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Bug #1 from Robin: Layout of header bar - username/"signed in as..."/etc is too close to the "YoungComposers ®"

Bug #2 from Robin: Layout of "total views" etc shifts with longer titles. Collides with "edit paper/pen thingy"

Bug #3 from Robin: What is "IN NO" added to titles? (figured it out, it's a Key. Can we have this not appear if the piece isn't in a key?)


Guest John Pax

I've gone through the new site, tried out most features and tried navigating as I would in a normal YC visit.

  • There are A LOT of bugs, most of which are ones you'd expect developers to get, not ones that slip through and users pick up along the way.
  • It is not as simple as it could be, please for the love of all that is good, can you just make the site simple and working first?!?
  • There appears to still be a lot of useless features. If they didn't get used on this site why would people use them on that site?


I've gone through the new site, tried out most features and tried navigating as I would in a normal YC visit.

  • There are A LOT of bugs, most of which are ones you'd expect developers to get, not ones that slip through and users pick up along the way.
  • It is not as simple as it could be, please for the love of all that is good, can you just make the site simple and working first?!?
  • There appears to still be a lot of useless features. If they didn't get used on this site why would people use them on that site?


Simple and useful are good things. Not cool and facebook-y.


@ Tokke & Pax.

Can you elaborate on what's so dauntingly complicated? I find it very simple to use and navigate. I'm not confused or perplexed by anything there. It also seems to function pretty well.

What's your beef?


The first thing I saw is MY work "Night and Revelation" belongs to some cypp2009, That's unacceptable !!!laugh.gif (ok, I just want to see ME in that page when all this gets done)


Bug #1 from SYS65: Activity, Binder, Info tabs don't do nothing

Bug #2 from SYS65: I couldn't play any file by any user "File not Found"

but files were not added to the test site right ?

Chopin, I'm sorry for criticizing the colors, I tried and it was more difficult of what I thought, these were the best 4 I could do, (well, rapidly)

purple green1 yellow green2


Chopin, I'm sorry for criticizing the colors, I tried and it was more difficult of what I thought, these were the best 4 I could do, (well, rapidly)

purple green1 yellow green2

Once the site is launched in it's final version, whatever that'll be like, THEN we'll skin it to different colours. I'll be helping out with it, for sure when that time comes. <my opinion>I think brown is our trademark though, and it should stay the default.</my opinion>

@Chopin - how many systems are we going to have for keeping track of bugs? :blink:

Viewing from Google Chrome 6.0.472.36 beta on WinXP

Bug #1 from James: Collisions on Log in page. Note "Sign in anonymously" and "Sign in" button.

-- criticism: that green doesn't at all match the rest of the colour scheme. I would suggest a brown. Same goes for the red button. There is a lot of empty space on this page. Consider putting two boxes horizontally (have the "Sign in options" to the right of "Enter your sign in name and password")


Bug #2 from James: On first signing in, I am presented with an empty page, "We could not find any activity." The banner displays fine, but I feel there should be some content on this page by default.

Bug #3 from James: Goof up in upper left rounded corner. (upper left of image)

Bug #4 from James: Goof up in border transition to IPB content, two pixels width column disappears after certain point (lower right of image)


Bug #5 from James: Goof up in upper left rounded corner of primary nav (middle, far left of image)

Bug #6 from James: Inconsistent/untasteful padding around user thumbnail, not inline with "Sign out" and crunched together with "Signed in as U/N" (upper rightish of image)


Compliment #1 from James: The help icon and page it leads to is excellent. Love it.

Bug #7 from James: "Notification" button (which IMO should read plural) seems to lead nowhere (actually, back to forum index.) Same with friend requests button.

Bug #8 from James: Inconsistent "Account" drop down.

As viewed from Forum Index (requires click to open menu) -> http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/6649/ss20100820192126.png

As viewed from user profile (requires only mouseover to open menu) -> http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/6582/youngcomposersjameshgoo.png

Bug #9 from James: Inconsistent text box and drop down widths in Browse. (the widest ones don't need to be that wide in my opinion, especially with "Browse" after)

Bug #10 from James: Red button text not centered.

