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Found 5 results

  1. I wrote a symphonic piece of a string quartet I orchestrated. I've never written for full orchestra, and I have a reading for this piece soon. I'd love to get some feedback. The big problem I'm at is key changes for contrast and expanding current contrasting sections.
  2. This one is different, combining some eastern Japanese/Chinese elements with western stuff.. Could've been some sort of Japanese film/serious soundtrack maybe some anime stuff 😄 There is a good drive on this one, leaded by the Hang Drum.. Have fun 🙂
  3. hello everyone, this is my new piece of music, a traditional Chinese folk one, hope you like it, and welcome everyone's commentation.
  4. Hi fellow composers! My name is Kian, a Shanghai, China based composer and visual media audio specialist. I'm a graduate of the world prestigious Berklee College of Music and have had more than 10 years of industry experience working on a range of projects including AAA+ games such as Eve Online, Dishonored, Spec Ops: The Line, Dust 514 and block buster Chinese films notably Wolf Warrior. You may find more information about me and my works through my website: www.kianhow.com After more than 10 years of being in the industry and having spent considerable time working in the East and West, I have accumulated much highly valuable experience which I believe will help composers navigate through their careers with much ease. And considering the rise of the economic powers of Asian countries in recent years, there will be more opportunities for composers to explore in this region and I will have highly valuable information that can help aspiring composers intending to exploit the growing markets of the east. I have written a series of articles with the specific purpose of assisting composers achieving their goals. If you find my articles to have provided any value to you, do share it to others as sharing is caring and if there's any questions or topics you'd like me to write about, do get in touch with me :) https://www.kianhow.com/single-post/2017/08/08/Truths-About-Being-a-ComposerThat-You-Should-Know-1-Understanding-the-realities-of-being-a-composer https://www.kianhow.com/single-post/2017/08/08/Truths-About-Being-a-ComposerThat-You-Should-Know-2-Understanding-the-function-of-a-“work-for-hire”-composer Thanks and I wish all of you the best of luck with your careers! -Kian Music Composer | Visual Media Audio Specialist www.kianhow.com
  5. Here's a just published video on of my teachers, Bright Sheng: http://www.brightsheng.com/bio.html http://vimeo.com/19116914 He's amazing!
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