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Treatise on The Walls = Here is an extended concept piece.


Warning…. this piece is 36 minutes long..  Open your mind, get comfortable.  It took many months of time to complete. Many 12 hours days, other times only 30 minutes a day, cause I got overwhelmed.   a lot of experimentation, and exploration.


This piece consists of several movements..   There are three songs (sort of), sections of ‘sound design’ free form or sound exploration.. A significant of sound manipulation, processing. Hundreds and hundreds of automation commands. 


I was reading about Pink Floyd and how they were basically a ‘jam’ and later concept band..  I took a similar but further out approach.. My interest was more in breaking some of my ‘music protocols’ Hence the ‘sound design approach’ in a fair amount of the piece (for lack of a better definition).   I relied on the emotional content (to me at least) of the sounds themselves..  So in another way, this is my reference to Beachboy Pet Sounds..  I included a lot of sounds themselves I liked. Working them in, and altering other parts to make them seem more homogenous with their surroundings.  


I originally started with Another Brick in the Wall, starting tacking parts in front and behind it..  Then just cutting up the song and inserting 4,8, 16, or more bars and filling in with different musical  motifs and sometimes new chord progressions..  Some sections were a first attempt motif overlay, and then I added additional to support that section.. 


Other sections, I just kept tacking on additional new sections, one after the other..  Often I would spend a few hours or days, on a section.. Only to feel it, didn’t work..  I didn’t throw these away. I just muted the tracks; weeks, or months later, I unmuted them, and then realized that’s were they belonged, I just had to manipulate a few of the newest tracks to settle them in..  It was an epiphany to realize that good ideas came out of my head,  but  usually not in the right order.. 



Singing - Jeanne Otis, Larry Marshal, Suzanne AD

Voice narration - JeanneOtis Larry Marshal, Mark Styles


The Wall intro - Jeanne Otis


Intro solo 


Another Brick In The Wall - Jeanne Otis, Larry Marshal

Re-iteration of Another Brick phrase 

Cellos, oboe,  and Space Debris march

March Solo - bells and guitar


Wishful Minds Outer Dimension Beyond the Wall

The Evolution of Walls over Time 

Bridging between Wall Concepts

Manipulation of Thought - The Dark Walls and broader Definitions

The Wall of Summer - (Suzanne AD singing)

The First Wall before Time Began (Mark Styles whispers and the Latin Girls, joined by Larry Marshal)

Transmission line between Walls 

The Realm’s Common Ground (Jeanne Otis and Mark Styles - surfacing of whales for communication)

Looking Beyond the Walls (Jeanne Otis)  - whispers of retired souls

Another plane of existence - Vox from alternate Dimensions - whales cumunication across universe definitions. 

The First Garden of Eden  

Outro -  back to normal time/space

Edited by markstyles
  • 2 weeks later...


At last I could listen to this work (the whole of it).

I think you've done a great work here! I love the concept of it (about The Wall), and all the sounds you use. You're a kind of master in orchestration with modern sounds.

This is the kind of modern music I would buy... Congrats!


Man, this is a hefty piece! It's really done. If there's one thing I would fix, is that the voice seemed a little louder in terms of the rest of the suite's volume. It just didn't blend as well. Some of the percussion is the same way (the windchimes in the beginning, for example).

Some weird chord tones here and there too. Maybe this wouldn't bother a normal person, but I found them to be distracting (I heard F#'s against F major and quartal harmony over major triads, and stuff).

Overall though, you should be really proud of this. It's super well done!


Thanx Monarcheon - Yes, there are a few mixing issues still left..  I bounce it down, listen to the mix, and oops, there's a couple more spots, that could be smoother..  I just about reached critical level on the amount of time and effort. After I've let it rest a bit, I'll fix them, and re-upload..  This certainly is the most complex thing I ever tackled,.  It took a lot of discipline to just keep working at it.. 

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