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Marimba and Piano vs Guitar and Bass

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Hey guys, I've recently started this idea, but can't decide which arrangement I like better. One is for acoustic guitar and bass (excuse my subpar playing- my main instrument is piano) and is at a slower tempo, and the other is for marimbas, piano, and double bass, and is at a faster tempo. I like the sound of the guitar arrangement better, and I like the fact that it's a new challenge for me (I've never recorded with acoustic instruments before, I've always used MIDI), but I feel that you can hear the separate parts a lot better in the marimba arrangement. If you could give me some feedback and your own opinions, that would be awesome! 

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First of all, I'd like to say that musical fragment was very interesting in and of itself. I know that's no what you asked, but there ya go. :D

I personally like the Marimba arrangement; that "cold" sound as Luis put it is something I personally like very much. The first sounds a little more generic to me, and I think you'll have a lot more opportunity to explore sound uniqueness with the marimba. Good luck!

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@Luis Hernández Thanks for your feedback! I do like the cold sound of the marimbas, as you put it, but I think I like the more intimate sound of the guitar. My main concern with the guitar one was that all the separate parts would lose their distinction and just kind of blend together. 

@Monarcheon Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I'm a big fan of the kind of sound the second one has as well, but as I said above, I do prefer the sound of the guitars. I can definitely see what you mean about it sounding generic though- maybe I could keep the guitars and just add in some other instruments to make it a little more interesting. Thanks so much for your help!

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