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  1. A piece for encouraging myself to be brave and strong
  2. This last Sunday, my new piece, "Tastes of the Orchestra," was premiered at the Dubuque Symphony's Summer Melodies concert. I would love to hear your thoughts, comments. Thank you for listening! Score video:
  3. This one is different, combining some eastern Japanese/Chinese elements with western stuff.. Could've been some sort of Japanese film/serious soundtrack maybe some anime stuff 😄 There is a good drive on this one, leaded by the Hang Drum.. Have fun 🙂
  4. Good evening everyone! I'm ready to present a new piece I have been working on for the last couple of months or so: Adagio for Orchestra. It’s a relatively short piece, not as large in scope as some of my other works I have posted here. Admittedly I’ve had a little bit of writer’s block recently, so I toned things back quite a bit and instead focused on simple themes and experimenting with an expanded orchestra, including Euphonium and Saxophone with the usual instruments. I'm interested in any and all constructive feedback. I had a few goals in mind as I composed this, feel free to chime in on how well I accomplished them: Focus on simple, memorable themes. Experiment with orchestration, using auxiliary instruments to create some unique textures. Integrate Euphonium and Saxophone with the rest of the orchestra. Write something that would work as a middle movement of a larger work, such as a symphony. The piece is loosely structured in a binary form with repeat (ABAB). (0:00 - 1:09) – Introduction. Euphonium solo that is passed between and elaborated by other members of the winds, punctuated by sweeping string lines. Most of the thematic material from the piece is extracted from this opening solo. (1:09 – 2:41) – A Theme. A melancholy dirge carried by a bell-like ostinato played by harp, celesta, and piano, with rustling tremolo in the strings and an eerie chant in the winds. (2:41 – 5:00) – B Theme. A floating theme first presented by the oboe then embellished by the strings to the first big outburst of the piece. Material from the A Theme is elaborated here, then the strings carry the oboe theme to a new momentary high, before settling back into the recap. (5:00 – 7:11) – A Theme recap. The dirge returns, this time building to a euphoric climax, then drifting away into the upper register of the woodwinds and strings. (7:11 – 8:13) – B Theme recap. This time the clarinet sings the theme. I experimented with some polytonality/polymodality/whatever-you-want-to-call-it with the chords in the horns, trumpets, flutes, keyboards, and harp. I’m curious how well I pulled this off. (8:13 – 8:38) – Coda. Return of the Euphonium solo, this time drifting off into silence to end the piece. As usual, I have few specific questions I would like specific feedback on. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you wish: What effect does the music have on you? Does in conjure up an image? Or an emotional feeling? Does it tell you a story? This can be the piece as a whole, or a specific part or parts. What was your favorite part? What was your least favorite part? Do you have any comments or critiques on technique, e.g. harmony, melody writing, counterpoint, orchestration, voice-leading, etc.? How do you feel about the overall form? Is it effective? How well do you think the euphonium and saxophone are integrated with the rest of the orchestra? How do you feel about the harmony in the B theme recap (the nondiatonic chords against the melody in the clarinet)? Is it effective? Do you have any comments of the quality of the performance in the audio file? I really want this to be a decent representation of how the piece would sound if it were performed live, since it is unlikely it ever will be. Feel free to put your "conductor hat" on and critique the "orchestra". I have included a score and welcome any constructive feedback on its presentation. And if you're like me it's a lot more fun to follow along with the score. Are there any composers this reminds you of, that I might enjoy listening to? Sound libraries: Spitfire Symphonic Orchestra and Spitfire Percussion VSL – Eb clarinet, Bass clarinet (in the intro only), Alto sax, Bassoon (for the solo only), Bb Trumpet (for the solos only, and some reinforcement in louder sections), Euphonium, Piano Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy! If you liked something I did and want me to explain how I did it, feel free to ask as well. -gmm
  5. Hello! I was commissioned to write an orchestra piece, and I have just finished my first draft of the piece. I would like to hear your comments/criticism. Keep in mind, I have a 3.5 minute max time (with a 10-15 minute rehearsal time, as it is for a summer concert), and I wanted to fit in as many textures and ideas as I could with easy to rehearse parts. A big part of my style is to create "samplers" of the many ideas I have and focus less on making it a completely cohesive "piece." I use a few melodies/bits that stay present throughout and build upon those. Thank you, and if you take the time to reply to my piece I am more than happy to take the time to comment on one of yours 🙂 Enjoy!
  6. Hi everyone! I've been thinking about writing some stuff for fantasy inspired settings (like WoW, Skyrim etc.). I've come up with these ideas and there were quite a few of them, and thus I decided to put them all together in one suite. Any feedback is appreciated!
