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  1. The Congregational Church of Needham is looking to hire both a tenor and a bass section leader to fill out our professional quartet within an all volunteer choir. Musicians must be fully vaccinated and have a good work ethic: learn music ahead of rehearsal, be on time, sight-read well, and work well with others. Rehearsals are the first and third Thursday of the month from 7:15pm - 8:45pm and usually three Sundays a month from 8:45am - 11:10am. Pay is $61 for Thursday evenings and $91 for Sunday services. Extra services during Holy Week and Christmas (Christmas Concert and Christmas Eve). You will need a car. The church is not T accessible. If interested please send resume and video or audio links to Valerie J. Becker, Director of Music. Valerieb894@gmail.com
  2. The Congregational Church of Needham is looking to hire both a tenor and a bass section leader to fill out our professional quartet within an all volunteer choir. Musicians must be fully vaccinated and have a good work ethic: learn music ahead of rehearsal, be on time, sight-read well, and work well with others. Rehearsals are the first and third Thursday of the month from 7:15pm - 8:45pm and usually three Sundays a month from 8:45am - 11:10am. Pay is $61 for Thursday evenings and $91 for Sunday services. Extra services during Holy Week and Christmas (Christmas Concert and Christmas Eve). You will need a car. The church is not T accessible. If interested please send resume and video or audio links to Valerie J. Becker, Director of Music. Valerieb894@gmail.com
  3. A litle tune I mixed, and added a bass line. Sin_Motivo.mp3
  4. A piece that a friend commissioned me to write. just a simple waltz that I wrote in a day. It's repetitive and relatively simple but yeah I hope you enjoy. It's in rondo form and is essentially me trying to be as unoriginal as possible and I think it is one of my best especially as I didn't think too much about it.
  5. So, I was in youtube an then a video pop up, it was called "blues scale", and I inmediatly fell in love with that scale. So I wanted to compose something with a bluesy fell. Did I got it?. It is no finished, this 10 measures were composed in around 10 minutes. Any comments are apreciated.
  6. I wrote some pieces with a jazzy feeling. Hope you like it.
  7. I was wondering if someone could give some tips on what instruments to boost the bass range of an orchestra, currently I am using EWQLSO and am somewhat limited on the range of certain instruments. Also wondering if they could direct me towards which instruments play which clefs in soprano, alto, tenor, bass.
  8. Here is my song to the poem "Im Nebel" by Hermann Hesse. This is the first performance of many and we did not have all the time we wanted to practice it. I hope you enjoy anyways.
  9. @ComposerMITA wrote a piece a few weeks ago based on a concept of lines which function relatively independent of one another and which also change 1) tonal centers and 2) modes every couple measures. It sounded like an interesting experiment, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. I-dunno, I don't hate it exactly, but it sits with me the same way that free jazz and 12-tone music do. *shrug* It's definitely a good exercise in modes, in part writing, and in trying to make each line work on its own regardless of the others. The original project requirements call for no thought given between the lower two voices and the upper two voices, but I must admit to breaking that a little - if it was possible and convenient to the line, I definitely gravitated towards tones that worked relatively better with the other parts! Viola! - erm, I mean VOILA - c'est mon "chef d'oeuvre". Gustav
  10. This piece is from a beautiful Georgian folk love poem. During my time in Afghanistan, we did a lot of work with the Georgian military, and I was always very impressed by their culture and music, so I decided to do some research into it. Georgian music is some of the oldest polyphonic music in the world, and that ancient sound is reflected in the "chant" parts of this piece. Modern chordal movements are also included to contrast the old with the new while still maintaining continuity throughout. There is both positivity and pain in this piece which is approprtiate for both the narrator of the poem and for the country of Georgia itself. I recorded this myself (countertenor I recorded down a minor third and then transposed, low basses same thing but up a major second), so excuse the mediocre singing. Net'avi ratme maktsia bulbulad gadamaktsia bulbulis ena masts'avla baghebshi shemomachvia davk'ono okros k'onebi davpero vertskhlis ts'q'alshia saghamo khanze giakhlo chamogiq'aro banshia dilit ro gamosuliq've shig gagekhvios k'avshia ნეტავი რათმე მაკცია ბულბულად გადამაკცია ბულბულის ენა მაწავლა ბაღებში შემომაჩვია დავკონო ოქროს კონები დავპერო ვერცხლის წყალიშია საღამო ხანზე გიახლო ჩამოგიყარო ბანშია დილით რო გამოსულიყვე შიგ გაგეხვიოს კავშია I wish I could turn into something: Turn into a nightingale, And learn the nightingales' language; I'd come to dwell in the garden. I'd gather up golden bouquets, Dip them in liquid silver, I'd come to you in the evening, And lay them on your roof. When you come out in the morning, May they be entwined in your curls!
