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  1. Hello everybody, I recently started composing some pieces of piano music, the first of which I published on youtube. Being still inexperienced, even though I have been playing the piano for 8/9 years, I wanted to know what you think of the piece, and how I could improve my future compositions. The video is linked below: https://youtu.be/kvqKD72_bvk Appreciate your help
  2. 13th PIANO COMPOSITION COMPETITION FIDELIO 2022 VIA THE INTERNET (Divided into musical styles) NEW THIS YEAR: The organization has decided this year for the first time the following change in the voting system: The results of the first, second and third round will be decided by the participants, on the other hand the results of the semifinal and final rounds will be decided by the participants and also by an external jury of renowned composers. Entering this competition is very simple, all you have to do is to record your own piano solo composition and send the audio file to one of the following email addresses: concursofidelio@gmail.com You don't need to submit the score, just the audio file. In this competition you are both a competitor and judge, choosing the winner by voting at home for the best work. All the voting results are sent to you via email so that you can check both, the votes given and received by everyone.. During the voting process the contestants also receive comments on their works. Very important: The composition submitted cannot last more than four minutes. Only the entrants vote to choose the winners. Prizes: 3600 euros and more divided into four categories. Entry fee: 20 euros per one composition submitted. (maximum allowed per category: 5 compositions) 15 euros each submission for two or more compositions If you have participated previously, this year you can take advantage of the following: Paying one work you can submit two works Paying two works you can submit three works Paying three works you can submit four or five works. You can participate with your name or pseudonym. You must be the author of the composition submitted. The competition is divided into four styles or categories so that you compete against works of similar style: Tonal, Classical, Romantic Jazz, Impressionist, Ragtime Minimalist, Experimental, New Age Atonal, Contemporary (Some Tonal parts are allowed) No matter how far you are. This Competition is via the Internet. Pianists from more than 30 countries join this competition every year. You participate from your house. ENTRIES DEADLINE BEFORE STARTING TO VOTE: June the 25th 2022 Click on the following link to register in case you are interested. You can also listen to the past year's winning works: https://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/# With best wishes Antonio Ruiz Asumendi (organizer) Taller de Músicos y Artes Plásticas, Centro Integral de Música y Artes S.L de Madrid Fidelio edit.
  3. Dear friends, Would you like to participate in a piano composition competition without leaving home? The Eight Piano Composition Competition Fidelio via The Internet is open for registration. In case you want to participate you are very welcome. As usual, It is very simple, you only need to play your own piano composition (1 to 4 minutes), and send the audio file, that’s all. Inscription: 10 euros or equivalent in dollars In this competition you choose the winners of the cash prizes through a voting system published in the web. When you enter the voting rounds you only vote for the music you listen without knowing the author's name or pseudonym. It's only known when the final results are given. Deadline to submit your audio file: November the 30th. 2017 Many countries involved. The style of the music is free. Enter here to read complete guidelines, know prizes and listen to past winner's piano compositions: http://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/ With best wishes Antonio Ruiz Asumendi (Director)
  4. Dear friends, Would you like to participate in the Sixth Piano Composition Competition Fidelio at home via internet? http://concursodecomposicionparapianofidelio.com/bases-del-concurso/ Inscription 9 euros or equivalent in dollars. 5 prizes, three in cash. In this competition the winners are chosen by the entrants through a voting system published in the web, it means that you and the other participants will have to vote for the works via email. It's very simple, you just have to inscribe and send your audio file. Joining the voting rounds is quite exciting! You can participate with name or nickname. Deadline to submit your piano composition October the 30th. There is something new compared to last competition: 1) audio files can last up to 4 minutes. 2) People will be encouraged to leave comments on the works when voting, this comments will be sent privately to each one of the participants along with the results. All the best. Antonio Ruiz
  5. I am working on a composition but it has barely this chords: C, C aug, Dm, G, G aug; and in very short parts: Em Fm and Am. And little variations. The composition is for piano, written in the key of C major, and I am worried that most of the composition is repeating the C and D chords with little variations. Is this wrong? Is this of bad taste? Is this monotone? What do you think of the harmony in this cases? Thank you for your help.
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