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Piano concerto? what do you think?

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Hi everybody,

Going over some unfinished ideas, I came across this fragment. It has some unbalanced parts... But do you think I should retake it?

I have made progress with my rhetoric figures, and soon the first entries will be ready... I thin I can use them in any style and I need some fresh different music (than the galant style I was studying).


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9 hours ago, Luis Hernández said:

Going over some unfinished ideas, I came across this fragment. It has some unbalanced parts... But do you think I should retake it?

You definitely should retake this. Of course some parts are unbalanced in terms of development of the ideas but I am sure you can polish it right now. For me the harmonic language here is interesting and those schemata do help with any types of music, after all composing music can sometimes be considered as a semiotic or rhetoric act. I will be excited if you can finish this!


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Hello! Great! You have material for many developments.

I see a very interesting progression starting from 1.33, and it seems to be self-sufficient in energy little by little. In my opinion, this is a very beautiful passage that has character. These processes using steps are excellent ways to give a direction, I think.

(By the way, I just subscribed to your Youtube channel where I listened with great pleasure to several nights.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the material at measure 38 is especially apt to be in a piece deserving of the title of a 'concerto' since they're usually supposed to display some virtuosity by the pianist by varying the melodic material with more difficult piano figurations etc.  Some of your material is very rhythmically ambiguous - I personally don't find that the septuplets add anything particularly unique nor deliberate to the composition but that's just my opinion.  But it would be difficult to make variations of such material that displays the pianist's virtuosity.  If you like it though that's all that counts.  Thanks for sharing!

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Agree with others here, Luis. 

It has huge potential, some very interesting harmonic twists and a fairly demanding piano part so far. Shame that it came to an abrupt stop. I was expecting development along the lines of the previous few bars. As usual, your instrumentation is well balanced and gives the piano plenty of exposure. It all fits together well. Maybe if you finished the movement additional movements would come to mind. The initial piano entry at bar 13 is interesting - quiet and prepared by the previous bars with their diminuendo - a lovely figure all the same that soon acquires energy.  My only comment is that the tuplets in 7 seemed to upset the rhythm a little - but that's just my take and I dare say I'd get used to them!

Very nice. 

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