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Valse for piano and violin


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The first 15 seconds reminds me a lot to happy birthday to you, did you use the same harmonic cadence but transposed to minor?

is my ear that is bad or it starts in c minor and ends in d minor?

I like a lot the harmonic desitions that you make, the waltz is pretty romantic and nostalgic.

what midi violin do you use? it sounds very well, or is it a work of mastering and equalization?.

Edited by Tortualex
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21 hours ago, Tortualex said:

The first 15 seconds reminds me a lot to happy birthday to you, did you use the same harmonic cadence but transposed to minor?

is my ear that is bad or it starts in c minor and ends in d minor?

I like a lot the harmonic desitions that you make, the waltz is pretty romantic and nostalgic.

what midi violin do you use? it sounds very well, or is it a work of mastering and equalization?.


Well yes, but I didn’t crated it thinking in that specific piece actually,  a lot of music share the same progressions and chords, the melody makes the difference (and in this case of course the fact it is minor). It is the typical I-V-I-IV-V-I 🙂 

regarding your second statement, it changes but it is to G, it is because I modulated using C minor as a pivot. This piece has more than one modulation. 

Good to know that you liked it. 🙂 I tried to add that nostalgic touch, specially in the use of higher notes. It sounds a bit more cold because of the chosen piano sound (VSL Bluethner), but I really wanted to use my new piano library lol 

I was inspired in folk and classical, I always get that inspiration (folk) when I use a violin, probably because I always select the articulation called Gypsy 😄 

It is the Bohemian violin, totally recommended, it sounds inspiring and realistic. Cheers!


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20 hours ago, Guillem82 said:

I like the energy and the character of the piece, it has somehow a passionate Russian flavour. Nice work!



Thanks Guillem82 for listening and your appreciation. You are totally right, It was inspired in Russian folk too 🙂 specially in the violin section, and given the use of the harmonic minor in some places, it fits very good to my ears 🙂 

thanks a lot 🙂

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