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In the comments section on a persons music, when I reply there are several problems.

1. No spaces. Everything is compressed. When using the "visit thread" to take one to the forum part of it the same compression is there but if it is edited once it is fixed(the spacing shows up in the edit) if saved will show up correctly in the forum thread but not the commends section.

2. Urls, emoticons, images, etc... do not work on the comments section and when you use them they use a different syntax than what is used in the forums thread. <img> vs .

Probably a simple bug to fix but quite annoying. (I'm on firefox btw)

Otherwise I really like what has been done with the site. Much much more enjoyable to use and probably the best forums site I have seen because it takes the whole user experience into account.


1. In the "Find Posts" part of the profile one only see's their own replies and the last one they had. It would be nice if it also showed if there are new posts or the name of the last poster. Hence they can use it to see if there are is something to respond to. Right now I'm having trouble keeping track of the replies I have made and if someone has responded. I would like some kinda "alert" feature but something that is not intrusive(no emails or popup stuff). I don't mind clicking a link to see if "watched" topics have changed.

2. Allow one to add music without putting it on the "Recent Compositions" list. Possibly make the list longer(can scroll through them).


In the comments section on a persons music, when I reply there are several problems.

1. No spaces. Everything is compressed. When using the "visit thread" to take one to the forum part of it the same compression is there but if it is edited once it is fixed(the spacing shows up in the edit) if saved will show up correctly in the forum thread but not the commends section.

We will see if this can be fixed. You are able to comment both in the forum and in the network. Usually, I'll just comment on the forum - saves the trouble of dealing with this one. We will look into this and see what we can do to fix this.

2. Urls, emoticons, images, etc... do not work on the comments section and when you use them they use a different syntax than what is used in the forums thread. <img> vs .

As long as I've been on the forum, it's always been like this (even before the changes. I've only had problems a few times though... not sure if we can change this or not. Mike?

Otherwise I really like what has been done with the site. Much much more enjoyable to use and probably the best forums site I have seen because it takes the whole user experience into account.

Awwww, thanks! We will all take this as an endorsement! So! You'll tell all your friends? And have them become members as well??


1. In the "Find Posts" part of the profile one only see's their own replies and the last one they had. It would be nice if it also showed if there are new posts or the name of the last poster. Hence they can use it to see if there are is something to respond to. Right now I'm having trouble keeping track of the replies I have made and if someone has responded. I would like some kinda "alert" feature but something that is not intrusive(no emails or popup stuff). I don't mind clicking a link to see if "watched" topics have changed.

If you click the new content link at the upper right hand corner, this will take you to all new posts made since the last time you were online. The posts feature is member oriented - and really - isn't the best way to search for new content from all members. We do have a watch topic option that is easily edited to create the type of alert you would like (almost all are email however.) I use it all the time. You can also opt to receive updates on a per forum basis. So if you particularly are interested in Chamber Works... click that option. By doing that you will receive 1 email a day that details all the recent activity in that forum.

2. Allow one to add music without putting it on the "Recent Compositions" list. Possibly make the list longer(can scroll through them).

I believe we are working on this. You have to remember as well, that we do experience swings in the amount of uploads to the forums. Sometimes, a work you posted will sit on the top of that list for a few hours other times a few minutes. The uploads are quite active on the forum here - and putting your work on the recent compositions list is our way of helping provide exposure that you may or may not receive!

I hope that helps. Thanks for choosing Young Composers!


I don't feel like reading the OP, but this looks like the same thing that's bugging me. Complain time. When I compose a review on the network, it posts it without line break. When I go to edit the line breaks in on the forum as I intended them originally, emoticons get screwn up and the line breaks still don't display properly on the network. I think this is very important because when composing larger reviews organisation is key and line breaks are the tool we use to divide sections of a review - so please please please fix this. The other major thing is that the network STILL doesn't display quotations properly. Urghhh. This is was problem in the very very beginning and we didn't fix it?

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