drama, the second part (somewhere after the 2 minute mark) sounds more "majestic", it definitely gave me a Bruckner vibe.
    • Exactly, the clash of is and should merges to become must… Sadly nothing seems a “must” now. Not even a “should” worths a thing now. Only “is” here and “is” there and value is lost… Maybe I lament here since all “must”s and “should”s are lost and only “is”s remains. There won’t be any tragedy if there are no “must”s and “should”s but only “is”s. A wild animal dies in the forest being hunted or starved. No other animals will lament for it since it “is”, except only when you think it “shouldn’t” or “mustn’t” die you start lamenting it. So there’s nothing to lament even there’s only “is”, as Buddhism sometimes teaches us.
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