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Hi guys,

First of all, the autoplay function on the homepage should be disabled shortly — it's definitely annoying and it's going to go away, so thank you for pointing it out.

With the shoutbox, we're trying something a little different and so far the responses have been mixed so I'm not inclined to change it just yet until more people weigh in. The idea was to have it so you could continue your shoutbox convo even while browsing the site, so you never have that situation where you say something meaningful and then go to check your thread for replies, only to return 5 minutes later to a conversation that's left you far behind. If this is something that's bothering people more than helping them, then just weigh in and it can easily be changed back. That's the basic idea behind having it this way though, just in case it was unclear. As for the archive, I'm afraid there's not much we can do about the navigation as it's coded into the shoutbox module itself, so we'll have to see what the developers have in store for the next update. Bugs me too.

I'm completely with you on the homepage design, and part of our work on the skin is dedicated to giving YC a really beautiful landing page, so not to worry. We'll do our best to keep an eye out for all your homepage suggestions and bring the best of them to life.

Regarding the persistent music player, we are working on something very similar to that for a later release, but for the time being it's not possible to keep the music player playing something while you browse simply because each instance of it is tied to one particular page, so navigating away from that page takes you away from the player. In any event, we're working on this so stay tuned. :)

As for the forum/submissions comment integration, we're toying with that right now. The forum presence will likely be dropped entirely as it's superfluous, so as a general idea direct your reviews to the submissions area.

Really glad you guys like the new profiles. They are pretty spiffy. Justin, to answer your question, there is an area that shows your subscribed content. Check it out: http://d.pr/8wi9 On there, hit 'Content I Follow'.

Thanks for all your thoughts! :happy:


Hey Marius,

The new profiles are nice, but here's something: The formatting is off, at least in my browser (the latest edition of Firefox). Notation Software/Sequencers doesn't fit properly. Notation is on one line while Software/Sequencers is on another. That's fine, except that Software/Sequencers spills beyond the right-hand border of the other headings in the profile and seems to push Instruments Played into the middle of the page. It doesn't look good.

If you get a sec, can you explain how friends work? More specifically, if you add a friend do they automatically and by default get some type of notification? Can you reject friend requests, or are friends more like people you follow and you can add anyone you want without their permission?

I have to say I didn't care for the Shoutbox on every page at first, but after getting used to it I approve. If you don't like it you can always collapse it. The forum page is kind of gross right now with the huge section that shows Member Submissions, Music Map, and Latest Reviews. Can't you consolidate Member Submissions and Music Map into subforums that appear right below Music Submissions within Latest Music Uploads? Do members really need to see what notation software I use, composers I like, instruments I play, etc. with every post I make? That's annoying and it's what profiles are for. Will there ever be a time when we can change our own Member Titles? Lastly, a picky thing, "Submission" is maybe not an ideal word to use anywhere on the site. It implies that the site has power over the user, and even if the site does, you want the user to feel in control! It's a psychological thing. It's like if you have a contact page on your website, it's more encouraging to have a "send" button at the bottom of the page rather than "submit."

Guest John Pax

Are you planning on removing the forums or a piece starting a forum thread?


Hey man,

I can reproduce the Notation thing, so I'll add that to list of fixes. I think it'd be more streamlined to just condense that to "software" anyway, so good call.

Can't you consolidate Member Submissions and Music Map into subforums that appear right below Music Submissions within Latest Music Uploads?

This is the current plan, it's just not been fully implemented yet. Expect it to be all done in the next few days!

Interesting point with the "submission" thing. Any ideas for a workable synonym?


As for the discussion point, what we'd be doing is just hiding the actual forum that piece threads get posted in because they're no longer necessary. Discussion can occur on the actual piece's page in the submission area exactly as it could on the forum. So rather than have two separate discussion locations for each piece, we just want the one, but we want it to remain accessible from the forum.

So what you see there now with the member submissions table is what I'm talking about. That module lets you navigate to the pieces right from the forum, it's just not an actual "forum" like before. All the same reply formatting options are still available though, so they're functionally identical.


On the top navigation you could whittle Music Submissions down to Music. In the forum under Latest Music Uploads maybe Music Submissions could be changed to Original Compositions? I know that may be problematic if there are uploaded arrangements... Also I added a couple points to my previous post if you get a chance to look at them.


I don't think 'Original Compositions' works for the reason you mentioned, but it's not a difficult change so we'll definitely brainstorm and see what we come up with. And I agree with the 'Music' label in the main nav so I'll have that changed soon.

As for the friends questions, think of them more like people you follow, yes. At this point the friends implementation is fairly basic, but one of the things we're looking into for a future expansion of that area is having member groups not unlike Google+ circles that you can get updates from. I believe we can also make it so that you can only receive member PMs from people you've added as friends and things like that. It's not high on our list of priorities right now, but we're thinking of ways to make it more actively useful. For now, think of it as a Twitter follower type deal.

A great new feature that you should start making use of is the ability to "follow" a topic (you'll notice the buttons near the top of thread pages). This is like the old subscription model except you can disable email notifications so you just get site-based notifications when a watched topic is updated. This also applies to music posts in the submission area.


I've ran into two different people in the shoutbox who said they couldn't 'see' the Wimpy player (awesome name) on the music(submission) page when they click on a piece they'd like to listen to. They both said they use IE9 as their browser. When they switched to Chrome the problem disappeared. So I quess the Wimpy player is not compatible with IE(9)?


That wouldn't surprise me at all. It's not the most compatible of player options, so we'll see if we can find one that plays better with multiple browsers. Thanks for the heads-up!

Guest John Pax

Awesome stuff Marius. It's great to see problems attended to quickly rather than months and months after they're brought up.

Keep it up! The site's looking better.

  • 2 weeks later...

well, it's been happening less often, but this time I could capture it, not sure, but seems it happens when I'm listening something and I click the YC logo to go back to the board without stopping the player, (that's what happens when listening music you don't find attractive :D )...


Firefox 5.0, Win7x64


Wimpy is most certainly compatible with IE9, perhaps those people in the shoutbox just didn't have flash for IE installed. I believe flash is browser dependent.


Ahh, those errors are directly related to the music map on the forum home. It's weird how this error never happened to me, I'll have to study the errors to see if I can figure out what the heck is going on.


Just fixed that bit, now it rounds UP to the nearest minute. And for those of you who do not wish to be tracked, you can simply log in anonymously and the activity tab will not track you. The activity tab is in real time, so this means each time someone on the site clicks somewhere, the activity tab will log it and add you to the top of the list. This will give everyone an idea of how many people are on this site in real time. As activity ages, it will get cut off the list, after 30 minutes. I can increase or decrease this at will.

I am going to be adding very cool things, such as "music you may like" or "topics you may be interested in", as well as similar music when browsing the music sections. This won't take long for me to do, now that I understand how to apply.


Why is the forum page so busy?

I have no interest in seeing "Latest compositions" or "members showcase" and especially "Latest files" if I'm on the FORUMS tab! Why isn't there (logically) a music tab where all the reviews and such goes? In a forum I want to see *discussion* of music-related topics, not a showcase for pieces.

My four cents.


I do not trust the "Latest Viewed Compositions"-box.

I have never seen myself there, and conveiniently always someone else watching exact the same pages as I did.

Just a blind guess, but I think there is an referent in some array wrong. (like n that should have been n-1 or so)

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