-- criticism: again, don't like the red, but in addition I would suggest bold text here.

Bug #11 from James: "Composition genre" choices do not reflect choice of Commercial composition. They still display Baroque, Classical, etc, instead of Jazz, Rock, Techno, Country, etc.

-- criticism: instead of blank for Gender, I would have the default read "Either".

Note that upper left rounded corner errors are not present from this page, I only view them on the Forum side of the side.

Compliment #2 from James: I really like how when you select instrumentation, such as Jazz, the sub-categories pop up immediately "Large/Small ensemble" etc


Bug #12 from James: On the forum side of the site, it displays mah hover kitteh. On the networking side of the side, it displays this.


In general, a lot of bugs seem to be on one side of the site or the other, which proves to me that there is more than one website banner, they're just designed to look and act identical, with a few mistakes that made it through. Why hasn't it been programmed in a way yet that there is ONE unit that is used on all parts of the site? This way if there is one error, it shows up everywhere and therefore easy to diagnose and when you fix it, it fixes it everywhere.


I think they just used the old code from the existing site and attempted to make it match to prevent having to write it over again. Of course, us more intelligent folks noticed.


I think that I would be disappointed with using a site that functioned as that one does and looked as that one does. I really like the look and function of the current YC. The visual of the other site is ugly and the layout and function is ugly as well. Why don't we just incorporate the extra something that this new site adds into the one we are using. We already have a good foundation of a forum. Hmmmm . . . I don't know.

  • Like 1
I think that I would be disappointed with using a site that functioned as that one does and looked as that one does. I really like the look and function of the current YC. The visual of the other site is ugly and the layout and function is ugly as well.

If you are unhappy with the colors that's one thing, but try to look past that for now. The whole idea is to give a reason for people to actually use the network and to integrate the forum at a more advanced level.

Why don't we just incorporate the extra something that this new site adds into the one we are using. We already have a good foundation of a forum. Hmmmm . . . I don't know.

We are doing this, that's exactly what the test site is. It's this current model taken to the next level.


If you are unhappy with the colors that's one thing, but try to look past that for now.

Mistake #1

If people don't want to look at a site that's pretty and effective when it comes to layout, it doesn't matter how brilliantly intuitive the features are. Right now, as it stands, I would not use the site on the sole basis of the look of the site. I realize some of the new features are very cool and interesting, but I don't want to look at the site for more than 30 seconds. So I don't care.

We are doing this, that's exactly what the test site is. It's this current model taken to the next level.

Mistake #2

You don't make new products without fixing the old ones. This is a common problem of software companies who don't know what their doing. *cough* *cough* HP *cough* Fix the old stuff, build a following, THEN make an entire new site if necessary. But I don't think the current site needs a complete makeover like you say. I think some fundamental navigation things and CSS fixes, but that's the most of it. The current site is ok, but not perfect. Regardless of your thoughts on it, it is ok now, and most importantly, functional, for the most part.

Hope that advice helps. :)

  • Like 2

I think that I would be disappointed with using a site that functioned as that one does and looked as that one does. I really like the look and function of the current YC. The visual of the other site is ugly and the layout and function is ugly as well. Why don't we just incorporate the extra something that this new site adds into the one we are using. We already have a good foundation of a forum. Hmmmm . . . I don't know.

I completely agree. I want to know what is so bad about YC as it is now? I honestly think the theme/layout the site has now is a million times better than the "new" site, which looks like something that the 90's coughed up. If you're committed to changing the site, will we be able to choose the layout we have now as a skin?

Honestly, please don't change YC. It's fantastic as is. I mean that.

Edit: Above post matches my thinking exactly. This site is fine. Sure some things could be improved, but it's not as bad as you seem to think it is.


Can you tell me what you don't like about the new design? The colors basically match this site, except the darker background styles. I also narrowed the header to expand real estate, and simplified the navigation. And the biggest visual design change will be the introduction of a narrower fixed width in the forum, but that's all really. I know we are used to 100% width, but I think a fixed narrower width will improve post reading. Reading from left to right across a wide screen can be tiresome.

