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  1. Hello, I want to share my piano piece that I was inspired to write out of the blue a few days ago. I liked the tune in my head, so I spent about an hour and 20 minutes composing this piece in my Finale: harmony, reverb, and all. I’m overall glad with the result, and find the highlights of my piece are the heavy chords measure in the middle section close and the more elaborate variation of the first theme in the last section. Do tell me your thoughts on my piece, and enjoy!(: Tango in D minor MIDI.mid
  2. Hello everyone, I want to share the second Bagatelle I composed. It is a slow tempo Bagatelle in E minor for the piano. Most of my pieces are in a moderate tempo and in major so I wanted to test myself once by composing a slow piece that stays for the whole time in minor. As my previous Bagatelle, I composed it and played it myself in a Yamaha P-515 digital piano with the Yamaha CFX piano sound. I might have composed some parts differently but, when things got too hard for me to play, I had to simplify them to my level. I did record it with the phone so it has a lot noise and the quality is not good. Also, I made a couple of mistakes here and there but this was the best I could play it. I plan to practice it and record it with better quality but it might take some time. The piece is in ternary form with the main theme (A) in Emin and a second theme (B) in Bmin. The B theme is restated in the home key (Eminor) before going back to the repetition of the A theme. Since the tempo is slow and the themes themselves quite long there are no repeats in any section. Any comment and feedback is more than welcome! Thank you for listening and hope you enjoy it!
  3. I've stitched together a few melodies I've come up with while improvising the last two days. I'll notate the next version in musescore and produce the audio in FL Studio, but this is basically just a quick rough draft. I don't have a title yet and I'm not set on the final structure so feel free to give suggestions. I also want to make the left hand more flowy in some places, but without clashing with the melody. https://flat.io/score/66929dc1b395c51c02ac86cf-my-music-score?sharingKey=98cac817028336424b11d90cc66fa77cd45d5e30e50203c06577a8bc91100bb9750be725c131fc4335ff3112b110adb3639cee49094807e58474a443e83f5148
  4. I wonder if the uploader ever made an edited this but I found this by suggestion. A mashup of Brubeck and Satie and sounds wonderful. Do you know of any cool mashups? Share them here!
  5. Hey Guys, I've never composed a kind of music like this before. I'm eager to hear your opinion!
  6. Hello I haven't uploaded anything here for some time. Too busy in what is actually my job.... But I have been studying (and continue...) the harmonic, and compositional world in general, of Romanticism. Which is fascinating. I really encourage anyone interested in composition to seriously study the resources of each period. We can always, always improve. So I am uploading this piece, after reviewing some Romantic works with that title.... I hope you like it. By the way, although I have hundreds of "works" written, I am discarding, reclassifying and renumbering from Op. 1, not caring if it is something written now or years ago, as long as it has some value to me.
  7. Hello Guys, This is my very first counterpoint attempt. It's just a brief piano piece. What do you think? The music sheet is an auto-generated one because I'm lazy...
  8. Hi all, I wanted to share my latest composition, hoping for some feedback! Enjoy the listening 🙂! Julien PS: Scores and midi files are available here: https://imslp.org/wiki/Tableau_No.5_(Piaser%2C_Julien) tableau 5.mid
