Flint Posted April 1, 2009 Posted April 1, 2009 Pliorius rather than debating the true 'correct' meaning and values of freedom of speech, I think we should use common sense. I don't think it is a good idea to allow people to belittle anybody who's opinion differs from their own. This has happened many times and has ruined potentially interesting and informative discussion.(totally not speaking as a moderator here) There have been several times that I have considered not returning simply because of a pattern of intolerant, arrogant, and ignorant posts by a certain sub-section of the members; this is why I normal avoid the off-topic areas. It's truly disheartening to have to deal with /b/tard and 4chan-level discussions in a forum that should be focused on music. While some of that is really a consequence of immaturity (I'm not being snarky about it, just indicating that some of you are not yet adults), a lot of it is truly just poor behavior from people that should know better. You may not see it now, but if you decide to pursue music seriously (i.e., professionally), the music world is extremely unforgiving of poor attitude and behavior. I'd prefer there to be no off-topic forums at all; but there are, of course, and I just deal with that (and even occasionally contribute). The other truly disturbing aspect I've been aware of is the amount of hate-speech/level of intolerance that has been prevalent lately. If you'll pardon the phrase, "opinions are like assholes... everyone has one, and they usually stink". Just because you hold an opinion strongly (or not-so-strongly) it doesn't make your opinion fact (even if your opinion is "of the majority"). This is doubly so if "your opinion" is just you parroting your parents/your religion/your political party. There are (plenty of) forums out specifically dedicated to allowing their members to be 'tards, be assholes, be immature, be hateful, be obnoxious... So please, if you choose to be that way - DO IT THERE, not here. Finally, a last word... ...splunge. Quote
M. Bulteau Posted April 1, 2009 Posted April 1, 2009 So wait. Did I get banned from the shoutbox for calling someone a peace treaty? :P Quote
beautifulnoise Posted April 1, 2009 Posted April 1, 2009 Maybe it would deal with the off-topic forum problem if you had to make say, 5 posts in forums relating to music, for every 1 off-topic forum post. *i'm not sure if that is even possible, but it might help...* Quote
Dead Chicken Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Maybe it would deal with the off-topic forum problem if you had to make say, 5 posts in forums relating to music, for every 1 off-topic forum post.*i'm not sure if that is even possible, but it might help...* then you have the problem of people posting useless (i.e. :blush: and a fish) things in the "on-topic" section just so they can go post elsewhere. This idea has been batted around before. Quote
cygnusdei Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 I think the new rules seem rather good but I also think that it could be profitable to YC if there was some kind of a constitution for want of a better word. Arguably it would just be a publicity stunt but it would perhaps provide a sense of cohesion to what could otherwise be a very disparate forum. YC, to me, is one of the best forums primarily because of the sense of community that the off topic section allows (just look at my post ratio :p) so while I would say keep the rules I think it would be good to illustrate the rights and responsibilities of the members and moderators as well. I second this wholeheartedly. Quote
cygnusdei Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 As I feared, apparently moderator(s) on this site are simply incapable of fairness. I love YC, but I have no business hanging around a place where legitimate discourse is thwarted. Goodbye all. Quote
robinjessome Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Seriously? All I did was use a captioned photo of a dog to make a valid point...unfortunately, Cyg, you managed to take it ALL out of context, tried to spin it into something sinister. SO, I deleted a few pointless remarks, including: ...and you cry foul. WAA WAA. Congratulations... I've reverted the thread to it's original pristine condition...my UNFAIR (?) use of graphical statements has been removed, and you're welcome to re-post anything you might have said which could constitute legitimate discourse relevant to the thread. Quote
Guri Harari Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 IWe also have not been enforcing on topic threads (ironically even in Off Topic), which can have awful results, such as flame and religious wars. Okay, here is what I don't get... If your problem is with flaming and religious wars, what's stopping you from specifically prohibiting these things? I see no point in artificially forcing people to stay "on topic". As long as things don't get nasty, why should we even care if the discussion goes off topic? Quote
J. Lee Graham Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 *sigh* have fun, everybody. The very last vestige of the original YC is now gone. And so am I. Quote
beautifulnoise Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 i think that the code of conduct is an EXCELLENT idea! there is simply no reason why a music comp. forum has to have offfensive posts. i don't care if the shoutbox is there or taken down (i just click "hide" so I don't have to look at it.) also, someone suggested making an age requirement of 13 to register, but that would be ridiculus! isn't the point of YC that it is a HELPFUL, FREINDLY, CLEAN site that all the young Mozarts of the world can learn from. (also, who says that thirteen year olds want to look at offensive posts.) Quote
Marius Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Oh brilliant, now we lose Lee too :( How many more have to go? Quote
