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Are composers generally socially reserved or shy?


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I am very introverted person. And I have social phobia.

Introversion means more concentration on inner thoughts and visions - to look inside. So it is logical why a lot of people who are deeply dedicated to art, thinking, science are more socially reserved than other people.

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So it is logical why a lot of people who are deeply dedicated to art, thinking, science are more socially reserved than other people.

Lol, no it's not "logical". It's "logical" that an apple will fall if you drop it out of a window, but it's not "logical" that artists are more prone to introversion.

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So you think there is no connection or that it is just random coincidence? It isn't and there is certain logical explanation.

I'd say composers are generally more socially reserved (but not necessarily shy). Composers are usually more focused on their world and thoughts. And introverts generally concentrate better and you may read about those things if you wish. Composers, poets, scientists need this. And they don't work with people the way policemen and nurses do, for example, neither they are interested in this. Their main interest and work is not social. Look at the greatest names - most of them are introverts.

Again, I would say introverted, not shy. They are different things. People choose to become certain thing and develop certain career because of their interests and personality.

BTW, are you familiar with the three main systems of logic? And with the Myers-Brigg classification system? For different personalities, different occupations are assigned as most suitable.

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So you think there is no connection or that it is just random coincidence? It isn't and there is certain logical explanation.

I'd say composers are generally more socially reserved (but not necessarily shy). Composers are usually more focused on their world and thoughts. And introverts generally concentrate better and you may read about those things if you wish. Composers, poets, scientists need this. And they don't work with people the way policemen and nurses do, for example, neither they are interested in this. Their main interest and work is not social. Look at the greatest names - most of them are introverts.

Again, I would say introverted, not shy. They are different things. People choose to become certain thing and develop certain career because of their interests and personality.

BTW, are you familiar with the three main systems of logic? And with the Myers-Brigg classification system? For different personalities, different occupations are assigned as most suitable.

Does introvert automatically mean a thinker? Does extrovert automatically mean people person? I can say that certain jobs have certain people but I will not go as far to say that it is because they are a certain way they have that job.

It my opinion, it comes down to what you enjoyed doing. Look at Richard Dawkins, he's a brilliant scientist, but by no means an introvert. You can find many examples of extroverted people in all these fields. In the end, the only common trait you are going to find is that they have a passion for what they do.

As for coincidence. In a sample of x group there will be a lean towards one trait or another. That does not mean that the trait causes people to be in that group.

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Of course, introvert doesn't automatically mean you are necessarily a thinker. I don't make such deductions and as you can see, I use words such as "generally" and "most". As for whether extrovert means people person - yes, extroverts are easy going and like to be around people. They are energized being around people, while introverts are energized by being alone.

We think similarly, yes - certain jobs have certain people and I completely agree. That's what I wanted to say - there is tendency. I don't say that if you are a composer, then you are an introvert or vice versa, but the probability is higher. And of course there are exceptions as you pointed out.

Yes, it finally comes down to what you enjoy to do, but it is this thing which is interesting - to see what people with what qualities tend to enjoy this or that field, which shapes their personalities.

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That's all fine. I only have a problem when people start to say, "Only if you are ___ you can be ____ or you won't be a good ____ if you don't posses this ____." Which is what this thread seems to imply. You cannot excel at composing if you are not introverted because if you are not introverted you don't need to compose. It's Malarkey

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I am generally reserved and such, but another composer I know is not quite so. So... I really don't know. My father (another composer) is quite in-between, I think. he can be quite and reserved, but he can strike up an hours-long conversation with ease if he's up to it.

I suppose, though, that the nature of a composer is to look deep inside of oneself, to use all the knowledge and wisdom one has accumulated over the years, and to create therefrom. That being said, I think many composers are introverted, but not necessarily shy. There is a large difference.

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