The improvements also include a fixed integration (meaning once you are logged in, it "should" keep you logged in both the network and forum indefinitely), better system to manage watched topics or watched events in your "binder", and a way to view and reply to forum posts through your profile instead of being forced to navigate through the forum. Of course you can still have your choice, but the active forum feed should greatly increase ease of use of this forum.


Actually, I seem to remember people hating the current design when it launched. There were nothing but complaints but now people like it?

@chopin: I just realised Bug #13 from James: There is no search bar. Anywhere.

Bug #14 from James: After "Likes" on the Music Directory, there are two ">" end brackets.

Bug #15 from James: On any user profile, the left bar displays friends and fans. Onhover it should display their username in a tooltip.

I have plenty more, but I'll hold until you decide to add/fix these so far. Please let us know the results of each of our suggestions.


Can you tell me what you don't like about the new design? The colors basically match this site, except the darker background styles. I also narrowed the header to expand real estate, and simplified the navigation.

I think the color scheme we have now is cleaner and more modern. The "paper" texture on the background for the new one is...outdated isn't really what I want to say, but that's all I can think of. I guess tacky might be a better word.

Also, I think there is too much brown in the new design. The brown we have now is a good amount, and is balanced with the off-color white.

Also as I said I absolutely LOVE the header we have now. However if you want to get rid of it to help with spacing that fine, but at least keep the YC logo that we have right now. Get rid of that photo and put the current logo in it's place. Those bubble letters are really cheesy IMO. The fonts you're using right now are much cleaner and more attractive.


I'll give some criticism regarding the new design on it's own, rather than what I think it should be:


Not sure if the icons on the right hand side (help, activity, and friend requests) are supposed to be tilted, but if they are I would say to change that. It's kind of distracting to have them at an angle like that.

Also, whether you keep the old design or not, I still think those bubble letters have to go. Both on the logo and anywhere else. Maybe instead of bubble letters you could choose the same font you have for everything else, and just make it larger and bold.


Not sure why, but some of the user icons on the home page have what looks like black pedestals? Is that a bug or does that signify something?

I think the online users section is taking up more space than it's worth. Maybe shrink the font size for the active users and all the other info.


There are a lot of filters, maybe making each of them into drop down lists would save space and make them more manageable?

The icons on the submission all have "mannequin" heads? Would the user's icon go there? Or will there be a new "album art" feature? (Which I think might be cool. You could have the user select whether they want that pic to display their user icon, or allow them to upload their own logo for that submission.)


Everything is fine here. Save for the bubble letters.


Same as profile.


Everything looks fine here. Maybe some different folder icons, but really not much is changed from the current layout (besides the decrease in width you mentioned, which I think is a good change.)


To sum it all up I honestly think this is a step backwards design wise. I'm sure your main objective is to make the site easy to use, and reliable, so by all means concentrate on those things first. But as far as the design goes, I think the one we have now is clean, very modern, and very appealing.

I'll start testing the feature and leave bug reports now. :happy: :lol:


Bug #1 from MariusChamberlin: On the forum page, the icons on the right are shifted out of place, and my user name in the header is replaced with other icons.

Bug #2 from MariusChamberlin: When on the forum page, when I click either "Home" in the nav. bar, or the YC logo, it does not take me to the home. It just goes back to the forum page.

Bug #3 from MariusChamberlin: My user name at the top appears to be clickable, but when I click it it doesn't take me to my user page. It doesn't do anything actually.

Bug #4 from MariusChamberlin: The problem with the logos in Bug 1 occurs on the help page as well.

Bug #5 from MariusChamberlin: Both the "Notification" and the "Friends Request" buttons take me to the forum page. (Also shouldn't it be "Friend Requests", not "Friends Request"?)

Bug #6 from MariusChamberlin: On every main page (home, music, etc.) except the forum main page, the "Account" drop down menu is missing "Messenger" and "Manage Friends".


Actually, I seem to remember people hating the current design when it launched. There were nothing but complaints but now people like it?

It was more about the functionality James. There were bugs galore that were functional in nature. The site actually didn't look so bad, but it didn't function well at all.


