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  1. So, I got to publish some of my works here. There are still much more yet to be published, and there's also a possibility that the local music university publish it. Anyway, they are available here: 1) Sonatinas (three sonatines for solo piano) - http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1400549306061 2) Prelúdio e Fugas & Tocata-fantasia (preludes and fugues, toccata-fantasy for solo piano) - http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1400550043092 3) Álbum para oboé (album for the oboe: 6 solos, 2 duets and 1 trio in three movements) - http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1394210275884 4) Peças e Bagatelas (6 pieces and 6 bagatels for solo piano) - http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1394209357084 5) Rapsódia Oriental (oriental rhapsody in 2 movements for chamber -group) http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1391725247012 6) Seis Suítes (Six suites for recorder duet) - http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1389977922761 7) Pequena Suíte Romântica (Little romantic suite for solo piano) - http://www.perse.com.br/novoprojetoperse/WF2_BookDetails.aspx?filesFolder=N1385394481367 I know it's unlikely for you guys to buy it (because it would have to come from Brazil, because the website is in portuguese, because hey! I can see many of these scores here for free!!), but I would like to share this with you all. It is a good step for me, as some people are getting to recognize me as a composer here in my city.^^
  2. I wonder how much it will cost to someone to digitalize a music score which is handwritten by the composer and to get it on some notation software like Sibelius. I think the price will depend on the pages. Let's say in my case it's a score of 250 pages. Also its a vocal score (SATB and Piano) 1st question: What other parameters should I consider on the price? Like the how many notes per page maybe? or something else? 2nd question: What's the fastest way to make the score (i mean except using only your mouse) 3rd question: Do you know any other notation software better than SIbelius to do this work? 4th question: How much may be the price of this?
  3. Hi, I'm Cyrup! Without beating around the.... excuse horrible pun - pixelated bush; I'm the director of a new Machinima series in development, called Legend of the Obsidian Keys (LOK). My crew of 7 and I have basically completely finished filming and creating the first episode... everything except the music/scoring. Unfortunately, we don't have (and can't find) anyone to actually SCORE and create music for the first episode. Bespoke music is the driving force for this creation, as without it the episode would be below average. We need an original soundtrack that will help bring this project to a higher standard, and really push the limits of a successful Machinima. If you're interested in helping out, we need a composer! It should be noted that we can't really offer any payment. The best we can offer is a large percentage in whatever the series earns, and if anything, a small 'token' cost... as well as the credit accompanying the involvement. I've created a video that has more information on this which you can watch here: We also have an incredibly outdated trailer for the series, which you can viewhere. There's also a forum thread (also outdated) that was created for the project, which you can read here. LOK is a Minecraft based Machinima, revolving around the events that surround two protagonists after they discover an active portal leading to another dimension. The series also features an (animation) cross over from the Sandbox game Garry's Mod, which is the basis for the 'real word' or current world the protagonists come from. If you can help, please post below or message me however possible. Thanks!
  4. Hi, I just started my first solo violin composition and i have 2 question about the score right now. i showed them in this picture : Does my explanation of how to play like crescendo from "ON-THE BRIDGE" to "BEHIND THE BRIDGE" right ? should i write "Similare" for the same bowing after the 2rd measure ? Thanks and excuse me for my low English
  5. Is there a way to quickly make a video of the score scrolling past to accompany its playback? I could painstakingly add print-screened pics at appropriate times, but I wonder if there are more elegant ways? I use standard stuff: Sibelius 7, Windows Media Player Apologies if this has been asked before..
  6. A basic question, but I need a reality check and I have no relevant physical scores with me to check! In the printed copy of a cycle of pieces, is it more important for each piece to start on an odd-numbered (right hand) page, or is it more important to include no blank pages? I have a cycle of three pieces in which the first and second pieces both fit perfectly onto an odd number of pages (first piece is 3 pages long; second piece is 5 pages long). What I'm asking is whether, when printing the score of all three pieces for binding, I should do A or B: A) print [piece two, page 1] on the back of [piece one, page 3], so there's no blank page in between the pieces; or B) print [piece two, page 1] on a new page, so piece two starts on a right-hand page and the left-hand page facing it in the score is blank.
  7. Hi! I'm new to this forum so I'm not quite sure if I'm posting in the right section here. Forgive me if it's the wrong one. I am trying to find out what kind percussion is being used in this clip @ 2:41 It's really a type of sound that is used in a lot of horror movies (and action/thrillers too). I heard it a lot of times. It is used in the movie "Valentine". You can hear it at 2:41 in this clip which is from the film itself. Link to Valentine clip: I'm not talking about the timpani heavy drum, but the intense short and loud metallic kind of sound on top of it with the reverb. It's a strong kind of sound and it reminds me of a metallic pipe being hit against a floor or something like that. Perfect for horror and thriller score. Another example is from Aliens (1986) in the piece "Bishop's Countdown". In this example you can hear it already from the very start of the clip. It's less pronounced but this time it appears more often than in the first clip. You can hear it as a part of the general percussion. Link to Aliens clip: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=f2XHvi4EzCw The reason I'm looking for this is because I plan to use this sound in one of my own compositions/mix. Does anyone know what kind of percussion this is? And I would also be interested in finding a sample library that contains this sort of sound, if there is one. I hope someone can help me on this! Ole
  8. Hi, everyone, I'm new to this forum. I have some basic questions about film scoring. I play the piano, and I can compose musical themes on there. I have trouble converting it to orchestra, however. I have even more trouble creating the realistic movie sound I'm looking for. The software I have is Finale 2008 and Garritan Personal Orchestra 3. I know a lot can be done with these, but I simply don't know how to use them to their full potential. I want to make something in the general style of Anne of Green Gables, but I'll need some help. Please bear with my newbie questions. Since regarding film scoring, I'm a relative beginner, I'll need some basic questions answered. As the first step, how big is the orchestra in the above soundtrack? Is it possible to make this kind of score with Finale and GPO?
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