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Untitled work - please help me find the title?


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Hello folks,

this is my last composition.

First of all, I would like to know what do you think about the piece. Even though everyone I asked to liked Math Piano Rock more (see the other post on this board) I believe this one is a deeper piece compositionally.

Secondly, that's the first time I do some proper editing with some proper camera and lightining. Please tell me what do you think about that!

I am now writing the 2nd and 3rd movement, even though this piece works on its own as well. So potentially this piece is part of a set. The second movement is slow, the third is fast (classic!). However I would like to avoid titles like Sonata or Suite. Any title that comes to your mind?

Thank you guys for listening! 馃檪

Edited by Valerio
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I'm not sure about a title, but I would like to comment on the work itself.

First off, I must compliment your performing abilities! Most works submitted here are automatically played by a DAW, not a live performer. Awesome job!

I found the music itself to be very tastefully done. Your use of altered harmonies was very effective鈥攏ot too harsh but not too predictable. It was refreshing and I enjoyed it quite a bit! If I had a formal complaint it would be that the piece seemed to explore too many different ideas in so short a time. It just didn't feel quite as cohesive as I wanted. Hey, but that's a personal preference and others may disagree.

I think you clearly have skill鈥攂oth in writing and playing music. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work!

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