I had problems with the general look of the original switch over. What we have now is not exactly what we started off with. When this design came out I was instantly much more happy with it. I have never said anything was wrong with the design we have now.

Now, I agree with Marius C. About the test site. I think there is way too much brown. The site is too dark. I don't like the black in the header banner. I do not like the dark maroonish brown in the background. I do not like the folder idea. It seems to be way too childishly thematic. Like Microsoft Bob - if anyone remembers that. I don't like how the folder only takes up the top two thirds of the screen and the rest of the screen is left to being filled up with that awful brown color. I don't like the chunkiness of everything. The words Young Composers in the banner look chunky. On the current site they look more elegant and modern because they are thinner and they sort of glow. On the test site the user pics that show up when a work is posted are huge. The whole thing looks outdated. It looks like a design from right about the same time as when actual graphic user interfaces started coming about.

I don't see what the problem would be with taking the design of the current site verbatim and working some new stuff into it. For instance the "wire" that no one really uses could be posted on the top of each persons profile page. This would work a lot like facebook. If it was at the top of the page then you would always be aware of it and be thinking about it. As it is now, I do not even remember that we have it enough times to make use of it.


I had problems with the general look of the original switch over. What we have now is not exactly what we started off with. When this design came out I was instantly much more happy with it. I have never said anything was wrong with the design we have now.

Now, I agree with Marius C. About the test site. I think there is way too much brown. The site is too dark. I don't like the black in the header banner. I do not like the dark maroonish brown in the background. I do not like the folder idea. It seems to be way too childishly thematic. Like Microsoft Bob - if anyone remembers that. I don't like how the folder only takes up the top two thirds of the screen and the rest of the screen is left to being filled up with that awful brown color. I don't like the chunkiness of everything. The words Young Composers in the banner look chunky. On the current site they look more elegant and modern because they are thinner and they sort of glow. On the test site the user pics that show up when a work is posted are huge. The whole thing looks outdated. It looks like a design from right about the same time as when actual graphic user interfaces started coming about.

I don't see what the problem would be with taking the design of the current site verbatim and working some new stuff into it. For instance the "wire" that no one really uses could be posted on the top of each persons profile page. This would work a lot like facebook. If it was at the top of the page then you would always be aware of it and be thinking about it. As it is now, I do not even remember that we have it enough times to make use of it.

The reason for the need for a new site lie in the fact that when this current layout came active many, many, many complaints were received that complained about nearly every facet of the current site. Personally, I've had very little trouble navigating this site and largely agree with you that the current layout is the best so far (though, there are parts that could be better.) However, you and I are in the minority here (at least that's how Justin puts it to me). Many members have lots of complaints and hopefully we are going to craft a better page that fits best with what the majority members on this site would like to have. That said, the new site's color is NOT going to stay with the brown. That will be fixed closer to launch - which is a long ways down the road. We will work on the logo as well (and other aesthetically oriented matters such as these two issues). In the mean time, did you have any problems navigating the test site?


Not to seem a little insensitive, but if it is so down the road, why the heck are you even releasing the Alpha for testing to the general public?

Release the Beta once the site is perfect aesthetically and functionally. Only then can people give proper feedback. Right now everyone just says go back to the old one, and with good reason, because the current site looks like a 90's Alpha-test.


I will lighten up the background to maybe a cream color. The top header is very dark brown, I could see how the site would look if this were a tad lighter. I'm not too fond of the gradient lettering of "Young Composers" as it is now, so I will create my own version of this header using the same font style, and try a slightly lighter version of brown on the darker brown background, with a slight outline.

The launch is actually as soon as we are done testing the site for bugs. The devs are on vacation right now, so when they get back next week they will start working on all the various problems with the site. I've been sending them screenshots by pointing out problems. This system seems to be working quite well, and I will continue to send screenshots until everything is near perfect.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update. We didn't forget about development, but the developer has been on sick leave for over a week. I'm assuming we will resume after labor day, but I will inquire about this tomorrow. There really isn't much more to do in terms of development. Everything from now on has to do with bug fixing and layout tweaking.

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