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The Diminished triad have a diminished 5th/augmented 4th which is a tritone

What is a Tritone ? its only a diminished 5th or a augmented 4th intervals?

The C Whole tone Scale has Three diminished 5ths or augmented 4ths or tritones

Dominant 7th chords have a tritone

The ii degree in harmonic minor is a Diminished triad and has a tritone

What do these Tritones do ? are they pivot tones? are tritones just chromatic/altered tones?

or are Tritones special and why?

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Tritones were once known as the Devil in music, and the church forbade use of them, possibly under the penalty of death.

Fortunately, we live in a less suppressive society now... and are free to use tritones as we please. One interesting use of the tritone is a substitute note for scale degree V. For instance, a common chord progression in tonal music is I-V-I. In the key of C, if you were writing for full orchestra, the basses would probably be playing C - G - C as the bass notes of those chords. However, using this tritone replacement, you could have the basses play C - Gb (or F#) - C. This is a device common to early twentieth century composers like Stravinsky and Ravel. The progression I - bV - I can be found in pieces like Jeau d'eux by Ravel or also in Stravinksy's Petrouchka.

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Thanks for the information

So a tritone is a substitute note?

Does every scale degree have a Tritone note?

Whats the tritone of the first degree?

whats the tritone of the 2nd degree? its a diminished 5th above the 2nd degree?

whats the tritone of the 3rd degree? its a diminished 5th above the 3rd degree?

whats the tritone of the 4th degree? its a diminished 5th above the 4th degree?

When doing a Cmajor scale how do i add in Tritone notes to a c major scale?

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what im trying to say is that in the key of C there is 7 tritones or more ?

because each scale degree a diminished 5th up above the scale degree will produce a tritone so 7 degrees in a C major scale = 7 tritones in the scale?

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C Ionian tritone is Gb flat

D Dorian tritone is Ab flat

E Phrygian tritone is Bb flat

F lydian tritone is Cb flat

G Mixolydian tritone is Db flat

A Aeolian is tritone Eb flat

B Locian is tritone is Fb flat

These make a Diminished 5th interval above the scale degree so its a tritone

in the C major scale having 7 new tritones?

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