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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2024 in Posts

  1. I've been working on this piece on-and-off for about two months now. This piece is a reworking of an older chamber work (you may remember the Grande Valse I wrote nearly a year ago) into a much larger orchestral setting, since I planned on submitting this piece for a competition I felt like attempting around the end of December of last year. Doing so was apparently much, much harder than I expected with this particular composition: there were a lot of inconsistencies in the written music, orchestrally unsound harmonies, and otherwise confounding structural decisions that made it an extraordinary pain to orchestrate this whole thing in its entirety. To this day, I haven't been able to complete it. This piece also happens to be my first serious attempt at an orchestration from a chamber piece, which is why I find it a more challenging task than others more well-versed in orchestration probably would (a 21st century Ravel, I am not). I've had to rewrite entire sections because of the issues mentioned above, and I've found it alarmingly difficult to write with a reasonably consistent output for some time: there were many weeks where I would suffer from composer's block, and I've only got about a month and a half to go before the submission date is due. I would therefore like to ask the lovely people in this forum for some help regarding what I can do about my piece as it stands and what I can do to combat the composer's block I'm currently suffering from. All feedback is welcome! I hope to hear from you all ☺️
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone! I just composed a Fantasia for brass quartet and I want to share it with you. I named it "Fantasia" because I am not sure what form it is in. I never have time to compose but I had a totally free weekend so I wanted to practice counterpoint (first piece I do with four independent voices) and ended up composing this. I did not have any clear form in mind when I started so I will explain the resulting form briefly so you can enjoy the piece better (if any of you know under which musical form this would fall, please, let me know! 🙂) The piece can be understood as having three sections in the form ABA'. The summary of the structure is the following: First section: Phrase A and phrase B presentation all in home key (section A) [m.1~8]: Phrase A repeated twice (Gmaj) [m.9~16]: Phrase B repeated twice (Gmaj) Second section: Counterpoint Fantasia (section B) [m.17~24]: Restatement of phrase A. In the second repetition the phrase is broken. [m.25~m.33]: 4 bar-based idea repeated (Gmaj) [m.33~m.39]: 4 bar-based idea repeated with modulation (Gmaj --> Emin) [m.39~m.48]: 8 bar modulatory lyrical passage (Emin --> Cmaj) [m.48-56]: 4 bar-based idea repeated (Cmaj) [m.56~64]: Variation of phrase A in C major. The second repetition modulates (Cmaj --> Dmaj) [m.64~71]: Phrase B in D major. The second repetition modulates (Dmaj --> Gmaj) [m.71~74]: Transition to the restatement of the beginning Third section: Restatement of phrase A and B in home key (section A') [m.75~91]: Repetition of the beginning of the peace in home key. Theme A and Theme B repeated twice each. [m.91~94]: Final repetition of Theme A with final crescendo. [m.94-95]: One measure coda (might extend it in the future). I do not really know much about brass instruments so there might be many playability issues, particularly in low dynamic levels (please, feel free to point anything out). Also, I did not transposed the clef for the Bb and F instruments for making it easier to read for most people. Any comment and feedback is more than welcome! Thank you for listening and hope you enjoy it!
    1 point
  3. One of my friends recently challenged me to write a theme for a medieval village and then one for the castle at the center of said town... Though I haven't shared the medieval village theme yet, I come today with the song that I made for the castle! The first portion of the song I feel encompasses the grandeur of seeing the castle for the first time and approaching it. Then it switches to what I feel is the exploratory theme. Then moves back into grandeur until the close! Made this in FL Studio using various VSTs like usual. BBCSO Discover, Amadeus Symphonic, LABS, Intimate Strings, and Epic Choirs I believe are all the ones I used on this piece. I wanted it to feel somewhat militaristic, like the image of the large castle would display. In this theme I utilized the bagpipes as the main voice for the castle. I wanted to play around with writing something for them, and had fun with the parts they feature in! Experimented with my mixing. So hopefully the volume on this piece is better than my others!
    1 point
  4. Dear fellow composers, I'm glad to share with you my new composition : "Racing to the stars", which "tells" the story of the incredible journey of an adventurous astronaut, from the launch pad, to the cosmic mysteries. I believe I made some progress on keeping some thematic consistency throughout the piece : most of it is based on the simple motif 4 sixteenth note in a sequence, on the degrees I - II - III - V. The end of the piece (starting from 6'00, and especially 6'40) is more exploratory as far as harmony is concerned. From 6'40, it is aimed at conveying a sense of doubt, interrogations, psychic desintegration or being lost, etc, before getting gradually resolved. I would be pleased to know how you feel about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vGtmOXQHIU Enjoy, Vincent
    1 point
  5. Finally, I got this piece finished. It is a real challenge for the pianist. It is difficult, but not awkward or impossible to play. Although I have revised the score several times, there may still be some errors and room for minor improvements. The notation of some of the left hand runs could be divided between the staves, but I think that the pianist will intuitively utilize both hands, if this facilitates playing. I included the pedal settings, which I used in the playback. This is may be not something to include in a published score (apart from the cases where it is absolutely necessary), but it gives you a rough idea how I produced the (electronic) playback. I would be most interested to know what you think of it, and any critical remarks and/or suggestions for improvements etc.is greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  6. A snippet of an old melody I had laying around that I finally developed into something (I don't know what)
    1 point
  7. Audio.mp3 Now that I have finished my recent project, I want to share what I am working on next. This started as some orchestral practice, but has evolved into something more solid. So far I have the outline of a slow adagio followed by an upbeat allegro that is reminiscent of Haydn's style. Hope to progress with this over the coming months. https://musescore.com/user/69480886/scores/14324641
    1 point
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