  7. Hello. Completed the 3rd movement! I used windows video editor and exported at 1080px so you can see the music better. I also used Finale with Garratin VST's and then imported into Ableton Live10 standard which allowed me to improve the sound. I have ordered Spitfire Discovery BBC Orchestra and may do a remix with it , perhaps a video with all 3 movements together.
  8. This is the demo version of a graduation-style march I've been working on. It's designed with the same format style as Pomp and Circumstance, so there are a lot of repeated sections. PLEASE feel free to be give suggestions, criticism, and critiques about it. It's far from done and I would love to know how to make it better! Thanks!
  9. There is one of my work, a special combination of classic and more elements in one song
  10. So I created my own version for The Sixth Station, made by Joe Hasiashi.. I believe it sounds almost the same, and I love it 😄 Hope its worth the shot
  11. Feedback appreciated also technical feedback would be good. I used Finale and Garratin Personal orchestra and then an old copy of windows live movie maker to do the youtube score. I was wondering if I should save in 1080 and with a WAV also is it a good idea to use Ableton for reverb and filters as I have live 10 standard.
  12. Hello I have written the first movement of a symphony in the old style. I am looking for feedback. Many thanks.
  13. Dear community, I hope you are well. Since March, I've worked independently on a series of nine orchestral pieces inspired by living and struggling during the Covid-19 Pandemic, and associated each piece with a Beethoven symphony: Aubade Fugue: Wear Pearls and Smile Kommos (Lamentation) / When the World Moved On Fanfare: Grit Icarus Also Flew Immortal Horses Nocturne: Neowise Romance Cocktails for the End of Time They were written primarily to keep me mentally healthy during a period of personal turmoil. I'm now actively seeking out performance opportunities, either physically or digitally. I kindly invite you to have a look at their website, where you can browse each piece's score, parts, synthesized mock-ups, and even play-along click-track videos to help with the possibility of a remote performance: https://sites.google.com/view/beethovenepisodes/home Here's the SoundCloud playlist if you just would like to listen to the mock-ups: https://soundcloud.com/benjamin-sajo/sets/beethoven-episodes None of these pieces were commissioned, but their pay-off has been deeply personal and self-affirming. That being said, I really hope that some of you are able to find the time to have a listen. If you would be interested in helping me get these performed, I'd love to hear from you. Kindest regards, Ben
  14. In the last months I worked hard at my first small symphony. Spending some forgotten hours late at night to write notes in that marvellous app StaffPad. Slowly the story came to life. With this composition “The Boy Who Wanted To Fly” as an end result! I really challenged myself this time. I wanted to compose a classical story. A symphonic story. One that takes you by the hand and feeds your imagination. You have to know, I'm still a beginner. This is the second composition I wrote by hand. So any feedback, advise is much appreciated! About the process, I wrote it by hand in StaffPad. Exported the STEMS and mixed and mastered in my beloved DAW Logic Pro. The music is available on Youtube with the short story in the video and on every major streaming platform. So when you enjoy listening to it, you could add it to one of your favourite playlists. Link to the score: Score - The Boy Who Wanted To Fly
  15. Score Video on Youtube Hi! For an english project at school, I was tasked with depicting Dante’s 9 circles of Hell in my own artistic way (the other option outside of writing music was to do arts and crafts...), and I chose to do something like 9 mini-movements about different composers I enjoy. It is not a typical approach to Hell in making everything chaotic, but more that each composer is stuck listening to their own style music for eternity. There are 9 short movements. I have spent 5-6 hours these last three days writing this, and really enjoy a about half of these short compositions. For a game, if you want to participate, write your guesses of which composer is which in the comments, writing 1-9 from the word bank below. I am interested to hear your guesses before checking the score! Poulenc, Mussorgsky, Adams, Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Holst, Ravel, Debussy, Rachmaninov Questions: 1. What are your top 3 mini-movements? Why? 2. Are the are that do/don’t sound like the listed composer? I think Debussy and Mussorgsky are not similar. Thanks for listening, and have a good one!
  16. A light-hearted orchestral piece which I first wrote about 5 years ago and reworked earlier this year. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but any feedback (positive or negative) is much appreciated!
  17. I wanted to dedicate a piece to a loved one, so I composed a waltz in piano. Then I met with an orchestra composer to help me orchestrate it. Please, I would love feedback from this community. It is full of people who can give me their PoV and tell me for example "Trumpets louder would sound better in this part; or make this section softer". It is composed of 4 waltzes. The pattern is: 1) D Major; 2) G Major; 3) D Major; 4) G Major; Coda) D Major Thank you so much!