  9. Hi, this is my first advanced piano solo composition . Would love some feedback. Thank you.
  10. I've been taking something of a hiatus from classical music recently. I haven't had any big ideas to go off of when it comes to big orchestral works or even smaller chamber ensemble pieces; I've also wanted to compose small songs/do piano covers/write jazz pieces for quite some time now, and I figured it's about as good a time as any to just get on with it while I rest the classical side of my composing output for now. Don't worry (in case you are 😉), I'm sure I'll come back to it eventually. The piece below is one of my first attempts at writing in a distinctly alternative, non-classical musical language since I first started writing music two and a half years ago. I've been asked by a friend to write some pieces for his student film, and he asked specifically for an 'upbeat jazz'... thing to accompany a scene he plans on filming a couple of months from now. I decided to work with a jazz trio that consists of a drumset, piano, and acoustic guitar (since he planned on having the school band play the piece). I've made an effort to focus more on rhythmic drive and the 'groove' of the piece instead of melody or harmony, and I'm curious if anything here could be considered 'jazzy' at all, or if it's just a jumble of discordant sounds that merely assume the semblance of jazz improvisation. I'm quite unsure of this new writing style, so any constructive criticism is welcome. Hoping to hear from everybody! 😁 Note: the .mp3 only goes up to 1:42, since I haven't finished the piece. There should be a couple more minutes of music after that. Addendum: I've finished the piece! It's gone all the way up to nearly 6 minutes, but I'm pretty happy with how it's turned out. I've attached the files here as 'funkalicious' (aptly titled) for easier viewing. Special thanks to @Thatguy v2.0 for sticking along for the journey! I'm very grateful you were there to give me advice on maxing out the funk here 🙌
  11. Took me long enough to share this with you... the timing is also quite good if you consider some of my explanations I guess 01 hw1.mp3 Introduction Context Primer for the music itself Sorry for the walls of text lol, if you prefer just let the music speak for itself it is also fine.
  12. Music hw sonata new fixed again wm 4.pdf Though there is some skill issue with my playing lol... Context Hw4 maybe better.mp3
  13. Hey all! I just completed what was for me a massive project, Three Scenes for Ensemble is a set of chamber pieces (one of my first compositions) which I composed and recorded at the legendary Hansa Studios in Berlin. I felt this would be a great place to get some feedback. I know it's a ton of music, but it would be incredibly helpful to even if focus on one measure to show an example of different choices I could have made orchestration-wise, harmonically, notation-wise, etc... Thank you in advance and I hope you enjoy! If you would like to support please consider also listening on Spotify. Score Video: About the Music! Credits: Composer: Nicholas Schuman, Flute: Thomas Hahn, Oboe: Anna Schulkowski, Clarinet: Constance Morvan, French Horn: Melinda Gál, Piano: Daniel Zhao, Cello: Josiah Simonds, Sound Engineer: Arne Bergner, Assistant Engineer: Marian Hafenstein
  14. Since it follows directly "attaca" from the first movement, I'm uploading both here.
  15. Uploading this in preparation of tomorrow's feast Context Music Hw3 calmer.mp3
  16. Here it is! The submission for the Valentine's Day Event! To say that composing this piece was a hectic process is an understatement. Heck, I'm submitting this piece on the day (or night) of the deadline! I think I was going with the joyfulness aspect of romance, with of course a little bit of dark theme (just the minor version of the main theme really lol) mixed in there. This piece also contains a theme from a sketch that I have always wanted to explore. But yeah, dunno what else to say other than to enjoy the piece!!
  17. Happy New Year... I've been delving into some of the harmonic mechanisms of the Romantics, and out of that came this short piece. Greetings.
  18. A wonderful video sprang across my YouTube feed a few days ago. All the information in the video was news to me -- essentially, the claim is that we've been playing the Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata" the wrong way for two centuries, inspired by a poor nickname that really doesn't fit the piece at all! The professor's fresh interpretation of the first movement at the end of the video suddenly inspired me to try to orchestrate the piece, as I was having a lot of interesting ideas I thought I might try in order to create a really unorthodox interpretation. Before this week I had always thought Moonlight was a sort of cliched piece, but the professor brought it back to life and showed me it's famous for a reason.... The work was surprisingly quick, even though I was also trying Musescore 4 for the first time. Figured I'd give it a whirl on a short side project rather than a main composition. (Spoiler: it's actually pretty awesome. The sounds are amazing.) My overall aim was to recreate some of the tragic funeral march character that is usually lost in most modern interpretations, but also to emulate the "ghostly" quality of which Carl Czerny spoke. I've accordingly created more active, dense, even "smeary" textures instead of transparent and simple ones. Overall I want to kill the whole notion that this piece is supposed to be "relaxing"! This was a great orchestration challenge for me. Some of the creative decisions I made were born of necessity; others were just pure indulgence on my part. I actually took a lot of liberties; the piece is faithfully adapted insofar as the overall structure and proportions are preserved, but I freely modify harmonies and add new voices and contrapuntal layers where I see fit. The bass clarinet and contrabasses both need low Cs for this transcription.
