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"is it time for breakfast already?" - an update of a short and sweet idea inspired by sunlight weather (for chamber orchestra)

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One day in spring when first awoken to sunlight I was immediately struck with melodies of a tune I made 3 years ago. I decided to give it an update in wait for the sunlight weather that has now arrived!

is it time for breakfast already orchestrated score pdf.pdf




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Hello @Lyckstolp,

Welcome to YC and thx for joining us!

I think this is lovely descriptive music! I love that oboe solo so much at the beginning. The pacing is very interesting with all those rests plus the pizz. from strings. I love those perfect fourth moves in the melody as it portrays the pure morning for me, and the oboe is perfect to portray the sound like a cock haha! 

Initially I don't like you leaving the quaver rests to silence without filling up them, but later I find this a better device to portray the awakening of the animals and creatures! I love the ending most since it does show some vivacity of a morning! What I hope is maybe you extend the piece!!

P.S I'm going to move this piece to the forum for Orchestral and Large Ensemble.

Thx for sharing! Please also look into other talented members' works and possibly review them!



Hi @Lyckstolp!

Your piece is pretty good, I liked it a lot!


It fits a lot with its name (which I find very cute haha), those pizz with the oboe solo really sound like the rising sun in the morning, but I find the solo quite homogeneous, the register of the solo is a 12 and everything in the high register, wich in oboe sounds strong and piercing, maybe, you should take some fragments of the solo an octave down, so the oboe can show its variety of timbres! Lower register sound warmers in oboe (I'm not an oboist I must add hahaha)

Also, the solo lasts for the 50% of your piece, i think that introducing rest of instruments a bit earlier (p.e. anticipate the clarinet melody) will be benifical for the piece. If you want to keep the oboe that high, I think that a counter melody (around 0.30) of the clarinet in mid register will work as well.

But those are just my picky observations, your piece is enjoyable as it is now!

Hope I helped you 🙂 .


Yes, a delightful piece; full of early sunlight, very "is it breakfast"y, light and airy. What I liked was the fuller scoring toward the end that gave the feel of the day really starting up. I also loved the way the opening notes seem to fanfare the sunlight as if drawing a listener's attention to it.

I have but two crits:

1) it might have been a bit longer. (You'd need a second theme to turn it into a full movement but you could possibly get more from the material as is to extend it maybe up to 2 1/2 minutes.)

2) the pizzicatos, particularly in the cellos (bar 17) could be a little quieter. At the moment (to me, anyway, auditioning through a damned good pair of studio 'phones with some cross-feed) the loudness brings a heaviness that takes away from your sunlit oboe theme. In itself, the pizz is a brilliant idea to give the day a lightness and bounce, so if you re-render it, reducing the dynamic to a p is worth thinking about. - Given the oboe is marked as as p, the violins come in marked mf. As the violins are a section (what? 6 Violins-1 players) the oboe may be thrown to the back a little. Same with the cello in bar 17, marked mp.  Were it me (which it isn't) I'd mark both at p.

The only other point is phrasing the oboe part. Much is legato and needs slurs as appropriate.

Well done. Much appreciated. 

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