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Found 4 results

  1. I thought I would share my final project for my theory and composition course, intended for a contemplative short film with no dialogue. Instruments used: Alaska Sweeps, Mellow Grand Piano, Sad Strings, Drawbar Flutes, all from HALion Sonic. Around 1 minute I made use of retrograde, but otherwise the melody is free of elaborate development techniques. Please let me know if there is any way I could improve this track in a strictly compositional sense. 🙂
  2. Please listen to a composition I made today. Is for the main title of a 8bit game. It should be looped more times. It is a finale audio so don't expect a lot of quality of instruments. Any suggestion and comment are great 😄
  3. Hey guys! I made this little diddy in Famitracker, I wanted to have it sound as faithful to the NES/Famicom as possible. Please let me know what you think! In my opinion, I'd like to have a little more original material after that second section before the intro theme reprises.
  4. Hey guys it has been ages since I have posted on here and I've missed this community a great deal! As always I am constantly writing and usually post material in the Video game music/film score section but with this post comes some fresh new material in which I have been heavily inspired by retro music but I wanted to put my own "spin" on it! I hope you guys dig and let me know what you think! Here is the link to the youtube channel if you guys are interested!
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