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Compositions you think deserve more recognition


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Any pieces you have heard that deserve more concerts and recordings, but for some reason, are quite rare and unpopular?


Dvorak Piano Concerto - I have a recording with Richter, but why is this not as popular as his violin or cello concerto? (I kind of see why, but still)

Schumann Violin Concerto - recording with Szeryng, amazing first movement.

Prokofiev Piano Concerto #2 - Very different style of Prokofiev, not nearly as good as #3 (imo, since the 3rd is one of my favorite pieces ever), but I'd say up to par with his first.

any others? please list the recording as well so we may know where to look.

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I don't have a lot in particular, but I think that modern music (not just Schoenberg, Berg, Scriabin and all the others, I mean 21st century stuff) should be, not only performed more, but played on the radio and elsewhere much, much more. No one really listens to new stuff and not only does that make being a composer difficult (although I can't know for sure as I am not a professional one) and certainly damages the field as a whole. But people only want to listen to Mozart and romantic music. It's a shame really...

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I know what you mean - although orchestras today do incorporate a whole lot of modern music. But I think the crowd in general does not like it too much (myself included). For example, I recently heard Esa-Pekka Salonen's piano concerto premiered in NY by Yefim Bronfman, and Salonen as conductor. It was certainly an interesting piece, a blend of Ravel, Stravinsky and Gershwin, but overall, not a mindblowing composition. (especially when compared to the rest of the program that evening).

I also had the unpleasant experience of hearing Elliott Carter, a composer I do not feel is writing true music, but is modern and different for the sake of modernity alone...

I honestly do not know too many modern composers, or good compositions - care to suggest a few?

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