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Not sure if this belongs here, but what are some good songs that have both good guitar parts, saxophone parts and brass parts?

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Well, my High School's talent show auditions are coming and I'm thinking about making a jazzy-rock band, so I don't have to perform solo during the talent show. Basically I want a few suggestions for songs of that particular style, that have good guitar, saxophone and/or brass parts, that will also please the audience. The reason I want to know this, is because before I make the band, I want to have a pretty good idea of what we're playing, plus, when asking people to join the band, I don't want to look like I don't know what I'm talking about. Once I know what songs we're going to play, making a band really shouldn't be hard since I know several people in concert band that would probably be interested in this sort of thing, I myself will be playing the guitar leads. If you're confused by what I mean by jazzy rock, I mean, songs that use jazz based instruments, but also have an upbeat, rock sort of sound, I don't really know a good way to describe it.

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Joe Satriani? And please, there is no need to discipline Letehn. :happy:

EDIT: Actually on second thought I'm not sure whether Joe Satriani makes use of brass or saxes. Still, it's kind of Jazz-Rockish in places.

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