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Is this worth my money?


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I made a String Quartet because I found out that I could hire a string quartet for pretty low price(and it would be cool to have them play it and I record it 🙂)

I have a version without a Flute and one with(because I found out that they can add other instruments 🙂)

I don't know which one I should get a recording of, or if it is even worth while(maybe the composition isn't good enough to spend about $200)

What do you think?


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1.  Do you currently have $200?

2.  If you didn't spend $200 on this, is there anything else you could spend it on instead that would be more helpful to your growth as a musician at this particular moment?  Textbooks, lessons, concert tickets that let you network with other local composers at intermission, a masterclass...

3.  Do you need a live recording of a piece to apply for things and move forward at this stage of your composition education?

4.  Is there any way to get more bang for your $200 buck?  Would other local composers also like to be involved and you could pool your money to put together an entire concert program at a nice venue, do some advertising, invite the local arts reporter, and pay for a good sound engineer to record the "new music" concert?  

5.  If it sounds awful, is that going to crush your dreams?  This is going to be a learning experience.  That's the point.  Be prepared for things to go wrong, be gracious and collaborative with your quartet.

Hearing your work performed can teach you a lot about composing for future works.  All the things composition teachers pick on suddenly make sense when you hear a group of musicians play Mozart beautifully, and then awkwardly struggle to play your piece because of range issues, balance issues, or whatever.  That's why composing programs at good schools have regular opportunities for students to play each others' work.  Do it if you can afford it!  

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1. Im pretty close to having $200(im a student)

2. I'm trying to get a Tuba for College which is going to cost me about $2.5k

3. No, this was just for fun.

4. I have no idea where I would join a thing like that but It sounds like a really good idea.

5. I would hope that a professional musician would be able to play this decently. I don't see a reason why this couldn't be played reasonbly well. I have had expirence with people playing my music already, I'm going to have one of my Compositions performed this sunday....

 I think I should wait until I get to college and ask some people there. There is no composition program, but there is an orchestra.(They focus on Music Perfomance and Education degrees)

But if you know how to find any possible local composer's concert that would be cool.


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