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  1. this is my new piece, hope you like it, if you like, you can give me some suggestions. the video: 【微分音钢琴】作品7之1 无标题_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  2. the video: 【微分音钢琴】存在与荒诞:将15平均律、19平均律和24平均律混在一起能达到怎样的效果?_哔哩哔哩_bilibili this is my new piece aiming at mixing notes in 15TET, 19TET and 24TET into a solo piano in my score, notes with accidental in baby blue are those in 15TET system, in purplish red are those in 19TET system hope you like it and give me some suggestions if you like!
  3. this is my new piece, hope you like it! the video: 【拼贴微分音】作品6之2 大杂烩_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  4. Hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece in microtonal collage music, hope you like it! the video: 【拼贴微分音】作品6之1 土耳其烤肉进行曲_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  5. this is an album includes 8 microtonal piano pieces I composed previously, sound effects have been adjusted to be more pleasant to the ear, hope you like it! the video: 【微分音专辑】作品5 八首微分音钢琴音乐的开山之作_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  6. my new microtonal piano piece, adpoted 19 tone equal temperament and normal piano, which intertwined with each other. the video: 【微分音钢琴】作品5之8 变奏曲_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  7. hello everyone, this is my new piece, hope you like it! the video: 【微分音钢琴】作品5之7 无标题_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  8. Hi all, I’m looking for composers to contribute graphic scores for a score exchange project. Participants will upload graphic scores and there will be an open invitation for musicians to respond with an audio recording of their own personal interpretation of the score. Submissions should be for open instrumentation only (for any number of instruments), and not for specific instrumentation. You are encouraged to consider shape, colour, size, placement, words etc. Responses may be wide ranging - from digital art, to abstract painting, and video score/animation. Graphic notation can give a voice to musicians who find traditional notation limiting yet have the desire to express themselves through composition. Submission is open to anyone who is interested, not just professional composers. This online space will present opportunities for musicians and amateurs to interact and collaborate virtually. A driving motive behind the project is to bring people together in the time of social isolation. If you feel you need some inspiration, this article is a great place to start: https://www.theguardian.com/music/gallery/2013/oct/04/graphic-music-scores-in-pictures Alternatively, some examples of text scores if this is more your thing: Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit, George Brecht’s Water Yam Pauline Oliveros’ ‘Sonic Meditations Here is a link to the Google Form: https://forms.gle/eVyAo1e6UP1XQqmcA Thanks! Eliza 😊
  9. hello everyone, this is my new piece combined classical and modern together, piano music is the leading role, it mixed with concrete music as well, hope you like it! the video: 【微分音钢琴】作品5之6 无标题_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  10. casel LI is a living nomad and poet turning musical pieces and atmospheres into film soundtracks by traveling the world from volcanoes to rainforests, from rocky coastlines to urbanized jungles, a variety of sounds and ideas will merge into songs and compositions leaving the regular patterns of life, challenging his existence with constant uncertainties, his music is a reflection of this journeys enjoy listening here
  11. this is my new piece, a hybrid of microtonal piano, concrete music and noise, hope you like it!
  12. Hi all, This is something I've been working on for my composition lessons. The goal is for it to be a piece that could be played fairly easily by people who don't really know how to play the instruments involved (although I hope it would be fun for professional kalimba and ukulele players as well). If you're interested in playing it, just let me know. I'd love to get some feedback on how well the score communicates.
  13. hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece, hope you like it! the video: 【微分音钢琴】作品5之4 无标题_哔哩哔哩_bilibili Op5 Nr4.mp3
  14. SSC


    My most melodic work. Then again, maybe this is a piece I made when I was exploring spectralism, lol.
