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I decided to just sit down and write what i heard in my head. I then stopped and harmonised it. For classical guitar.

We need more more people on this forum composing for solo classical guitar, it's such a beautiful and expressive instrument.


Well, I would wouldn't say that you harmonized it so much as you introduced a countermelody, and other than the very standard chord at the end, there is nothing particularly guitarish about it. But it is rather pleasant, and your sense of melodic motion is solid. What you have sounds like the beginning of what should be a much longer work. You would benefit from canning the ending that you have right now and trying to do something more with your melody.

Good luck with your work..

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What you have sounds like the beginning of what should be a much longer work. You would benefit from canning the ending that you have right now and trying to do something more with your melody.

Good luck with your work..

Thanks for the cc, could you give me any pointers on how i could develop it? And when you say much longer, how much longer is that?

Thanks, Mark

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Thanks for the cc, could you give me any pointers on how i could develop it? And when you say much longer, how much longer is that?

Thanks, Mark

How much longer is a loaded question. Think of what you have as maybe the first page or two of a story. Whether it's a short story, a novella, perhaps a novel, or even an epic, is entirely up to you. Your overall sense of form and aesthetics will tell you how long it should be. If you're not sure, study the works of others that you can find in a similar genre. Listen, Listen, Listen.

Right off the bat, your melody strikes me as an opening theme. So perhaps the old tried and true theme and variations approach might be a good place to start. Try a number of different accompaniment styles with that melody. Try different harmonizations (chords), or maybe an ostinato - that's something that's very easy to play on the guitar and sounds good. Consider using smaller snippets, or motives (either melodic or rhythmic) of the melody as grist for a new section. Study and learn about the different forms (like binary, ternary, or sonata form) in music.

Post your ideas here and continue to ask questions.

Good luck with your work...

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leightwing: what's ostinato?

Ostinato is a commonly used structure that uses repetition to create an underpinning or backdrop through a section of music. It is usually a short musical pattern repeated over and over. It can have melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic elements. It is used in almost every style of music, and is very common in pop styles like the blues, rock, and rap. The use of Loops in programs like Acid, Reason, and most every sequencing program out there are nothing more than a contemporary use of the technique.


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