  19. Hi everyone this is my first post here, and I would like to share a piece I finished composing for a small performance in my Uni, dedication is to a friend of mine, and yea please tell me what you think! https://musescore.com/user/2760916/scores/13427143 theres like 4 bars where the audio and music dont play the exact notes, but theyre similar, I'll find a way to fix it one day...
  20. Piano Sonata no.1 in A major Pastoral First Movement 13-01-2023.pdf This is the scored version of the first movement of my Piano Sonata no.1 in A major, Pastoral (2015). It's called pastoral since I subconsciously use the theme from Beethoven Symphony no.6 in the same name. It's more influenced by Beethoven's op.101 though. This movement and the whole sonata is basically a practice on using one single motive throughout the piece. In this movement sonata form is used. The prime motive is used as the first subject and the inverted form is used as the second subject. Hope you enjoy! I personally don't value this piece highly though. I plan to record the 2nd movement as well, but the 3rd and 4th movements I am in doubt of their quality, so I probably won't record them. P.S. Please find the youtube video, mp3 and pdf file! This recording is recently recorded and the score is polished a little bit. Henry P.P.S. The second movement of the work is posted on YC with the link below:
  21. Hi everyone! I am posting the 1st movement of my Third Piano Sonata in C sharp minor. This movement starts at 2019, but was abandoned since I had to focus on composing my two Clarinet Quintets then. Then after finishing my Sextet movement I wanna write something trash to restore my originality, so I choose this one to work on. What I had is only b. 1-8, b.177-180 and b.225 till the end, so my job was to extend them and make the music as smooth as possible. Luckily the final product isn't quite trash at all, even though the style is less original than the Sextet. I know the recording is bad, especially with those tears, but hopefully it doesn't hurt! Hope you enjoy it! This movement for me is furious, but it acts as self therapy by composing and expressing all my anger and confusion. I was in a state of depression at the composing period, worrying from the world to myself. Luckliy this movement saves me from falling to the depression trap. I make use of the opening falling fourth motive and that triplet rhythmic motive all through the movement, which results in something Beethovanian and reminds me of his Appassionata. I started to enjoying it more and more after playing it myself. It's challenging but very enjoyable to do so. Piano Sonata no.3 in C sharp minor First Movement.pdf Piano Sonata no.3 1st Mov Audio.mp3 Here is the structre of the movement: 0:03 Exposition, First Subject. Uses the falling fourth motives and the triplet rhythmic motives in the whole movement due to coherence (and laziness LoL) 0:39 Transition 1:02 Exposition, Second Subject, in dominant G# minor. 1st theme more chordal, 1:17 2nd theme, more cantabile in nature, 1:35 3rd theme with furious octaves, and the next passage with 16th triplets on top with the fate motive underneath reminds me the Appassionata most. 2:10 Development, begins with imitation and canon, then reach the more beautiful theme in 2:44, but soon crushed and the Appassionata related F minor comes in at 3:29. The progression here I am sure I have learnt from Schubert's Fantasie in F minor for piano four hands. 4:19 Recapitulation, First Subject. Try something Bramsian here. 5:10 Recapitulation, Second Subject, same as the exposition except in the tonic key. 6:19 Coda, using that beautiful theme from the development again (except with that freaking wrong note LoL). Building up climax until reaching 6:51(my favourite passage!), and is agitated till the end. Feel free to criticize it or just take note on something interesting of it. I will be very happy for all your opinions! I know the recording is bad, especially with those tears, but hopefully it doesn't hurt! I recommend the YT video version more since it seems to filter out some of the tears! Henry
  22. Hi! This is my second published work after a short one which I have recently took down and am planning to repost as WoO 2 (WoO 1 being my yet-to be published Winter Fantasy). I have received some comments already by other people but I wish to seek what you guys think about this short piece. This etude is about playing parallel passages on the right and left hand. I hope y'all can give some feedback! Thanks in advance! Étude No. 1.mid
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