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  1. Hey people would love some feedback on this track :) please criticize the crap out of it if you want - anything is welcome. Thanks guys, your input has shaped my composing more than i can express and I appreciate and value every word of it.
  2. Another little something for critique (please rip it to shreds!) I'm not particularly happy with this at the moment. Feels like it's all over the place. I think my main issue is probably the strings — they just don't feel like they're working. It's probably a combination of the writing and the orchestration (and maybe the samples I'm using as well), but maybe some more seasoned composers can give me some tips here (especially at mark D...) As an aside, the director loves it, and is going to use it, but just for my own purposes I want to see if there's anything I can do with this to polish it up a bit. Score is attached, if that's helpful. Anyway, here it is in context (ungraded first cut):
  3. Caught in the Sandstorm Hey everyone, long time user. I haven't posted since the site has been updated. I hope you guys can offer some feedback on my latest piece - Taken from my website, I have received a few requests from friends to do more quasi- soundtrack/film/game pieces. They seem to really like them, but have opinions from other composers is 100x better in terms of useful feedback. I hope you all enjoy. YouTube link below! https://youtu.be/vzkmm_RTXTI
  4. Hi! My name is Peter Crow, I'm a film/ game composer from the Netherlands. I made this track and I would like to hear your thoughts on it. it's going to be used in a game for the itch.io game jam 2017. (if its good enough and if it fits the game of course. I haven't gotten a lot of information on the game but that didn't stop me! since the topic is "dreams" I thought it could fit.) it's just a (very) rough sketch of two themes. the topic for the game jam is "dreams". I haven't gotten to any mixing or mastering yet. these are just the melodies. Please take into consideration that this is game music. so it's mostly in the background.
  5. Hello wonderful composers, A friend of mine has started working on an rpg game and asked me to come up with some soundtrack ideas. This one is for one of the villages (if you hadn't already guessed from the title). The village is meant to be a small peaceful one but with a Subtle sense of isolation and struggle, so I tried to reflect this in the music. It's just one play through here, but it would loop in-game. Let me know if you have any thoughts or criticisms!
  6. HI everyone! I have taken the attempt of making an original soundtrack for the Silmarillion, a book by J.R.R Tolkien. Note, I don't own any rights to the J.R.R Tolkien company and in no ways I am related or associated with the films address either. This is merely for fun and for hype. Thanks!
  7. Hello everyone. My hands are nearly shaking ready to submit this now that I'm done. There's just so much talent on this site that my pieces feel pathetically simplistic and incompetent. I'm pretty self-conscious right now about my music. Even still, please be completely honest with your opinions. I'd love to continuously improve. This is a piece I wrote for an Indie Game named Blades of Orterra. It's a fantasy RPG. Pretty standard stuff. I ended up writing music for the game out of necessity, but digital composition is slowly consuming me. Please have a listen :) This is the first digital piece i have ever composed. It's worth noting that the volume is surpressed during the main chorus/melody in the beginning for some reason. Fixed on my soundcloud version. Any feedback much welcomed!
  8. Hey guys, I've started leaning towards a more ethereal soundscape. This isn't something I could see being performed due to the amount of effects. Please let me know what you think, it'll help me a lot. Thanks, Rowan
  9. Howdy, I tried my best to compose the score to a little horror production called „Sarah”, a short film (18-19 min) produced by film students from all departments about a series of murderous events around a remote cabin the woods. It was executed for educational purpose only; nobody involved got any money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVx9Q85qQ40 However, I am eager to get some early feedback on the music, especially some hints concerning the mix and the overall sound. Is it realistic enough? If not, what sucks the most? Of course, there were no real accoustic instruments involved. Fell free to tel me what you think about it. :) Maybe you'll recognize the major motif (a falling fourth/tritone shift) here or there. ;) Best regards Dustin
  10. I recently worked on a soundtrack for a film some uni students were working on. It's my first real attempt at putting music to film and would love to hear how I can improve for the future :) . The youtube link below is for the finished film project but the Soundcloud link is just for the soundtrack on its own ;) cheers! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gaGzgkePho&feature=youtu.be
  11. One of the many areas encompassed by my nerddom is Star Wars. When I was younger, I read a lot of the Expanded Universe books and would often make up soundtrack music in my head while reading. About ten years ago I decided to try writing soundtracks for Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy. I finished book 1, Heir to the Empire, but the project has lain in abeyance for some time now. Recently, though, I've started working on book 2 again, and I realized I had never shared my Heir to the Empire music here. This is long, but I decided to upload the whole thing; feel free to skip around. It starts and ends with the usual John Williams main title/end credits formulas, and some of John Williams's themes are used fairly liberally throughout, but by far the bulk of it is new music. Alas, I have no scores, as I wrote this directly in my sequencer. I was fortunate enough to have someone offer to make some album art for the soundtrack; this design is by Bob Akers: Front Cover Back Cover Any comments or criticisms would be much appreciated, particularly as I am currently working on the follow-up score. Thanks!