  11. Trying to gather a few tracks I've posted before all in one playlist. Does anyone have any advice for lead?
  12. Hello. I have question about solo bass singer. How low can a bass sing and yet be able to maintain a full resonating Fortissimo? For example, could it have the same Fortissimo low D (D2) as a Bassoon playing it in low D? Thank you.
  13. This is a new song in conjunction to the my other one called After The End. After The End received honorable mentions in the nation music educators association electronic composition contest. Listen to this and tell me what you think. Follow me on Instagram @wind_player1 and on Facebook as Cj Rhen. Thank You Listen to Before The Dawn by Cj Rhen #np on #SoundCloud
  14. Found this sweet backing track on Youtube. I just had to jam over it. I named it Ninja Blade because it has a anime theme to it lol. I love it. Wouldn't call better than Seismic Melody but I'll say this a close second. I played lead here and also some suspended chords. Also, to clarify (and this unrelated to the topic) I've had a couple of people ask if I still did orchestral composing. Answer is, I do but I'm just taking a break from that.
  15. I purchased a new interface for my computer and this is the very first, fully structured guitar track I've made using it. It's the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface. I've never mixed and mastered a track recorded from an interface before, so I'm not sure how well the quality is...but from you guys reviews it'll help in the future.
  16. Just finished a guitar track. I think it's in C# Minor - my guitar was tuned in C#. Forget what scale I used. Anyway, it was just something I messed around with. Mainly ideas thrown together over a central melody/rhythm I found on YouTube.
  17. I wrote this piece before Martian Procession but posted it afterwards. Listen to this piece and tell me what you think. I used a ton of my Korg prologue and sequenced a lot of drums. Follow me on Instagram @wind_player1. Check out my Sounds.com content for sax loops and samples. Also email me at cjrhenhome@gmail.com for suggestions and requests for content. Thank You!
  18. This is a new song I write with my Korg Prologue and a bunch of other stuff. Follow me on Instagram and at Sounds.com where I am a producer for loops and samples. Comment what you think.
  19. Repetitive music
  20. I wrote this for a 48 hour composition contest in Seattle. It did relatively well! The performers misinterpreted some of the markings but they had such a short time to learn it, I understand why that could have happened.
  21. Decided to record some lead guitar while thinking of ideas for my next score. It's in the key of C#m, which I love the most. Added some pinch harmonics and a short guitar solo. Feedback is always welcomed. Headphones recommended for better sound. Hope you guys enjoy!
  22. This track is expressing my guilt mainly to my peers whom I've done and said things to that were out of line. Almost went into tears recording this. I think out of all the music I've uploaded to this site, this one came from my heart and soul the most.
  23. My second composition I've made that's longer than 2 min, feels like I can work on it a lot more, especially with the percussions and making the ending even more climactic and big. Big inspiration from games from playstation 111 C 15.mp311 C 15.mp311 C 15.mp3
  24. Hello everbody, This is my first serious choral composition, which I composed to practise counterpoint and voice leading. The piece is an Ave Maria, but the language is Dutch, which made it quite hard to compose music on. It is a hard language regarding accentuation. Dutch text: Wees gegroet, Maria, vol van genade. De Heer is met U. Gij zijt de gezegende onder de vrouwen, En gezegend is Jezus, de Vrucht van Uw schoot. Heilige Maria, Moeder van God, Bid voor ons, zondaars, Nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. There is trouble with the audio in this topic, so here is the link: Nevertheless, I am pretty content with it. What do you think? Tips are welcome! Maarten
  25. I apologize for the quality. Unlike my other pieces whereas I wore studio grade headphones (which died on me after six years) I am now limited to ear buds, so mixing was an issue for me. There's so many sound flaws here I'm embarrassed to even upload this. You can barely hear the choir, the flute fades in and out, the clarinet can't be heard, and you can't even hear the viola or cello...ugh.
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