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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2013 in all areas

  1. Since I do youtube videos for all my scores, I can: 1. keep track of subscribers and visitors by country. Clearly the pope is a fan, because I don't know anyone in Italy right now, and Italy is always at the top of my view stats. 2. I can stick the videos in facebook posts, send them out to people on the ACDA list who are looking for certain types of material, and send them to my mom. I can be sure they are getting heard by people who wouldn't necessarily take the time to look at a score otherwise. So, the audience is choir buddies through the years, old friends, and the occasional choir that finds me when they are looking for new material and search for SATB a cappella ocean, or something like that on youtube. Hopefully here and there some group decides to actually try one of my pieces and then my empire grows! World domination, here I come!
    2 points
  2. I'm partially descended from orientals that crossed the Bering land bridge thousands of years ago. Does that count?
    1 point
  3. 1) Myself*. 2) Anyone who just wants to enjoy music**.
    1 point
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