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Found 7 results

  1. Want to hear what your music sounds like when done by a real musician?? This is your chance! I've lined up a vocalist who is ready and willing to provide a reading of your vocal music! She will review your work and then, if she can do it, will provide a recorded reading of the work/part. Leave your questions here -but, upload via the music uploads section. Be sure to tag the work with 'needs reading' so I can pull the scores for her. Thanks!
  2. Hi all, my fiancé got me a standard iMac and MacBook Air just cause she's awesome, so before that guy try's to tell me that what I have isn't enough, I'm not able to upgrade because I am still learning and haven't gotten my foot in the door yet I have free projects that are offering me work that's it. they only run 8 gigs of RAM, and I need to get something usable for small projects orchestral wise whether it's garrison or whatever I can't spend more than like 400 at the ABSOLUTE most and even still I don't want to spend more than 200-300...are there ANY decent libraries that 8 gigs can handle...I'm not trying to sound like a butthole but everywhere I look people act like you have to spend 1000 dollars to have anything worth using, and all of them apparently require 200 gigs it's frustrating, I'm sorry but I am new any advice?
  3. Variation Project is calling for submission. We are looking to find 5-10 newly composed variations on the canon that was used to compose “Goldberg Variations” by J. S Bach. The canon can be found https://ilyafriedberg.com/variation-project/ Each variation should last between 1 to 6 minutes. You can submit as many variations as you wish, as long as it is done separately. We are launching this exciting project to extend JS Bach’s Goldberg Variation by adding 20-30 newly composed variations. With successful fund raising (please spread the word!) and lots of interests, we hope to bring new freshness to this work. The selections will be made anonymously, purely based on the work. The project assistant will receive the submissions and transfer the anonymous scores for review. The submission to the Variation Project is free. I have decided to fund the project purely from crowdfunding because I wanted to make it possible for composers to submit their works without monetary pressure. So please do spread the word to your fellow supporters of new music and performance. This is the first of hopefully many more projects to discover new composers and their works. In order for this project to come to life, I will need lots of submission AND support thru kickstarter, see details https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/canon/bach-variations-and-more?ref=email The composer of the winning work will receive a professionally produced sound and audio recording of the performance $250 reward The project’s webpage is https://ilyafriedberg.com/variation-project/ Please check the page periodically to be informed of possible new updates. Any information or questions not found can be directed to jconcertseries@gmail.com ELIGIBILITY: Any composer is eligible regardless of age, nationality, sex, color, creed, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or veteran status. TO APPLY: 1. Each entry of one (1) anonymous score must be emailed in pdf format to jconcertseries@gmail.com (subject: “VariationProjectBach”) along with: a. An info sheet (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, or .txt ) with composer’s name, length of work, short bio (no more than one page), and contact information GUIDELINES: 1. Application Deadline: All submissions must be received by 11 :59 pm EST on January 05, 2018. Entries received after this date will not be considered. 2. Regardless of the fact that the project can only be materialized with successful funding, you are welcome to submit your work before December 3, 2017. 3. Composers may submit as many entries as they wish, but separate submission will be required. (only one variation per email) 4. A $250 reward is per variation (ex. If two or more winning variations come from the same composer, the reward will still be given $250/one variation) 5. No name or any personal information should appear anywhere on the submitted score or the subject/body of the email. Any submission with identifying information will be disqualified from the selection and will not be reviewed. 6. Works that require extended piano technique is accepted and encouraged, you may use pre-recorded track to go along with the performance as well. 6. The winning composition will be announced on February 01, 2018. 7. The results will be announced on the project website and winning composers will be contacted individually. 8. Please see the FAQ below for the most commonly asked questions. Any additional questions may only be sent to jconcertseries@gmail.com. Note: Please do NOT send submission materials or any questions to the kickstarter page, generall email address, social media or contact personally, as this will violate the fairness of the selection process. FAQ: Q: Can the variation be longer than 6 minutes? A: No. Every submission must have a duration between 1 to 6 minutes. I am hoping to have the final project (original+ new variations) no longer than 2:30 hours total. Q: Can I submit a work that includes other instruments or electronics? A: No, you cannot include other instruments but you may submit your variation with an pre-recorded audio track. Deadline: 05 Jan 2018 11: 59 pm EST Entry Fee: 0.00 (Your word of mouth will be greatly appreciated for funding of the project!) Currency: U.S. Dollar (USD)
  4. Sang by slovakian choir Omnia. Text by a writter called Jan Fratrik (in sheet accidentaly Jozef) was at a collection of his many poems to choose from to composittion at year 2015. Finally recorded at May of 2016 so I can post it here. Very simple harmonies, colors in the middle (although hard to understand words don't you think?). The piece was also reworked and the silent spots have been reduced, harmonies (especially at the empty ending cadence) reworked, some rhytm altered in some cases where the nature of the words demanded it and solo added to the middle part. Also transposed to f minor as I felt sopranos at the premiere had a bit of problem to have a clear f2) If you want I can add the reworked sheet music but unless so I don't find it necessary to put it here since the recording is in this first version. I'll try to translate the best I can: Girl of pale cheeks, you have the desires of swallows, soft, velvet voice smile always full of brightness. Girl...from the suburbs. With charm you know to wheedle, you won't say about beauty, when in shivers through my whole body I loose myself in a white dream even rhyme lost itself from poems, and heavy smoke from cigarettes. Stop oh stop the time, may it flows by us, may music sounds forever, on precious noon. To the girls...of our cities. (By no means my translation represents the poem in an aesthetic way. I translated it only so you may know roughly what is it singing about if you don't speak slovak language.)
  5. Hi all, I'm new here, this is my first post. I know nothing about making music, at all. I tried picking up a couple different instruments in my youth, but never stuck to it and lost interest. The thing is, I have tons of songs in my head that I really want to get out onto paper, computer, recording, something? I come up with them all the time, not even meaning to, but they get stuck in my head, and I want to get them out. The songs are complete in terms of music, just no lyrics there. Any advice on what to do here? I don't know how to compose or play any instruments so I could record, and even if I could play one instrument, for example the piano, I would have to learn many instruments in order to record an entire song. Is there some kind of software that will help me here? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hello all, I'm interested in internalizing the different tone colors and effects different instruments have (mutes, special bowing techniques, extended techniques, etc.). Does anyone know of an online database which has recorded samples of each instrument with different effects? For example, I'm looking for a site that could provide audio of a Horn in F playing muted (non-transposing), stopped, muted (transposing), and open. This would be as a substitute to someone who didn't have access to live players who could demonstrate these effects in person. Many thanks.
  7. Hi, I have a casio keyboard ctk 810, one can record the music one plays directly on the computer. The question is, how. All I got was an installation software, do I need anything else for it to work? Thanks, Elysian
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