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Merry Christmas! :D

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So charming! :)
The first time change into the Tannenbaum was awkward to me; a metric modulation would have been better.
The reason why a chromatic passing tone isn't used in O Tannenbaum is because the same can't be done in the parallel figure, but that's up to you. 
The grandiose I - V in the Presto section should actually resolve once in the same dynamic because otherwise the novelty an quick-paced feeling of the movement fades a little bit.
The second fast section of the Deck The Halls's bassoon part is awkward with the C naturals. I know what you're doing and it almost works, there's just a lot of other things going on at the same time.
The changes out of Silent Night and into We Wish You A Merry Christmas are abrupt as well to me.
F natural and F sharps in the final section are handled much better than in the Deck The Halls section, but a lot of untrained people will consider this strange.
The end is very abrupt. Ending on "2" of the second phrase is a bit strange, don't you think? 

Anyway, these are all nitpicks on a very expertly crafted and lovely symphonic movement. Congrats!

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Yes, the changes between the sections are a little abrupt, but so are many transitions in rhapsodic-quoting pieces like this. Your talent and ability are obvious from the first moment so if I were you I would make the "quotes" less important and give more space for development-variations, to make it sound less like a random selection of Christmas tunes and more like a free fantasy based on them.  

Other than that it's really charming and briliant. You've put a smile on my face :) 

And that"Polka" section ROCKS!!! 

Merry Xmas!

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