  18. Hi everyone! I just wrote this piece for an orchestra that I was thinking could be used as a theme to some kind of sci-fi adventure set in space. Have a listen to it! Any comments and/or feedback are greatly appreciated since I am a self-taught composer! I'll attach the PDF with the score to the post. Here is the piece itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Z3axY6f_Y Hope you'll enjoy it!
  19. Hi, This is the newest movement of my orchestral project, Suite of Minimalism. I cannot decide if I am fully happy with it like the other two movements, and I would like your idea of how the ending could be improved, and if you guys even like it. Philip's Time Machine has some of my favorite moments of music I have written yet, but I can almost tell the second half of the piece sounds rushed. Maybe I am crazy though. If you guys agree and give me some pointers, I will probably spend more time working on it and be back here in another few weeks.
  20. Good evening everyone! I'm excited to present a new piece I have been working on for the last month or so: Scherzo for Orchestra. I deliberately wrote this fairly quickly, with the intent to write something fun, conventional, and maybe even a little whimsical. I'm interested in any and all constructive feedback. I had a few goals in mind as I composed this, feel free to critique my success or failure on these: Write something a little more informal and accessible, with catchy, memorable themes. Start with a very simple idea, and build the entire piece off of it. The four bar opening phrase in the 2nd violins popped into my head one day, so I tried to build the entire piece off of this motive and transformations of this motive. Practice having multiple contrapuntal lines. Some details on this are below. Write something that would work as a middle movement of a larger work, such as a symphony. Write something under 10 minutes, since I might decide to enter it into a competition and a lot of competitions have a 10 minute time limit. The piece is loosely structured in a three-part rondo form (ABACABA). (0:00 - 1:32) - A Theme - A very quick staccato theme in C# minor. I based this on the idea of a fugue, with each voice entering at different scale degrees, before they all come together to cadence. I'm sure I broke a few rules on the counterpoint, but it got the job done. The section ends on the V (G# minor) (1:32 - 2:21) - B Theme - A soaring theme in E major, then restated in Db major. Here I tried to have descending chromatic lines to complement the ascending melody. (2:21 - 3:04) - A Theme - Restatement of the second half of the A Theme, this time ending on I (C# minor) (3:04 - 6:31) - C Theme - A waltz in D major that begins very timid, gradually gains confidence, and goes out with a bang. (6:31 - 8:01) - A Theme - Restatement of the A Theme, this time in D minor, with the orchestration modified slightly. I threw in a couple unprepared modulations up a half step, to Eb minor and E minor. As a result I may have broken a "rule" here since I ended the section on B minor (which is not the V of D minor, the key I eventually return to). (8:01 - 8:49) - B Theme - Restatement of the B Theme, this time in Db major and Bb major. (8:49 - 9:37) - A Theme - The second half of the A Theme again, eventually returning to D minor to end the piece. As usual, I have an onslaught of questions I would like specific feedback on. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you wish: What effect does the music have on you? Does in conjure up an image? Or an emotional feeling? Does it tell you a story? This can be the piece as a whole, or a specific part or parts. What was your favorite part? What was your least favorite part? Do you have any comments or critiques on technique, e.g. harmony, melody writing, counterpoint, orchestration, voice-leading, etc.? How do you feel about the overall form? Is it effective? Do any of the parts seem impractical to you? It's a pretty fast piece with a lot of technique, so I'm curious if some of the parts are impractical. I don't mind them being difficult, I would only be concerned if they are borderline impossible. Do you have any comments of the quality of the performance in the audio file? I really want this to be a decent representation of how the piece would sound if it were performed live, since it is unlikely it ever will be. Feel free to put your "conductor hat" on and critique the "orchestra". I have included a score and welcome any constructive feedback on its presentation. And if you're like me it's a lot more fun to follow along with the score. Are there any composers this reminds you of, that I might enjoy listening to? Sound libraries: Spitfire Symphonic Orchestra and Spitfire Percussion VSL Trumpet (only for some of the lyrical trumpet melodies) VSL Violins (only to layer with the violins in Spitfire) Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoy! If you liked something I did and want me to explain how I did it, feel free to ask as well. -gmm
  21. Hi friends, I have a doubt. In the instruments that work in pairs in the orchestra: flute 1,2 / oboe 1,2 / etc..... When we want only one to play a phrase or something, is there a rule to be nº 1 or nº 2? Thanks!
  22. Hi all, I already mentioned in this post I would share the score of my latest music track. I wrote it all first in StaffPad and then rebuild it again on my computer with my favourite libraries. Love to receive some feedback. I really tried to pay attention to harmony, counterpoint and using the right registers for the instruments. Download score: https://bit.ly/3ka0ZLu
  23. I decided recently to compose a Waltz, feedback greatly appreciated. Thanks🙂 Also, yes, the beginning is not a waltz.
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