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Guest QcCowboy

the hypocrisy of Juji's post is stunning.


I think we all give too much importance to trivial matters. It's not real life here. It won't change the bad state of the world if an ideal environment for discussion exists. It's just a forum.

I'd say we should all save our energy for things that really matter (real life issues).


You guys are funny.

Aside from not replying to any of the points I made, I got banned from the shoutbox just two minutes ago. That's because I said the following phrase:

"boob tat cock donkey cat sex"

I really don't want to go in depth of informing all of you that all of the aforementioned words (apart from "sex") are animals and these are terms used in every day language. The context I used them was not a vulgar, offensive, cursing or aggressive context. And I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be allowed to say the word "sex".

Bye bye. Have fun for the rest of YC. I can't be bothered to write down all the reasons for which I'm leaving, firstly because the post will probably be deleted (oops), secondly because it should be obvious by now why people are leaving. If it isn't, take a break and rethink what you've done and what you haven't done.

I will not return to this website unless the administrators kiss my behind while humming the french national anthem backwards.

As this is unlikely to happen, I salute you (oh wait, I spoke a word in French!) (BAN!)


so, instead of saying the bad words straight, you find animal names that have double meanings and use them. then you complain about being banned.

i for one want YC to be a RESPECTABLE, CARING, CLEAN, FUN forum.

I think we all give too much importance to trivial matters. It's not real life here. It won't change the bad state of the world if an ideal environment for discussion exists. It's just a forum.

I'd say we should all save our energy for things that really matter (real life issues).


This is why you won't find me in any of the arguments, or situations, other than saying something like 'arggle barggle', because it doesn't matter. People don't realise how little it matters.

I'm just... better than y'all.


I understand your sentiment, but to compare an ideaology that prevents people from being rude to an 'imperialist' dictactorship just seems a little bit over the top!


ideology is the first and foremost sign of imperialism. ask nazis and soviets (or middle age christians or.....etc.).

ideology prevents (works) by excluding and punishing as any imperialism.

so, it's not over the top, it's straight and rigorous. almost tautological.

ideology is the first and foremost sign of imperialism. ask nazis and soviets (or middle age christians or.....etc.).

ideology prevents (works) by excluding and punishing as any imperialism.

so, it's not over the top, it's straight and rigorous. almost tautological.

I think your reasons for wanting freedom are sensible and just. However, there are those who simply want a license to be... how shall I say it... "not nice"... Seeing as how you do not have any intentions (as far as I am aware!) from being "not nice" I don't see why your freedom has been inhibited! Theoretically I agree, but I think in practice I would rather not participate in a forum where anything goes", considering anything goes is often code for "I have the right to be a b******!"

Just out of interest, do you agree with punishing criminals? Surely it makes sense to punish the unjust so that the just may live in peace!

so, instead of saying the bad words straight, you find animal names that have double meanings and use them. then you complain about being banned.

i for one want YC to be a RESPECTABLE, CARING, CLEAN, FUN forum.

also if you leave just because you can't post unapropriate things, than the forum is probably better off without you anyway...

Guest Bitterduck
I think we all give too much importance to trivial matters. It's not real life here. It won't change the bad state of the world if an ideal environment for discussion exists. It's just a forum.

I'd say we should all save our energy for things that really matter (real life issues).


How is this an ideal environment for discussion? You have to worry about not being to rude about not being to aggressive. An ideal environment for discussion is a place where you can say what you what how you want. The key is to be respectful, and these rules try to make that happen, but let's face, it just gets replaced with subtle sarcasm.

How is this an ideal environment for discussion? You have to worry about not being to rude about not being to aggressive. An ideal environment for discussion is a place where you can say what you what how you want. The key is to be respectful, and these rules try to make that happen, but let's face, it just gets replaced with subtle sarcasm.

This worked, when I thought everyone who joined this place would be by nature, respectful. I was wrong, and I learned the hard way by the massive amounts of hate speech and member bashing trickling through.

And if you have to have to worry about "not being rude" then I don't know what to tell you. This should be natural to most!


It isn't ideal, it cannot be, but in my opinion it doesn't really matter either. Rudeness, aggression, sarcasm are all unnecessary, don't you think? No one is above/below anyone, no one is better/worse than anyone, no one has to prove anything to anybody. We are all here to learn and share.

The key is to be respectful...



Guest Bitterduck

Not being rude is not natural to most, it's fear that comes from not respecting your social responsibility that makes it seems like that. Anyways, I wasn't saying that ideal environment would work here. To many kids who believe in God here. (why does that matter? Religion + kids = strong beliefs with little thought and that tends to effect their our cognate ability.)

