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  1. Another re-post It was late 2010 - early 2011 when I became obsessed with Liszt's works, and so my later compositions had a bit of inspiration from his composition style. I had a few pieces where I attempted to incorporate a few Liszt-like motifs, although frankly I'm not entirely sure of what I am doing 😂. Anyway, this one here was a piano arrangement of a song that I used to sing in school during my elementary days. This was written on February 6, 2012. It was only in my college years when I realized the title may have confused a few people because they said the song they knew of the same/similar title had a melody that was very different from what I used here. But I'm quite certain that this is the title of the song that I know haha! My Toes, My Knees was my very first attempt to make a piano arrangement of a song, well actually this is more of a variations kind of piece (I'm actually not sure what to call it. If you guys know it, I'd really appreciate if you tell me hehe). And while I edited this piece on 2015, I decided to simply upload and share with you the original, untouched 2012 version because, well, this is a re-post after all 😊 Hope you enjoy it!
  2. Hello everyone, I'm back, this is the piece I newly composed, hope you like it
  3. Dear Friends, Can you check out my new song and give some feedback? Thanks. Listen_to_my_last_cry.mp3
  4. Just a short background: Arpeggia is the title of a piece I composed way back 2010 when I was still new to composing. In fact, this Arpeggia in A minor was the first piano composition I shared in this forum in March, 2010. The original post was actually still in the archives of this site, but I can no longer access the music file. Anyway, fast forward 8 years later, I decided to revisit the piece and edit it to a more "playable" form; but my edits are very minor because I want to preserve as much of the original version possible. So here it is, Arpeggia in A minor. Perhaps I derived the title from the word arpeggio, and I could still remember how fascinated I was with arpeggios at the time this was composed. Hope you guys enjoy one of my first compositions! I also wanna know your thoughts on my old style of composing (I believe my style has changed through the years. This was almost completely different from my latest ones haha!) 😁
  5. Another re-post 😊 It was a rather stormy weather of May, 2011. I remember I wrote this piece out of boredom because I can't go outdoors to do some gardening. (actually the original title of this piece was Song of Boredom 😂 and it stayed that way until sometime a month later in June when I decided to change it to Rain). While writing the piece, I kept on looking at the window. The rain was a bit gentle that time, and I felt relaxed. After typing in a few notes, the rain got stronger and stronger. Then a few hours later, everything went silent. I guess that explains the structure of the piece? Even today I'm still wondering where I got those "happy" tunes from a rather stormy inspiration 🤣 Hope you guys enjoy this! I'll keep on looking for old compositions that I can re-post here 😊
  6. This time I show you a piece that I made in a composition course for film music, in which we work together with film direction students. In the description of the video you can find details about the piece. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it (I am the composer and the interpreter).
  7. Hello Dear Friends, I'm posting my new song and looking forward to hearing your comments. I call it snowfall as snow sometimes falls harshly sometimes falls smoothly. I hope you enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-qx5moxB8g&feature=youtu.be
  8. Hello Friends, I finished a new piece yesterday. I'd like to hear from you about it. Best regards Elara.mp3
  9. Dear Friends, Please check out my latest piano song. I had difficulty in composing a proper ending so I think it ends somehow unexpectedy at the moment. I'll try to fix it. But I was so impatient to have someone listen to it and I decided to post it here. Thanks for your comments in advance. Best regards, Selcuk
  10. I just found this forum and feel that this community is quite friendly for sharing work. I would like to share my work and looking forward for some feedback. The Piano composition is titled: "Farewell", I am about to leave a City where I lived for15 years, and trying to elaborate the feelings through this piece. - Sorry for the recording quality (just using my phone) - There is a little bit off somewhere during the performing, but still hoping the audience can get the idea.
  11. Hello, Yesterday I finished a new composition. Since I'd listened to it so many times, I couldn't decide whether it sounds OK. I'd like to hear your comments and feedbacks. Thanks for taking your time in advance. Best regards, Selcuk Larissa.mp3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg0We749BVM&feature=youtu.be
  12. Hello? I am Hemio who studies composition as a hobby in Korea. I am not good at English so I can hardly communicate deeply, but I will try. This is a piano music that represents the Egyptian goddess.
  13. Hello All, Please check my new piano songMiranda.mp3. I'd like to hear your comments. Thanks :)
  14. Hi, I'm a classical trained piano player. However, since I listened to Yiruma's piano music, I was inspired to start my own composition :) My friend commented that this composition, After Rain, is like "Bach Meets Yiruma" piece since overall it has classical vibe but towards the end it goes emotional. Here is the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AijLtevhAwM Let me know what you think. All opinions and feedback are really appreciated! Thanks a lot!
  15. Hi, I'm a classical trained piano player. However, since I listened to Yiruma's piano music, I was inspired to start my own composition :) My friend commented that this composition, After Rain, is like "Bach Meets Yiruma" piece since overall it has classical vibe but towards the end it goes emotional. Here is the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AijLtevhAwM Let me know what you think. All opinions and feedback are really appreciated! Thanks a lot!
  16. Maybe I should stop with the food joke. Idk, it's just that I've been composing music for over three years, and I count my music level as more than starving. I'm not over-fed though. There's my four hands nocturne. I composed it as a game ost (cause I really thought I could make a game). Please give it a listen and tell me what you think. *Yes, I know the bass line is repetitive. I composed it in a game-like style for a situation that nothing really happens. Try to listen with that in mind.
  17. A short piano piece. Finished 26 August 2017 Also terrible GarageBand midi sounds
  18. Dear All, I'd like to hear about your opinions on this song. Thanks for your comments in advance! Charon1.mp3
  19. I know, it doesn't belong here. I am kind of new to this website and do not know how to delete the post so I will just leave it. Any feedback on the music will be helpful.
  20. My first piano sonata guys! Have a good day and please give feedback! :)
  21. Dear Friends, Here I share one of my piano songs composed several years ago. Since then I have never gotten any feedback for the song. I'd appreciate if you listen to it and share your impression with me. Thanks in advance for listening to it :) Here is the youtube link of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNx7GfqZDkM
  22. Hello Friends, I'd like to share the composition that I finished today. So it is very fresh :) I am looking forward to receiving your feedbacks.
  23. hello everyone, i m back with my new piece, just listen to it, appreciate it and comment on it.
  24. This piece was inspired by a simple piece of cake and the melancholic aftermath of its departure. The flavor of the cake is irrelevant.
  25. This one is I newly composed, hope you like it.
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