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The Youtube Opt In Network

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In the uploads forum, you may notice a "yes / no" button asking you if you'd like to opt-in your music submissions to be considered for usage in one of my videos or shorts. In case you aren't aware, I am delving into the Youtube world to talk about the merits of music notation and music appreciation. Naturally, creating videos requires the use of music to help keep these videos engaging. This is where I've been struggling because I have to be VERY careful with copyright on Youtube.

Right off the bat, your music will still remain your copyright, so don't worry about that. This is really just an extra opportunity for your music to be utilized in an interesting way. And if you do "opt in" and I happen to utilize your music, I'd do the following:

  • I'd give you a shoutout in the video description (with a link to your thread in Young Composers)
  • In some cases I may give you a shoutout in the video itself
  • I'll notify you in the Young Composers thread and link you to the video in which I've utilized your music

If I end up getting too many submissions, what I may do is put in some requirements. For example, you must have at least 5 reviews, or a reply from me. But let's see how it goes before I put in any requirements.

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Hi Mike,

1 hour ago, chopin said:

In the uploads forum, you may notice a "yes / no" button asking you if you'd like to opt-in your music submissions to be considered for usage in one of my videos or shorts

I would like to ask: if our works are already posted here, how do we acknowledge your usage of our already-posted music? I myself for sure don't mind or even love to be featured in your videos or shorts, but is there a confirmation or consent procedure for that to make sure that the old posts will also be featured under the member's consent?

Thanks so much for your effort Mike! You really dedicate so many things to YC and MJ!!


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7 hours ago, Henry Ng Tsz Kiu said:

how do we acknowledge your usage of our already-posted music?

You can just edit your topic, and check the yes / no button for that specific piece. This way it will then be tracked in the "Youtube Network" that I've created for the community. BTW, you only see the yes / no for opt in, in the uploads forums. As each topic is supposed to represent an individual or group of works.

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