There's only one play i've been apart of where it worked and it was grand.

Guest Bitterduck
It isn't ideal, it cannot be, but in my opinion it doesn't really matter either. Rudeness, aggression, sarcasm are all unnecessary, don't you think? No one is above/below anyone, no one is better/worse than anyone, no one has to prove anything to anybody. We are all here to learn and share.



Unnecessary, hardly. If you want to live in some false reality where all problems can be solved be being friendly, then do what makes you happy. However, there are idiots here and being respectful to obviously idiotic claims is just dumb.


Who actually choose the members of the staff ? because I have a suggestion, in convert a Moderator to common user, and a common user to member of the staff, ... do you want me to say who by who....?

I understand some rules because of the presence of "kids" ... is there a way to create certain kinds of levels in discussions ?, like sections ?....well it's just an Idea....

Guest Bitterduck

The age requirement for certain sections was kicked around before the death of FFA sub forum. General consensus, it's to easy to get around.

Unnecessary, hardly. If you want to live in some false reality where all problems can be solved be being friendly, then do what makes you happy. However, there are idiots here and being respectful to obviously idiotic claims is just dumb.

I see. Well, in the final analysis we all do what we think is best.

Not being rude is not natural to most, it's fear that comes from not respecting your social responsibility that makes it seems like that. Anyways, I wasn't saying that ideal environment would work here. To many kids who believe in God here. (why does that matter? Religion + kids = strong beliefs with little thought and that tends to effect their our cognate ability.)

There's only one play i've been apart of where it worked and it was grand.

And here comes the imminent argument about religion! I imagine gender politics are just around the corner as well.


Just out of interest, do you agree with punishing criminals? Surely it makes sense to punish the unjust so that the just may live in peace!

it's a tuff one. and tuff to the core of answering what is human. or rather is there any quality of human besides his 99 percent of being animal species?

because if i take human to be a completely socio (i.e. structured life of historical road of biological necessity)-biologic creature, then i see no way of having justice served, ''cause it's hard to see how totally determined being could be responsible for anything at all. That is, i very easily can say that in any crime i was determined to do so by forces stronger than me - genes, history, social circumstances and etc. and so, 'punishing criminal' becomes very very tied to paticular circumstances and its necessity cannot be answered once and for all.

so, in order to serve justice you must pressupose freedom and autonomity to human individual. and, moreover, you must pressupose that freedom comes as an act of responsibility and as such cannot be valid in cases where one was not free to choose, let's say was made to commit a crime under huge pressure where even his autonomous/free individuality became taken by genes, socio-biological necessities and etc. where one could not resist anymore. punishing in these circumstances is again very dubious and requires clarification.

here, we have example - again - of antiquity, Socrates's trial, where he was accused of not respecting morals and gods of the past and so dirtying young minds of Athenes (socrates used to hangout with youth of polis discussing things and drinking wine). He was sent to jail (out of polis) and received numerous plans of how to escape jail and emigrate to some other polis where people would love to accept him - after all Socrates was a known and respected figure of Athenes - , but he refused, saying that he is true to his place and it's laws, that is he claims himself responsible (for something he's never done - discussing is a sign of political freedom and so called corruption of youth was only a way of dialogue having and wine loving men). So he takes his poisonous drink and drinks it down (even knowing that he is not guilty). Out of true respect and fidelity to his polis - Athenes. In this picture i find all paradoxes of crime and punishment (by the way - read dostoyevskian take on the issue in 'crime and punisshment') - the necessary component of social circumstances, the preemtying of guilt by the fact that a man was totally true to his polis and it's laws, and completely brave and free act of justice that the man commits to by drinking poison, yet being unguilty. So showing us two things - a) only free and brave men can be served and serve justice and b) that punishment comes as a fate/necessity and though inevitable, yet not completely brought out by the 'criminal' himself.

To this fact of seeing that most crimes are contingent acts of fate (biologico-social necessity) the Greeks left a strange exhibit - they would let all punished ones loose for couple of weeks when there'd be Dionysian fest - that is spring coming fest, orgy and, well, old school rave. During days of Dionysians (who is god of wine, joy and freedom) all criminals would be let out to have some gross fun.

How about this type of justice?

The age requirement for certain sections was kicked around before the death of FFA sub forum. General consensus, it's to easy to get around.

But how is that the forum's problem? If people say they are over 13 when they register, isn't that enough legally? If they lie, it's their problem, not ours.

Or is this about morality too? That you (the administration) can't morally subject an 11 year old to this regardless of who is liable?

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