  12. Hey guys I was trying to create a sort of gypsy/Spanish kinda sounding thing (theres probably a proper style name for it by I don't know it). Have a listen and let me know any ideas or suggestions you might have for it :) cheers!
  13. Hey everyone! This is a piece I composed in the style of the soundtrack of the Spyro the Dragon playstation1 series for which Stewart Copeland, the legendary Police drummer has composed the soundtrack. As kids, we used to play these games a lot with my siblings, apart from the wonderful gameplay, funny moments or great graphics, It was also the music stat stood out for me. I only recently found out that it was Stewart Copeland who composed this wonderful soundtrack. This music influenced me in a big way I think, because I really loved listening to it ever since a little kid. And so I decided to compose something in that style. Something original with the vibe of the game´s soundtrack and I gave it to my sisters as a Christmas gift :-) I recorded the whole piece with my Yamaha Motif FX8 synth using all the sounds from there, pretty cool synth! Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/oliver-nosaczynski-bohovic/spyro-the-dragon-style-theme-tribute-to-stewart-copeland
  14. An experimental draft following the theme of the last piece I posted and meant to symbolise the first moon mission. If I go ahead with the full piece I aim to add some video footage too, with the first section accompanying the build up and launch and the second section being the astronauts stepping out of the lander on to the moon itself. Perhaps with a sample of the famous quote "That's one small step for a man, One giant leap for mankind" placed between the two sections? Any thought's or ideas welcomed!
  15. Here is a fun track from the documentary film, "Biserici de lemn din România" or "Wooden Churches of Romania." A beautiful film that showcases these ancient wooden churches that are still standing and in use. The director wanted an extremely avant garde approach to the score, to contrast with the images in the film. Hope you enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/emlaproductions/8dio-2015-stand-out-contest-submission-biserici-de-lemn-din-romania-by-brian-katona To see some of the imagery you can visit:
  16. This piece wasn't written for any specific piece of media, but I pictured it being used for a movie trailer. Let me know what you think!
  17. Hello. I am new to forum and i salute you all. I composed a track i if possible i want to know what you think about it. thank you and sorry for my bad english. :) https://soundcloud.com/illyrian-knight/vk-lelegends-of-illyria
  18. I was given several picture of and vast and vibrant jungle to produce a piece for and this is what I ended up with. I already have some reservations that I can work on in my next piece but I also wanted an outside opinion to help me improve. If there's anything you like or dislike please let me know it'll help so much. Thanks, Rowan.
  19. My attempt at doing a orchestral piece in the style of film and game soundtracks (which nicely lets me practice writing for orchestra in a shorter and less complicated format). I'm curious if the begging section sounds out of place, as I wrote it several months ago and just recently returned to and quickly finished this piece. The title doesn't have much meaning, in case you were curious, I simply picked something I thought might fit the song after I finished it.
  20. Hey guys! I made this interstellar-(heavily)inspired piece. It is part of a soundtrack I'm writing for a tabletop RPG of my creation. It is set in a sci-fi/space opera universe and is meant to explore philosophical matters such as creation, time, consequences of meeting aliens on our society and so on. You can find it here. I'd love some feedback. Thank's for stopping by!
  21. Hi, Here is my new composition for a movie soundtrack. Thanks for your comments! Best regards, Max Casey
  22. This is Marcel Gherman alias Megatone, a musician, jouralist, and science-fiction and fantasy prose writer from Moldova. I am a two times winner of the Writers Union of Moldova Award. I wish to present you my album Realms of The Cosmic Tree, in the style of old school Japanese fantasy RPG games. The album is inspired by my science-fiction modular novel Multiverse and my cycle of fantasy prose Chroinicles of Pandava. Last track on the album is a short fragment from an audiobook based on my fantasy story The Path to Avalonia. Enjoy! https://archive.org/details/arboruniversalis
  23. Greetings all, been a long time since I've come to this site. I thought I would share some music that I've been working on for my game called Tellurica (looking for another c# programmer with Unity experience and possibly a texture artist, if anyone is interested in working on it with me). To provide some context, the game is a fantasy/scifi game that takes place on an alien planet. It is a combatless survival RPG based around horticulture, exploration, and narrative. I'm particularly interested in what people think could be added or done to the piece called Misting, but really just any and/or all of them. The soundtrack can be found here Good fortune in your endeavors, Alex
  24. Produced using Sibelius, Pro Tools, and East West Symphonic Orchestra.
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