  15. this is my new piece, hope everone's commentation the video: 【微分音钢琴】作品5之3 无标题_哔哩哔哩_bilibili Op5 Nr3.mp3
  16. hello everyone, I am back, this is my new piece, hope you like it! the video: 【终极完美版】作品5之2 微分音钢琴音乐的开山之作_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  17. I'm going to post all my piano compositions in chronological order. Numbers 7, 8, 11, 13 and 15 are the best ones in my opinion. 1.-Compositions from youth. (I wouldn't even call this music) 2.-Random piano piece. (Modern I guess) 3.-Variations on a theme (Second piece I show in the video)(Classical) 4.-Katyusha (Variations)(Romantic/Virtuoso) 5.-Musical experiment. (Modern) 6.-Portrait of a dahlia. (Modern) 7.-Memories. (Romantic with jazz) 8.-Invention in D minor. (Canon)(Baroque) 9.-Crab canon. (Modern) 10.-Videogame experiment. (Modern) 11.-Feline Night (Jazz) 12.-Chromatic practice. (Experiment)(Modern) 13.-Elegía moderna. (Modern) 14.-Consonantn't vals. (Experimental/mixture) 15.-Portrait of a deaf man. (Modern/Romantic) If you liked or you have some advice please leave a coment. If I see people show interest I will post my other works.
  18. this is my new compisition, hope you like it. video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Pf4y1178o/
  19. This is the first completed draft of the fourth piece in a collection of piano pieces I am currently working on. The inspiration for this one came directly after I have finished writing the third piece for this collection.
  20. Hello everyone, I am coming back, this is my new piece, hope you like it
  21. Guten Tag! This is one of the projects I have been working on this semester! Feel free to check out the concept behind it at this blog post: Composition Notebook: "Morning Birds" - the story. What I am attaching for ya'll is the full score (which includes the cues for the three different flute parts, but not the actual parts), one of the flute parts (so you can see what they look like), a MIDI rendering of all the orchestra and flute parts combined, and a MIDI rendering of just the orchestra part (Titled "Three Violin Version..."). One of the flaws of the combined MIDI file is that the flute parts are made up of several short fragments/'bird calls',as you will see in the attached flute part, and the players will be improvising which bird call they play when. In other words, it will be a much more organic process than a computer just playing them all in order, as happens in the recording. I think the MP3 of everything combined sounds pretty terrible and clamorous which is not at all the intent of the piece. I suspect that this chaos will be lessened considerably when real players are performing this. If anyone has experience writing this sort of thing, I would really appreciate any advice you'd have to offer. Also, I am happy to hear comments from anyone about this piece, whether they be about the orchestral writing, the special effects, or anything else. Thank you and enjoy!
  22. There you go, that's the two bars idea I came up with. It isn't harmonized or anything on purpose, the idea is to have every individual composer make a one minute piece out of this idea the way he sees it. We can mix them all together or make a piece with a few parts based on this idea. Good luck, I'm off to compose my own version of it.
  23. I started this piece with the intention of trying something new and composing something a bit out of my comfort zone, which so far it's doing just that. Obviously though, it's very unfinished and it has a lot of polishing to do. For example, there's a lot of random whole notes in this piece that are just there for the sake of building chords and the switch into the B section seems a tad abrupt, though I think I like it that way. I'm curious as to what you guys think, please be brutally honest! But keep in mind that I am not a pianist in the slightest! I normally only compose choral music and I know that some of this couldn't actually be played how it's written. Anyways, please voice your opinion on it so far and if you have any ideas as to how I can improve on it and/or how I should continue it, do let me know. Thanks!
  24. This is my first time I completely write a experimental piano. It's not beautiful, hard to listen but when play it, I shivering, i think i can see some soul around me. i cant explain this feeling. Thank you for listening
  25. I'm a fan of independent and experimental movies, so I'm a fan of the legendary Jim Jarmusch. I watched "Only Lovers Left Alive", and there's a scene that the male actor starts playing guitar and recording his awesome music. That scene, inspired me. So, I took my guitar, my bow and start playing something. Then I recorded some classically picked Dmin and Dsus2 chords. Here's the result :
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