SSC Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 This is most likely my last message on this forum, so I'll keep it short. I don't agree with the policy, I don't agree with the decisions made and I'm not wasting my time anymore with this place. Quote
Guest QcCowboy Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 "drama". J.Lee is "leaving" because he disagrees with a policy which in NO WAY affects him? This is getting silly. The new policies are so this forum can AVOID all the conflict we've had over the last months. Quote
chopin Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 These "waves" of people leaving will cease, and I am confident the new rules will help connect people here in a more positive way, and increase long term commitment to this site. Quote
Globutron Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Wow this really IS getting silly.... Farewell, everybody :( I must leave now. for lunch. Quote
Matthew Becker Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 (totally not speaking as a moderator here) There have been several times that I have considered not returning simply because of a pattern of intolerant, arrogant, and ignorant posts by a certain sub-section of the members; this is why I normal avoid the off-topic areas. Sometimes it's difficult to participate in some discussions at all for some of those reasons you listed above. On top of that, some folks take themselves, or certain topics, far too seriously. There's an extremely high level of competitiveness here, which personally, I wish would be taken down a few pegs. I thought this was a forum in which ideas would be shared, and those seeking help would get it. Instead, there seems to be some sort of air about who's "better than who". Not that my viewpoint matters much since I'm not here that often, but if everybody just calmed down a little bit, we'd all be happier. Maybe that's just me, I don't know. J.Lee is "leaving" because he disagrees with a policy which in NO WAY affects him? Nah, I just think he's following other's who've left. Quote
Dev Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 THAT NO CURSING RULE IS BULLdefacation!!!! WHAT THE copulate?!?! WHOEVER MADE THAT RULE IS A TOTAL female dog!!! Quote
bob stole my cookie Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Uh... here, I read the new CoC and have some comments regarding clarity and phrasing :huh: *sharing and multiple accounts: The final bullet point states that if you share your login information with a banned or suspended member, you receive the same punishment as a member who has created an additional account.... which is, as defined above it, the deletion of said multiple account. Unless, of course, you mean the punishment for subsequent deleted accounts, in which case, you should clarify. Also what happens if you share your account with a non-banned/suspended member? Is there no punishment? *Reviews: Are you saying that a numerical rating contained within any post will be removed or that posts consisting solely of a numerical rating and a "good job!" will be considered spam and removed? I have read several reviews remarking on various aspects of a piece and rating each aspect on a numerical scale. Are you saying it is inappropriate to assess a piece by its strengths and weaknesses using this kind of system? *Links in Siggies: "No promotion of an outside forum is allowed!" Isn't that a little harsh? Not even other music forums? Sure, excessive spamming regarding that forum would be intolerable but what about sites like what was the Music History Forum project? It was related to YC, it linked back to YC and it's members were that Of YC. Or GANG? Members advertise it in their signature and while it isn't exclusively and internet forum, it sure as hell has one. Quote
Dev Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Wow, my post got deleted? What's the matter, parody to hot to handle? Or do you just try to hide dissent from the community? Quote
Tokkemon Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Yes. That was a little ridic. It was terribly funny. Quote
Flint Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 I thought this was a forum in which ideas would be shared, and those seeking help would get it. Instead, there seems to be some sort of air about who's "better than who".I agree, and in my opinion (ha!) the place would be better off without the off-topic forums (though that idea has a snowball's chance in hell...).I think the major problem is that I see few people actually looking for help, but I see a lot of people here chatting or wasting time with BS threads arguing about what "is" is. There are a lot of resources here, and a lot of good content... and I just can't fathom why it's just sitting unused as people bicker about not being able to say F*** every third word like an ignorant, arrogant child. Quote
beautifulnoise Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 hi, I AGREE WITH FLINT-WWRR maybe it would get rid of some of the issues (disrispect) if you just took away the off topic forum. i mean, there are PLENTY of other websites where people can argue about things (and be as nasty as they want about it)* my point is, i think YC should be just a :yc: site, not a GREAT DEBATE site. it might make people more freindly if they are not arguing in the off topic area... i think YC should go back to being a true music comp. forum (maybe with an "other arts" forum instead of the off topic.) micah *also, i think it is childish to leave a site just because you can't insult people, post obcene content, and post the F bomb every few seconds... Quote
bob stole my cookie Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 i think YC should go back to being a true music comp. forum And I think you should properly punctuate and take the time to finish your words. What is a true composition forum? Define it for me please. Also, when was YC without room for off topic conversation? Quote
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