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Found 10 results

  1. I thought I could write some more movements based on those ancient melodies, and build a Symphony of the Hymns. So this is the second part... the third is in progress... I like to adapt the instrumentation to what I need, that's why I put two French horns, or two harps in this case, etc....
  2. The Elegy in F minor was written in 2020. It is my second duet, since my Fantasy in G minor for violin and piano, Op. 4. The piece is about 14 minutes long, and contains 2 themes. This performance is a remote recording, and the cellist playing is JonathanCello from Fiverr, who recorded a few of my previous chamber works. https://www.fiverr.com/jonathancello/do-session-cellist-for-your-musical-project?context_referrer=user_page&ref_ctx_id=d3f44413-d69e-4a0f-8b73-8ace49eedd1c&pckg_id=1&pos=1 As always, I hope you all enjoy 🙂
  3. This is my "Elegy for String Orchestra Op. 334 'For the Victims of the Beirut Port Blast (August 4, 2020)'". The Beirut Port Blast was a great explosion - one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history - that destroyed much of Beirut and killed more than 200 people, injured more than 6,000 people and left 300,000 people homeless, and of course left all other residents of Beirut shaken. I composed this "Elegy for String Orchestra" for all of those victims. May the memory of the dead be blessed, may the injured recover, may the homeless recover their homes, and may the shaken survivors and residents of Beirut find God's healing. As a resident of Beirut and a survivor of the horrible explosion, I sought via this rather sombre piece to kind of turn the page and emotionally move on from that tragic experience. Let us hope that justice will find the culprits and compensate all the victims' families.
  4. For piano and cello... DEXTER SONG score.pdf DEXTER SONG.mp3
  5. I wrote a piece for accompanied violin. It is mostly melodic. Roberto Zini - Elegia Violinistica I hope it is interesting.
  6. I'm sorry?
  7. For woodwinds and strings, this was inspired by a Tom Waits song that poses the question, 'Who will put flowers on a flower's grave?' I'm kind of fond of it, but my opinion doesn't count cuz I'm the composer. What do you think, YC's? Here is a youtube video of the music:
  8. Other times, I learn a lot making piano reductions from works I love. Crisantemi is an elegy composed by Puccini ¡¡in one night!! the day that the duque "Amadeo de Saboya" died. It's a less known work, because of his operas, of course. Written for string quartet, it is actually performed nowadays by a string orchestra. The version for the quartet is wonderful. Here is my version:
  9. Here is an elegy for string ensemble with solo violin and cello parts. Enjoy, and I appreciate your feedback.
  10. This is my entry for the Shakespeare contest. It's an elegiac song upon the famous Macbeth's soliloquy. Hope you enjoy^^
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