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YC and IE 8

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For the past 2 days, everytime I try to open a piece of music IE Crashes.


I can go directly to YC but once there, as soon as I try to access a page that has music, I either get the same msg as above or

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage'

Is anyone else experiencing this?


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What version of IE are you using?

I have tried logging out and as a non member IE still crashes.

I got rid of my entire history in IE and IE crashes.

I can go anywhere else on the internet without any problems. The only place I have ever had IE crash is here and only since yesterday.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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I have IE 8.0.6

I don't get that crashing but everything is very slow and it almost crashes each time when clicking the link to go to forum or viceversa (when swithing forum-network, network-forum)

Have you tried the "compatibility" button ? next to "refresh" and "stop"

Do you install microsoft updates ? (actually I don't recommend download every single patch they want you to have)

IE8 on what ? WinXP, WinVISTA, Ubuntus(s) ?

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IE 8 on Vista 64.

I clicked the "compatibility" button and that has fixed it. It is still alot slower than Firefox but at least it now works.

I install the updates about every other month or so. Sometimes quicker, but I hate having to restart the computer, so I don't download them until I have the time to restart.



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