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A Question About Signatures

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As a graphic artist, I really enjoy displaying my graphics in my signature. However, this option seems to be pretty much disabled, apparently, along with putting anything into a signature more than 3 lines. I know what the admins are trying to prevent. However, I don't think it's really fair to be so restrictive of something for all members simply because of the possibility that a few might get obnoxious. And I think a simple restriction on the size of signature display could be substituted for the restriction on signature lines.




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You should be able to upload any image up to 500 pixels wide by 150 pixels high for use in your signature. By way of comparison, 150 pixels should be a little over the height of your post above - anything larger than that, I would say, runs the risk of beginning to detract from the actual content. I suppose we could raise the 500 pixel width limit, but I'm not sure how much that would help people.

As for a restriction on the size of "signature display": assuming I've understood you correctly, that isn't possible on the software we're running.

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I always wished we could use the font tag in signatures so I could make smaller font and advertise more of my pieces and stuff and use more lines and less space. I'm space-conservative, but not content-conservative. That's why I put some info in my sigpic. I HATE people having tall sigpics, but I'm fine with wide ones. :musicwhistle: Actually, I think mine's too tall, but I couldn't fit that much in with the width limit without adding height. Bah, I love making these little trinkets. XD

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